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RP: YSS Mikomi [YSS Mikomi] Arrival/Settling Down

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Inactive Member
Kestral had his bag over his shoulder. He stepped through the Mikomi's doors. Knelt down and kissed the floor. He was very happy to be commanding a ship, he loved it. "Hello?" Kestral called out. Nobody replied. "Hello? Anybody there?" Kestral called out again. Kestral looked left and right. "Which way to go?" Kestral though to himself. Kestral choose to go right and walked down the corridor. He passed a door on his left, there where a few desk and chairs in there. "I suppose that is the conference room." Kestral thought. He carries on walking. To his right there was the toilet and then a few paces down was corridor on his left was the simulation room. It wasn't big, but big enough.

In front of Kestral was a larger door. He walked towards it and opened it. It was the bridge. He walked in and examined the room. It was quiet big, on two levels. There where a few steps that went down to the pilot's position and Kestral was standing on the upper level of the room. "Hello there." Said a voice behind Kestral. He quickly spun round; there was nobody there. Instantly Kestral realised what was going on. "Hey AI. How are things?" Kestral asked. "They are ok." The AI replied. "All of the blood has been cleaned away and the whole ship is ready for you." Kestral frowned. "Blood?" Kestral asked. "Well yes sir. This ship has been in a battle already against the SMX, a lot of the crew died and we only just managed to get back to port. There where only four survivors out of an original crew of twenty." Kestral's heart sunk. He hadn't seen told about this. "I don't think I'll tell the crew about that, I don't want their moral going down before we have even started." Kestral called out to the AI. "Of course sir, as you wish."

"So what's your name AI?" Kestral asked. He liked to be on first name turms and didn't like being to formal. "Do you have a body?" The AI suddenly appeared in front of Kestral. She was about 5'9" with long brown hair, she was beautiful, but Kestral though that no AI would make themselves look ugly. "I don't have a name. The commander before you was very formal and didn't call anybody by their first name." Kestral looked at her. "Well why don't we call you....Suzi? Is that ok?" Kestral asked. "Yes sir, that is great." The AI replied. "So is anybody else here?" Kestral asked. "No sir."

"Ok, thanks. You can get back to what you where doing, I'm going to look around." The AI disappeared with a "Thank you sir." Kestral liked her already. He turned round and walked towards another door that was on the other side of the ship. He opened it and found himself in another corridor. As he walked down he began to think about all the people who had died in here. "My crew won't die." Kestral swore to himself. He turned in to another room, it was the sleeping area. He walked in, there where about ten beds in here, there was a door in the corner and he could see that there was another room full of beds. He put his bag down on the bed, he knew that there was probably a separate room for him, but he didn't like staying in a room on his own as he thought this way would bring him and the troops together.

He sat down and a began to un-pack. He looked over his weapons that where in his holsters. He was un-packed after about five minutes. He didn't have much. What was he to do now? He should carry on looking around, but he wanted to wait for more of the crew to arrive.
Good times lie ahead!

This thought repeated in Tom's head as he boarded the YSS Mikomi. He had just barely been on the Destiny before he received instructions to arrive to this ship. In the span of one day, precisely.

"I must be pretty important to get this much attention," Tom beamed to himself. "This mission is going to be a total blast."

The only downer to the entire experience was the temporary debt he had put himself in. It'd be a bitch paying back the funds he blew giving his room on the Destiny "character." Character in the form of various quantities of alcohol conveniently stuffed in his duffle bag, that is.

Tom'd be damned if he wasn't going to have a good time on this ship.

The bottles clacked together as Mr. Freeman walked through the ship's hall. The Mikomi was tiny, microscopic in comparison to the Destiny, but Tom could feel something special about this ship.

It had spunk. It had character. And Tom was its engineer.

He couldn't wait to scope this baby out and see what made it tick inside. How different could a starship be from an automobile? All you have to do is make sure all the parts function. Then you sit back and watch the whole thing purr.

