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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

Well if I end up retiring Arbles for whatever reason my next character's goanna be a techie with Ana!
Unless we have enough of them, then I'll probably make a medic-infantry.
Basically, if you haven't been posting reliably, there will be less and less for you to do with my GM posts. If you're feeling left out, post frequently and I will put more in my GM posts for you.

Currently engineering, the bridge, and power armor bay are getting attention. If you're wondering the halls I'm not able to give you much to do.

New post!
OOOOOoooooooOOOOOh I have never wanted to go to an irl baby shower but a SARP one could be fun!
Birb twins, eh?

Arbitrated is going to get an inexplicable red trenchcoat at her baby shower.

I'd honestly prefer the mask to somewhat work with Mochi's plague doctor one, but trenchcoats are too good to pass up. Even if they're bigger than I am.
Hmm I might have to create a new char to replace Mochi if and when him and Arbles are transferred (probably to a future #MEGA plot)
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