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RP: YSS Mikomi [YSS Mikomi] Arrival/Settling Down

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The music was fine, but being alone sucked. Tom hated it. Only one way to fix that...

I wonder what that nice Geshrin/cat person is up to? She looks like a free spirit... and that's kinda hot. Ghi, right? She's the ship's medic?

Now was a great time to get acquainted with her. Who knew what'd happen after the mission started.

Tom headed over to the medical bay, entering the room with a polite "Hello."

"Hello." Ghi responded, still lying on the table, staring at the ceiling, not moving apart from her mouth. "How can I help you?"

"Well, since we're not in mission mode, I felt it'd be a great time to get to know the crew," Tom replied, walking towards the table. "Um... are you ok?"

She was quite a long shot from the energetic person he first encountered.

"I'm fine. Just a little drained." Ghi sat up, "You're Tom right?" Her eyes had little emotion in them, but more than there had been earlier.

"Yeah, Tom Freeman. Pleased to meet you, Ghi, right?" Tom turned upon reaching the table and rested his hip against it, looking back into the hall. He crossed his arms with a small sigh.

"I hear ya. We're about to embark on some big mission, it's got to be tiring. Are you homesick?"

"Yes, Ghi. Not at all homesick actually. I'm not missing anything, I made my farewells with everyone I know, or at least know well. Nothing to miss. I'm not really tired either." Calm, of course, but her energy levels where no different.

"Ah..." Something was probably weighing on her emotions, better to approach the situation to tactfully. He cast a glance at his prone companion, absorbing her appearance.

"Nice look. I take it you're a cat lover?"

"Above all else. Cat's are a true mark of natures perfection, evolutional perfection. Perfection in general. So much better than Dogs. Stupid dogs. And so it was natural that I made my body more like there's." She shrugged.

"If I may ask without sounding intrusive," Tom replied "Why? You must get some weird looks from people. Must be tough sometimes."

"I don't care what they think. I want to be how I feel inside." Her passion was beginning to creep through.

Tom nodded, smiling. "I respect and appreciate those who choose to pursue their own dreams regardless of what people think. It's a sign of independence and strength, if not nobility. Just like a cat." He winked.

"This is true, like a cat. You must be more like a cat. Be the hunter." The voice in her head whispered. "Yes, I think so to." Her hand began to twitch almost unnoticeably, the drug wasn't working as well as it should do. She should take it more often.

"Of course, cats are quite interesting creatures. So many personalities, almost as many as humans. Some are solitary, some like company, some run around the house at odd hours in the morning, others are content to spend the day sitting in your lap. One thing that ties them all together is a sort of quiet dignity, at least that's what I've noticed."

"It is good that there is another car lover on board." Ghi said quietly, his words spoke to her, "They are the greatest creatures, better than humans." She almost whispered.

"Huh? What'd you say?"

"Nothing." She paused, "Do you have any medical condition I should know about? Medication? Allergies? Unhealthy habits?" She said calmly.

The Geshrin let out a soft laugh, sliding down the table until he caught himself against it with his elbows. "None, unless you call running away from home to live your dream an unhealthy habit. Other than that, I have an unusual love for performance and dance that can only be cured with more dance." He looked her way with a grin.

Ghi noted a possible obsession with dancing, and more importantly a nature which seemed to indicate the avoidance of responsibility. It probably wasn't important though. "So you're quite a good dancer I presume?"

"Oh yes. I've spent all my life doing it. It's my main hobby," Tom replied excitedly, hoping that perhaps the lady shared something in common "I am familiar with several kinds, even exotic dances. There's something beautiful about the body and its movements. It's a common link between us all that breaks through all language barriers."

"I personally don't dance. I'm a gymnast. Never been interested in dancing, it's conformal I suppose. Not individual. Being individual is important." She laughed, "And I'm definitely individual."

Doh... Tom slightly deflated at the response. "Gymnastics and dance go well together. If you don't enjoy the cultural aspects of it, I can guarantee that there's no better way of developing excellent cardiovascular endurance and flexibility." He turned to her, resting on his knees so that his head was on the table. "I wouldn't say dancing is conformal. Maybe in the sense of general waltzes and stuff, but how many people do you know know how to Tango or bellydance?"

"Yes. I know several strippers. They're very good at bellydancing." Ghi responded calmly.

"Well, at least give it a chance. I think you'll be surprised." New game plan time, Tom thought.

"Besides, a cat must be graceful in all her movements, correct? There's only so much that gymnastics can teach... coordination, body control, etcetera. The fluid movements of ballet or modern dance, for example, could teach so much about looking GOOD while you move. It could make the cat stand out as the majestic animal she is."

"But that cat doesn't care how it looks, it looks good anyway. It is its not caring what others think, only what it thinks, that in fact causes it to look so majestic. Fluid movements I have, a combination between me gymnastics and martial arts." She smiled, she was enjoying this, and the voice had gone for some reason.

