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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

o .o
o. o

Ameme, just open the doors I guess. Maybe if we get enough players we can get a bigger ship/more ships! XD

Or something IDK. Seriously xD
We're moving room placement around a lot right now to accommodate the nest pits we just got, but Mitsuko will always get her own room on the Kaiyo (If I can help it).
If you missed it on discord, Reynolds will not be playing Mitsuko (and neither will I) as he has left the site. I'll keep Mitsuko on the ship as a background element (why are those boxes stacked so neatly?! Who alphabetized every list on board?!) but not have her get any screen time. Reynolds will be sorely missed.
I don't think you can exccccept maybe discord? And even then I am unsure... They seemed just generally not wanting to do SARP anymore.
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