Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

I can confirm the crew got transported off of the ship, but I cannot on their condition right now. I think a PC wants to rescue??? We shall see!

I also posted this in discord but it is important for those here now:

Miko said: "Thanks though Ame for letting me pull a capt picard and take full control of the ship"

@Miko yw but this is something I want to do a lot more in general. I want to be able to give the player characters of the ship more screen time as smaller groups or even individuals. A lot of the time on Star Trek eps only Geordi or only Wesley and Data and that girl, or only Picard, or etc... Only a few or only a couple characters are all of a sudden faced with daunting tasks that are not about team tactics like we have done a lot of. That is what I would like to aim for and hit with some if not all of the PCs we have rn. I am thinking a lot about that during this break as well as other parts of the plot that I want to highlight. As far as giving specific characters those moments I think that may mean limiting the acceptance of new players, though, so it will come with a cost I think but. It will be cool to do during our war campaign so. Just that.


I had someone just DMing me about making their character all that they can be in this mission and within our future mission plans and that is what I am talking about up there and what I want for them too. I want to extend that I am planning in this way to you guys not just so that you can be hopeful for big cool moments but so you know why I close it to new players temporarily or why make other changes in the future.

Another idea is I want to let our higher ranking characters captain ships or small teams ICly. OOCly that type of thing would mean someone that is a heisho or officer lead or co-lead a JP or mission thread. We will be working out of a forward base in the future ICly and have a lot more options because of that.

What do you guys think about these ideas? Any of your own?

Also @Blizzard announced he will be leaving the plot right now to focus on school and life and he is always welcome back. Gravity is going to be teaching at that forward base since it will have training facilities, so I suspect social JPs/RP with Blizz and Grav etc could happen. Also take advantage of the forward base if you need a break like Blizzard. No shame in asking me to do that since some people are going through college last stretch or life rn.

that is a lot to read, sorry guys.
I know I said I would post but I want to give those few people that have talked with me about their posts some time to get them in :]
Checking in to tell my players I am still here :]

For a decade before Star Army, I did not write with others but wrote a lot for myself. I always have had a nice habit of only writing when I want to or have too many words that need to be on paper, which is less about wanting to and more about wanting to not worry about losing the word order. That means I close to never get writer's block because I only write when the passion is there. That means with you guys sometimes I just won't force the GM posts to avoid worse consequences than three weeks without a GM post. Sometimes I have forced it and everything sucks for me and I close the mission poorly, so... I am not going to force it with you guys.

I hope you guys are staying safe and having fun and I am, so don't worry about me there. I want to let you know Kaiyō is my fav, it's still running, I just need more time to have a fire lit under me again for writing this narrative.
Posted in the thirteenth hour:

I'll try to start up my trusty weekend posting routine this coming weekend. This gives everybody a week to get in posts before me :]

I'm not going to wait for anyone going forward, it only serves my laziness to push my own GM posts back. This is more of a promise and a reminder to myself than anything
I agree. If you wait, you can only go as fast as the slowest poster...and that could be forever. That's why we require plot pacing guidelines on the plot pages! If you and your players decided on a pace everyone should stick to that. At some point a train has to leave the station even if someone hasn't boarded yet or no one gets anywhere. If it stops too long you risk a chain reaction where, because one person didn't post, you don't post, so your other players don't post, and then everyone kind of loses momentum and interest and instead of posting because you're excited to see where the story goes, you end up posting because it's a chore. Don't let that happen! Keep the energy up.

As GM, your posts provide the heartbeat for your plot and, like real hearts, it works best when it pumps consistently in a rhythm.
I absolutely do not want to tell what inspired that guy's bad breath but also it's so disgusting I want to tell, you know?

And Rei is describing the feeling of like, your whole body's tiny hairs just up and start moving this fog around like it's THEIR JOB:
Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 12.25.02 AM.webp
I know I only posted on Monday, but I am trying to post on the weekends. I would like some player posts, please, or I can't post.

Thank you @SpaceEye you're exempt and when you get an award for MVP I will point to how I haven't had to wait for you since mission 17.
I was thinking hard today about how I like the atmosphere of Kaiyo OOC and so, wanted to post. I wrote an outline for this one, so yeah... it's long. Sorry but!! I want to see posts from you guys. Check OOC notes of the post to get my drift.
@Noodlewerfer @SirSkully and @raz all need to post today.

I don’t like DMing some of you every round of posting. It seems like some past great friends just have me hounding them for posts in their DMs rather than any friendship there. That feels bad and it isn’t a good payoff to me. It makes player posting feel like a chore and it makes GM posting feel the same. People that add to this cycle are not going to stick around. I have stayed my hand a long time but I am over having to wait and hounding people when it’s not fun.

Thanks to those that did post, but in a group your fastest members aren’t the pacers- those lagging behind pace it.
New rule is tell me when you have posted.

I hear that a lot and it gets my hopes up. When someone tells me they’ll post I wait for that post, even if it takes days longer than it should.
Well I plan on posting today if there aren’t any ridiculous distractions that pop up outta nowhere :)
I meant this: don't tell me before you post, tell me after! Send me a balls to the walls excited "I POSTED AND IT WAS FUN!!!!!" DM or whatever after a post!

Being told by people they'll post feels like I'm a manager and you guys are turning in reports... I've never managed anything guys; I am not a born leader. I just want to write and know that the people I write with love what they get to write and that we keep having fun and loving our hobby. This isn't a job and when you guys act like it or I act like it, it's not what Kaiyooo is best.
I did not include the trial pools/ cave troll fight location yet. I wanted to get out what I have since I have been working on it for a few days. But! post

Edit: It did come to my consideration that I didn't post for surveillance team... I got a little confused while reading player posts for surveillance so assume that those team members (Team Bhorvoom, Team Surveillance) had an easy enough time doing whatever they do this GM post.
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While I wait for posts and wait for the inspiration for the cave troll location to kick me in the face (usually how the good words and scenes feel before I write them) I am brainstorming and I hope everyone is having fun in the sun out there :hoshisunglassesemoji: summer hit us hard recently! ^^