Nevermind that, though. Where the hell were the crew quarters? Oh. Wow. That's pretty damn small. But who cares? We're all going to be like one big happy family.

Oh man... What about the rest of the crew? I sure hope they're cool. Seems like we're going to be on this tiny boat together. Oh man, I hope I don't get stuck with a bunch of tightwads. That'd TOTALLY suck.

Well, better to find that out sooner than later.

After placing his dufflebag down on his bed, Tom walked the rest of the ship in an effort to get a feel for the ship and meet the other occupants.
"Hello their Tom Freeman. I am the AI. Otherwise know as Suzi." She appeared behind the man. "Welcome to the YSS Mikomi. There is only one other crewmember on board and that is the commander. He is awaiting you in the recreation room."

Kestral had left a message with the AI to tell all the crew, when they arrived, to come to the recreation room, he was now there waiting patiently for the others to come. He wasn't to sure what to say, but he had a rough idea. They hadn't received their orders yet, but that was because he had been told to get settled in with the others and the ship.

Kestral sat there and began to drift away.
The Geshrin had hopped a step forward in surprise at the sudden voice coming from behind him. He spun around quickly with a big grin.

"Heeeey! Nice to meet you Suzi!" Tom replied to the AI. "Thanks for the info. I'll be heading down to the conference room in a second."

He had heard about these computer intelligences before, but had never actually spoke to one in person. Odd that the first "real" person he'd encountered was not a person at all.

Tom neatly arranged his belongings and the liquor bottles in his small living space.

"Anyway, how're you doing? How's life? Have a lot of adventures in space?" He asked the AI as he stepped out into the hallway.

Sure, he felt a little nervous. He was a lowly Santo Hei, a new recruit about to meet a person of worldly and battle-hardened calibre. From what he heard in training, most captains were pretty harsh.

"Man, I sure hope this guy is friendly..." Tom mumbled to himself. "But I'm a long way from Ralt."

Oh well. Que sera sera. The Geshrin adjusted his military suit and ran a comb through his spiky yellow hair. Better look good for the captain.

Maybe if he made a strong first impression, he'd be able to cut loose once in a while.
Suzi stood there, looking at the man who jumped backwards, she hadn't meant to scare him. "I am fine thank you. How are you? Life is fine. I have had a few adventures in space, the last being the most exiting...at time, you see the crew of two..." The AI stopped suddenly, she realised what Kestral had said, and didn't want to disobey. "This should be quite an adventure." The AI finished off. "I wouldn't worry about the captain, he is very nice, I spoke with him earlier. He is looking forward to meeting you all. I think you should go and meet him now, he has been waiting for a little while now." The AI disappeared with her last words.

Kestral was still sitting there. The AI suddenly appeared, Kestral jumped and pulled out his gun, "Shit Suzi, I'm sorry I was away with the fairies. How you doing?" Kestral placed his gun back in his holster. "Santo Hei Tom Freeman has arrived, I have told him you are hear, and he has said he is on his way." Kestral looked up glad there was another person on the ship, other than the AI. "Thanks Suzi." Once again the AI disappeared, Kestral stood up, he thought that first impressions always counted and didn't want to look scrappy sitting down, he straightened his suit out and began a slow walk up and down the room.
Standing at the door.

A couple breaths. Ok. Let's do this.

Tom Freeman opened the doors to the conference room and stepped in.

Wait a second... what do I say? Oh God, he's pacing around, he must be in thought. Does he want me to say something? Should I wait for him to talk? Does he even see me?

The thoughts raced through Tom's mind between the first step and second into the room.

Aren't I supposed to wait until spoken to? But if I don't speak, he might think I'm unmotivated. Maybe he's testing me. Maybe I've failed????

"Howdy captain!"

Oh shit. Did I just say that? Don't worry, hold the smile. Pretend you're being friendly. Put down your damn hand. This isn't your girlfiend you're waving at!

