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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

Two threads for this mission.

If you are not on the SOFT team, reply here.

If you are on the SOFT team, reply here.
Not really, I think? Yoshida was originally looking for volunteers to head with a certain individual but one thign led to another and now the whole short bus worth of infantry are being told they should go into the station, from the top.
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I just wanted to make it official that at Ame's request I will be joining the Kaiyo's crew as your new logistics gal. Feel free to drag her out of the cargo bay for crazy adventures.


Kaede hasn't been used since the Sakishima, but she is a great understudy for Mitsuko-heisho. Also, since she is a fabrication expert, if any character needs specialized or highly custom equipment, she can literally make anything to order with enough time and nanomaterials on hand.
Luckily we tend to have a few weeks between missions! : P Plenty of time to make things in little JPs and the like!

Welcome aboard, anyways! Remember, Eden loves knowing where the Aardvark is!

(Also, woo~ another smol character! We need more of them! :3)
Thanks guys, just need to edit my old bio page to bring it current for the new posting and should be good to go.

If you want, I can have Kaede already be in the cargo bay as things are jostled around there, or perhaps visit the medical bay. She would most likely be on an alert status for materials needed for repairs of battle damage, equipment reloads/swaps, medical response, etc...
I hope that post is enough guys!

Please don't worry about whether or not your character gets mentioned! If you're confused because of it, message me.
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