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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
The YSS Ryūjō, recently added to the 9th fleet, has a simple goal of searching out and recapturing any systems that had gone silent during the war, but these systems - taken either by the NMX or by others - are not what they seem. A mysterious, potentially dangerous, organization has risen during the crisis of war, entirely unhindered due to the constant fighting between Yamatai and the NMX, allowing it to spread and grow unimpeded. Now that organization has caught the eye of SAINT, and a specialized task force has been designed to investigate the organization, and determine how much of a threat it could pose - not just to Yamatai, but to the universe at large. In order to undertake this mission, the task force was designed to be small, with stealth infiltration being its standard, and the requirement of going out far beyond Yamatai's borders in order to find answers to questions - answers that the crew might not want to know.

The plot is a combination of ground, air, and space combat; with ship to ship boarding actions being a must. While the NMX might make an appearance, the plot's main focus is on the mysterious organization that has taken an interest in the Ryūjō due to it appearing in their territory and going after their assets - a situation that the Ryūjō and its crew will very quickly realize will require them to not only think outside of the box and outwit their opponents but also reinvent old tactics, potentially even design new equipment, to face an enemy that is seemingly a step ahead of them and vastly more powerful.

The plot is a focus on mystery, intrigue, stealth, exploration, and combat.


This is going to be a rather interesting plot, as least that's what I hope anyway; considering what I have planned, there is not going to be much of a chance for reinforcements or even having a big fleet to back the ship up; not to mention that it'll be heading beyond the southwest portion of the map!

Also, new enemy to fight :3 (which I don't plan on making it easy on anyone! Muahahahahaha! >:3 )
I think I am going to play a sneaky information warfare specialist who is also a medic, and a mini-Neko to boot. That should be devilishly fun. ;)
updated character sheet ... awaiting the next step ... to get started. Oh... in what capacity will Errowyn be aboard the Ryujo?
I suggest making a page for the ship, too.
Yeah. The Eucharis has a plot page with plot info, and a ship page with the info about the actual ship.
hmmm, considering that the Urufu we'll be using would be 'different' from the standard, that would be a good idea given its mission parameters and such. I shall begin work on one shortly, thank you Wes =)
Alrighty gents, later on today once I am done with my errands I'll be putting up the prologue for the plot! :)