I better just shut my damn mouth. And stand at attention.
Setting down her baggage to pick an imagined bit of dirt off her uniform, Commander Lori Narui stepped onboard the ship she was assigned to and frowned just a bit deeper.

"Excuse me, ma'am," The AI said, as it manifested in the corner of Lori's vision. "But you are?"

Glaring at the projection, Lori replied icily. "Chui Lori Narui. I've been assigned to this vessel as its executive officer. You are the ship's artificial intelligence avatar, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am. That I am. The Captain has most recently named me Suzi." The AI answered with a polite smile.

"A simple 'yes ma'am' or 'no ma'am' will suffice unless I request further expansion," The stone-faced Geshrin woman replied. "Where is the Captain currently located?"

"The Captain is currently located in the ship's conference hall, ma'am." Came the hasty reply.

Making a noise roughly akin to a grunt of assent, Lori took up her baggage. "Inform the Captain that I will present myself momentarily."

Without waiting for the AI's response, Lori stalked off to one of the crew staterooms to stake out her own private space within this too-small starship.

She wasn't gone long. Unpacking what few belongings she owned was a matter of muscle memory to her by now. Thus, in short order, she was standing by outside the conference room waiting to meet the ship's captain.
Ghi sprang out of the shuttle happily, it had been a longish trip, and a rather dull one. Now she wanted to explore! She looked around for anyone to welcome her. How rude, there was no one. She sighed and picked a random direction to explore, carrying her lugage in the form of a reasonably large suit case and dragging it behind her easily as she ran down the corridor, her tail trailing behind her.

"Heloooo?" She called, "Anybody aboard?" She was excited about her first asignment, a little too excited perhaps, and couldn't wait to get started, maybe operating on someone. She did so love surgery, cutting into someone and feeling their insides. So ... intense, so real, as if she was really doing something that mattered, and where a single slip of the scalpel and oops! Your apendix apears to have been removed. Sorry.

"AIiaiai?" She called, "Megami-san? Where are youuu?"
Saeki stepped down from the shuttle gracefully, clutching a duffle-bag filled with her only belongings. 15 Grapefruits, 25 bars of soap, changes of clothes, and a small locked diary.

She moved with purpose, her slender little form clad in a brand new red enlisted uniform, her blue hair combed straight and falling to her shoulders. One thing about Saeki was she was always impeccably clean and groomed. Almost to the point of being certified obsessive-compulsive.

"I wonder if anyone will be here to guide me to my quarters...I've never been on a ship like this before...I'm lost!" She thought, looking around for any kind of directions she could take.
Lori's left eyebrow twitched ever so slightly as she heard the voices of the new arrivals. This is why she hated small starships; she inevitably ended up having to deal with people.

"AI." She said.

As the avatar manifested in her presence, Lori spoke without so much as turning to look at it. "See to tending to those new arrivals. Make sure they get their gear stowed and find their way to this conference room to meet up with the captain."

Balling her hands into fists as the AI left to complete its task, Lori took in a few slow breaths to calm herself before heading into the room and saluting the captain.

"Chui Lori Narui, reporting for duty, sir."
Saeki dropped her bag and sat down against a wall, relaxing for the first time since she had shipped out. The whole processing and shuttle ride had been hell on her nerves. She needed a grapefruit...

But no! She had to make ther 15 yummy fruits in her bag last. Now was not the time to be splurging.
Kestral turned round to see a man standing at the door. "Ah, come in. I'm Chui Kestral Bowman, who might you be? Stand at ease, don't get all proper on me just yet." Kestral laughed. This must be the man Suzi had told him about, it was an odd greeting, but Kestral liked people to be happy, and that was definitely a happy greeting.

Suzi appeared in front of the woman who was screaming her head of. "Hello there. I'm the AI, other wise know as Suzi. How can I be of assistance? Oh yes, the commanding officer is waiting for you in the recreation room." The AI had been going from one place to another, she didn't really like arrivals, people always came at the same time, and she had to explain the same thing over and over again.

