The mission is winding down, so I'd like to introduce what we will be doing for the next OOC week. Instead of a mission, we are going to be doing paired JP's. Remember how I made a Kaiyo schedule? Well this is the part of RP where that is utilized. Depending on what I chose for you and your buddy to do, it will either take place during cleaning
or inspection and maintenance time on
this handy dandy page.
As some of you have made plans to do paired JP's together, I have switched up the pairings. At first it was a blatant "Ame's shipping the crew" but now it's more of a "Eden has chosen who needs to do what with who" pairing. I either went with similar occupations or roommate situations.
Fixing parts of the sensor dome on deck 6:
Carter, Anastasia
@forumlurker @Pancakei
Cleaning the med bay:
Kimi, Endo
@Ruby @Pancakei
Clerical work and stacking boxes:
Mitsuko, Misaki
@Reynolds @HAMnJAM
Cleaning wardroom top to bottom:
Yoshida, Orion
@Speeder01 @Squidrobot
Preparing lunch for everyone (Filling in for cooks):
Mat, Mochi
@Alex Hart @Ethereal
Cleaning PA:
William, Aiko
@Gunhand4171 @raz
Cleaning down the bridge:
Arbitrated, Meissa
@Arbitrated @META_mahn
Cleaning Rec Room:
Amanozako, Eden
I will be holding a lunch JP next Saturday and Sunday so that we can all have lunch on the same IC day, so don't write your characters having lunch afterwards. We'll save that for the JP with all of us involved.
Title it something like this:
Post-Mission Three: Your Title Here
At the head of the thread put this title in bold and italics:
YSS Kaiyō
(Instert location on ship)
9日 2月 YE 39
???? Hours
It will be 0830 Hours if you are doing this during cleaning time and 1000 Hours if you're doing it during inspection and maintenance. Use your best judgement on which one your task falls under.
Sorry for the big long post full of rules and guidelines. If you mess something up, at all, I won't mind.
If someone is unable to JP, I can fill in for that person with any of my NPC's.
Now that's out of the way, I think this will be really fun! Next mission will start next Monday and until then, have fun JPing!