"Ah, but then why does the cat spend so long cleaning itself? And why does she go through that trouble if she eventually ends up coughing up a hairball? It has to be more than simple hygiene." He smiled wryly in response.

"To make itself feel better about itself obviously. Do you feel better after a shower? More content in your skin?" Ironic, since she was never happy within her skin.

"Yes, but then why not have the cat just take a shower? Surely there's a better way of cleanliness than licking yourself."

Ghi stared at him. Had he actually just suggested putting a cat in a shower? If she hadn't been under the influence of Calm she'd have attacked him. "Are you saying you'd put a cat in a shower?" She said quietly and controlled, although the tension could be heard in her voice.

"Oh no no no... you're likely to get scratched to hell. I'm just curious why the cat takes such a painstakingly long way to clean itself when there are other alternatives. Could you perhaps answer that?"

"What other alternatives are there in the wild? Getting wet dampens your sense of smell, it clings in your fur, liking doesn't. Licking cleans you, and makes you feel as if you've accomplished something." She would lick-clean herself more, but she wasn't that flexible.

"Ahhhh! So getting wet to a cat is like, say, me wearing clothing in the rain. Makes perfect sense!"

"Everything about cats makes sense." She sniffed.

"Mind you, of course, that doesn't mean I'll start licking myself clean. I'll just take of my "fur" and hop into the shower."

"If you wish. I'm happy with my fur. So soft, so warm." She said happily, "Luckily I can recover from a shower with rigorous towling."

"Does it ever itch?"

"No. It's the best sensation ever." She ran her own hand over her bare arm.
"Just like the sensation I get when I've finished dancing. To each their own, I suppose, but I would absolutely love to teach you some dance if you were ever open to it."

"Sure. At some point." Gai was content currently, and was thinking about designing her own project.

Tom stood up again. "Sounds like a date." He chuckled.

"Sure. Just call on me some time. Knock though." She responded calmly.

"So, anything else on your mind? Anything you'd like to know about me? I've been rather probing in this conversation..."

"No, nothing. I'm designing something currently. All in me head." She tapped her skull.

"Awesome. Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you, Miss Ghi. If you want to talk or hang out, dance a bit or grab a drink--I've got PLENTY of those, feel free to stop by the bunks."

"Will do." Ghi lay back down on the table.

"And be sure to get some sleep! A table most certainly isn't the kind of place you want to be dozing off!" He said cheerfully as he stepped out. "Rock on!"

Ghi was quite happy on the table. And would stay there for a while, thinking.
Suzi didn't appear, she had done a lot today, and the day had only just started. "Hello Saeki, how can I help you?" Suzi remembered something and made a mental note to go and speak to the captain, but first Saeki had a question.
"Do you know when I'm scheduled for my first duty session? I was never given any kind of schedule or anything, if there is one."
"I havn't yet spoken to Lori about this, I will get back to you." Kestral walked down the corridor, he reached the bridge doors. As he walked in Suzi appeared in front of him. "Chui Kestral Bowman, we have recieved orders, and must set of straight away.." It took the AI another five minutes to finish of the orders. Kestral stood still and listened intenly. As the AI's speech came to and Kestral stood there in shock. He was surprised and scared at the same time. He was leading a fleet of 4,187 ships into a battle against the SMX. Kestral came to his senses and ran out of the door with a "Thanks Suzi." He reached the dorms, "Ok people strap up and get ready, we have a battle to win. We are leaving earlier than I originally said, and we are on our way to Tami. Suzi will tell you all." Kestral ran over to his bags, flung the Xaser rifle on to his back and strapped the Xaser pistol to his leg, and then walked over to Lori. Kestral's heart was pounding. "We are leaving in ten." Kestral turned and looked at Lori, "Ok Lori, it's your time to shine. Do the ship checks and get to the brigde, we need to leave as soon as. You ready?" Kestral asked.

Mean while the trops had crowded round Suzi and she began telling them the orders. She told them everything that she had told Kestral. Once again it took five minutes and then she was finished. "Want to ask anything?"
"I don't know much about Tami, what can you tell us about it? What are the ships in the fleet?"

The effects of the drug had mostly worn off and she was back to her lively self.
"Don't I know that noise..?" Eve thought absently, as she heard the soft hum of the pre-start procedure being executed. For a moment she did nothing, then, springing up and sitting on the edge of her bed closest to the desk, calling out, "Miss Suzi! What's going on? Is my suit on board? Are we scrambling?" finally done spitting out questions, she could only surmize what was about to occur as she grabbed her YSA ident and reholstered her sidearm.
Suzi finished of what she was saying to the crew and appeared next to Eve. "You missed what I was saying, we are leaving for Tami, we are fighting against the SMX, we are leaving now. Don't worry, before I got the orders I was on my way to tell you that your suit has arrived. Along with a few PHALANX's." Suzi questioned why the captain had wanted a few PHALANX's delivered but desided it was probably for a good reason. Suzi walked back in to the corridor. "To your posts please everyone." She called out.
Battle? Already? Wow... Tom switched out his player to some hard rock and amped it up while he got ready. It wasn't to be cool or anything, he just needed to get the emotional jitters out.