Kestral was still looking at the man when a woman came in. She looked very stern and rigid. "Hi, Chui Kestral Bowman." Kestral suddenly realised this was his second in command, better get of to a good start. "How are you? Don't worry about formality, relax, we are just meeting each other." Kestral replied. "Was that a good opening?" Kestral though.

Suzi appeared beside this other woman. Now there where five people aboard. "I'm the AI. How can I help you?" Suzi was starting to wish that this was the last crew member, they all seemed nice, apart from one woman, who seemed very up tight, but she was getting tired of using the same greeting.
"Thank you Megami-san! Can I go to my quarters first to drop off my suit case?" As Ghi came to a stop her tail wrapped around her legs, her eyes open and enthusiastic. What a nice looking Megami they had here, if only she was organic there was all sorts of little tweaks she'd like to do, a nip here, a tuck there, whiskers. "So Megami-san, tell me a little about yourself, about are glorious captain. Who else has arrive? What's your opinion of them?" Ghi was loving this.
Saeki looked up at the AI and blinked once or twice, then smiled.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, I'm Saeki. Uhm...I'm new here...could you please show me to where I need to be? Like, my quarters...or wherever I report for duty? They didn't tell me much when I was processed..."

She stood slowly and hefted up bag onto her shoulder, her other hand smoothing out her uniform a bit to make sure she looked real prim and proper for the captain.
"Yes of course. Follow me." Suzi began to walk down the hall. "I am the AI, I have been on this ship for a number of years. There isn't much I can tell you that you would be interested in. Our captain is nice, I have only spoken to him brefly but seemed kind. He was the one who named me Suzi, I am starting to like it, although my actual name is Megami Mikomi. There are four others, including the captain. They seem nice. I am abliged to tell you that and only that. Sorry." Suzi didn't want to make enemies, especially with the second in command, "I'm sure she is nice, once you get to know her." Suzi thought.
Whew. That's good. The captain's a relaxed kind of guy. Tom slid out of his attention stance and rested at ease.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Boman. I'm Tom Freeman, technical sentry and engineer. I look forward to working with you. "

The Geshrin's grin widened.

"Looks like we're all going to be like family."
"You know that's really weird, since this is a Yui class, and they where first made in YE 27, it being YE 28 now. Your definition of number of years and mine must be very different." Ghi said happily, "Oh Megami-san, I'm happy you like your name, but really do you only say what your obliged to? How droll." Ghi began whistling happily.
"Hello Saeki. I'm Suzi. It's nice to meet you. I can show you your room first, then you can meet the commander in the recreation room, he awaiting all the crew there. Follow me please." Suzi walked down the corridor, and on turned into the room on her right. "This is it." I'll wait for you here.

"Hello there Tom. You can call me by my first name, unless there he someone more senior around. Yes, I hope we all become the best of friends here. I have heard little about you, could you give me a quick story of your life please and describe yourself briefly." Kestral was to sure what he was doing, he though that this was a good way to get to know people, and decided on the spot that when everyone arrived he would do this in front of them.

"It's seemed many years, but yes you are right, it has only been a year." Suzi chuckled to herself, and felt stupid for getting it wrong. "I would say more, but I don't want to make enemy's, and you can judge for yourself when you get to the recreation room." Suzi walked down the corridor and entered the room on her left, "This is your room, as you can see other people have put their bags down already. When you have dropped of your stuff we can go." The AI stood there and looked at the woman.
Ghi leapt into the recreation room, "Hi everybody! Taisa-san."

Kestral looked up. Another person is here. Great. "Hey. I'm Chui Kestral Bowman. Who might you be? Welcome." Kestral was starting to feel good, everyone was now arriving and they all seemed happy.

Saeki tossed her bag onto her punk and glanced about the quarters, humming softly. "So these are my quarters, huh?" she asked the AI.

"I am Ghi To, Soldier First Class, the medic." She said bubbly, her tail lashing out wildly. It wasn't cat like, but she liked it.

"Yes, this is where everybody will be sleeping. It is nice. Shall we head towards the recreation room?" Suzi asked.

"Oh, uh, sure. Lead the way!" She turned and smiled, cracking her knuckles idly.

"Nice to meet you Ghi. "Kestral replied. "Do you want to take a seat and when a few more people come we can get started. Talk to people, meet and introduce yourself."

Hottie. Stage left. Tom looked at the giddy newcomer and almost forgot that the captain was speaking to him. Mental note: make sure to reserve lots of time for the sick bay. "Well, Kestral, I'm from Ralt down on Yamatai, grew up there. Spent my youth as a mechanic and..." he spoke as he bent his body over and stood on one hand. He loved this part. "...member of the Ralt Ice Theatre Troupe. Left Ralt a little later, wandered around, then joined the Star Army for some adventure." Tom finished, returning to his standing position.

Suzi turned on her heels. She stepped out of the door way and looked over her shoulder to make sure she was following. "This way." Suzi said merely. She walked down the corridor, it took second to get there. "That's it. Go in." Suzi vanished, with the last word.

"Why thank you Taisa-san." Ghi took a seat, careful not to sit on her tail, and look around her, "Well I'm Ghi, I'm Geshrin, as hard as that can be to believe."

She peeked into the room, glancing about before finally taking a full step in, grinning big. "Hello everyone!" She called out, it was like a ray of sunshine had just entered the rec room
Hello!" Gai responded with the same sort of enthusiasm.

"Ok Tom thanks. You can sit down now." Kestral turned round to see another person come in. "Hi. Can you take a seat please." Kestral responded to her entrance welcome.

"Alright, thanks!" She strolled over to her seat and sat down, crossing her legs and folding her arms.

"Sure thing!" Tom made an effort to sit next to the nice ladies. Best. Mission. Ever.

Gai sat beaming, thinking about how she'd love some milk around about now, "So is everyone looking forward to this big adventure?" She said enthusiastically.

"Right, well. Most people are here now. I want to say a few words. Then I will past it over to you. I know I'm looking forward to this mission, I hope you all are. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all. I can tell you all have great personalities and can't wait to find out more about you. As of yet I haven't got our orders, they will be coming shortly. We are still waiting for a few people, though they will be here soon. I am Kestral Bowman, your commanding officer. There are a few rules I would like to tell you. Firstly, I want you all to be friendly and helpful to each other, no fighting on my ship, unless it's against the SMX." Kestral laughed, hoping the rest of them would as well." That's about all of the rules for now, you will pick others up as we go along. I want you all to introduce yourself quick just saying a few words." Kestral pointed towards Tom. "You can go first." Kestral walked over to a spare seat and sat down.

"My name's Tom Freeman, and I'm a young Geshrin looking for new experiences in life," he said. "My favourite things in the world are dancing, music, acting, partying and having a good time with friends."
The Geshrin reclined in his seat, patting his hand on the table.
"I speak my mind, so I hope I don't offend you all accidentally. Back in Ralt, we all needed to be pretty up front with each other, for both practical and cultural reasons. That being said, I have plenty of liquor down in my room if anyone would like to join me for a drink in the future."
Saeki rose from her seat, just guessing she was next. She smoothed out her uniform once more and cleared her throat.

"I'm Saeki Aya, I'm an NH-17 Neovalkyrja...uhm, I'm a technical sentry...and I suppose my aspiration is to fufill my duties to the best of my abilities. I like...music...grapefruit...sex...reading...and making friends. Do you all like grapefruit? I do. Hats too. Grapefruit and hats."

Saeki smiled and sat back down, folding her hands in her lap, her eye twitching just a tiny bit.
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