Tom quickly strapped the standard issue pistol to his holster. He also strapped his handaxe to the other side after safely wrapping the blade in leather. He'd never leave that memento behind.

"Ok Suzi. Show me where I'm stationed so I can keep this baby flying!"
"Your position is in the bridge, go and have a look. You will find your station in there. There you can look over the engine and the rest of the ship. Get to the bridge straight away, we are leaving very soon." Suzi replied and then moved off.
"Thanks Suzi!"

Tom cranked up the music super loud for a second, then shut it off. The excitement was building in the Geshrin. This was his first assignment, and they were already off to battle.

Tom jogged through the hall towards the bridge, exploding with energy.


He knew he shouldn't have yelled that, but goddamn. If everybody else's juices weren't pumping right now, they were probably either robots or dead inside.

Spotting his seat on the bridge made him even more enthusiastic. Tom quickly estimated the distance to his chair then did a quick handspring, plopping in it with a dramatic flair. He began to check the systems on the ship.

I should be a damn movie star.
Ghi returned where she presumed her station was: the medbay. She made a few calculations in her head. Using the CDD they would be there in less than an hour, if they used the HSFD they'd be there much sooner, she wasn't certain exactly how long. A matter of minutes seeing as the ship could managed 5 LY/minute.

She didn't waste her time at they bay,

"Megami-san, can you prepare the bay for casualties, maximum equitment. Is there a ST backup of everyone on board?"
"I'm always ready, Captain Bowman." Lori said with an air of detachment, briefing the Captain on the way to the bridge. "And the ship checks were completed after the meet-and-greet session, I took the liberty of running them. We're ready to leave."

Taking a quick glanceat the security station monitor, she watched the rest of the rag-tag crew scurry around in preparation to leave. At least the fleet they were leading would be substantial, she thought, but how many of those ships have captains mollified to be lead into battle by a scout ship?
"Ok, the bay is now prepared, all equipment ready. The ST backups are there as well. You know where they are placed." Suzi disappeared and then re-appeared next to Kestral.

"The PHALANX's have arrived along with the M3. Shall we be going soon, the SMX are on their way, and you need to captain the fleet." Kestral jumped as Suzi appeared. "Great, thanks for telling me. Yes we shall be heading of shortly, just checking everything is sorted." Kestral finished and walked down the corridor and ended up at the bridge. As he stepped in he noticed Tom was there. "You ready?" Kestral asked, he wasn't really looking for an answer, he walked on in to the bridge and stepped down on to the lower level. He sat down in his seat, he began to think about the SMX, this was going to be a big battle. Lot's of people where going to die. He turned on the loud speaker. "OK people. Posts please, we have a battle to win."
As Saeki heard the news she reacted in a surprisingly cold manner. All the emotion and color had drained from her face. Calmly she removed her service pistol from her bag and slipped it into her holster. Saeki took a step out of her room and strode confidently up to the bridge, sitting down smoothly into her seat without so much as a word to the rest of the crew.
Ghi nodded, pleased. This meant that even if they died, they would go on. Unless the ship was destroyed that is. Well it was the best she could do at the time.

She turned to a computer terminal and loaded a program from a personal storage device. A scroll of DNA appeared on the screen, and she looked over it. She had been working on this for months, redesigning her own genetics for who own tastes, to make it ... better. In her taste at least this was much better. She made a couple of last changes to the structure before calling on the AI.

"AI, can you check this for safety. Whether the resulting creature would be stable." This was merely a last routine check, she had checked it a hundred times.

Suzi appeared next to Ghi, she looked over the creature that Ghi had designed and decided that it was suitable. "This looks fine. It is ok to use." Suzi replied.

"Alright, can you synthesise if for me then. I'm preparing the most up to date ST material." Ghi programmed the devices to ST scan.

Suzi looked over what she wanted to do and then started to synthesise the body. Suzi took her time, this DNA was different and she didn't want to make a mistake, it took about ten minutes, a little bit longer than usual. Then it was ready "Ready for transfer of ST." Suzi replied.

Ghi had been checking through the medical records of the crew in the meantime, and went over to the pod that was holding her new body. She stared through the transparent screen covering the face, the face that she would have. It was so peaceful, the eyes closed, a delicate smile dancing on its lips. Its whiskers where noticeable, but the other differences would only be notable later, the ears where admittedly more feline.

"Alright Megami-san, commence Soul Transfer." She closed her eyes.

"Soul Transfer commencing." Suzi pressed two buttons and a machine began to hum.

Ghi felt something wash over her, and her eyes snapped open. She was inside the tube, her lungs bursting for oxygen. Outside she could see her body crumple and fall to the floor, and lie there motionlessly. It was a bizarre feeling. She raised her hand and planted against the pods casing, hoping the AI would drain the pod and let her out.

The AI flicked a switch and the water drained out. "All done, enjoy your new body." Suzi disappeared.

Ghi stumbeled out, and stretched. She felt ... great!
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