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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Hmm that is tough as Noa isn't with us, maybe go down to the ships and see what all the fuss is.

It is your character so do whatever you want, as long as you don't Mary Sue or do something totally unreasonable then your free.
I know s/he's not going to be continuing, which was why I said he's going to miss her (or at least I am going to miss playing the straight guy in the comedy gag). :)
I'll be jumping in when I get home tonight. Gotta take time to figure out what in the world is going on so I don't mess something up.
Okay. I've posted for the grounders! Any that are wanting to return that were planet side, post there. If you were first wave, come upon it. If second wave, you were already there. I'm sure y'all can make it work. I will control the NPCs of the rescuers once y'all have posted! I will continue on the next part a week from now at the latest.
Bring our yer dead seriously wounded! ~clang~ Bring our yer...oh you get the point.

Just waiting on some boo boos now. Of course, I can always manufacture some. :D
Just an FYI for everyone, my online presence is about to decrease a fair amount...because I got a new job!!

I'll really only be available in the afternoon/evening period. I'm jumping into a factory job with both feet. They're playing catch up so they're working 12 hours shifts starting at 3AM during the week, as well as 8 hours on Saturday until they're back where the need to be. I should be able to keep up with posting, though.
Well I'm glad you didn't completely forget about us. :(

Alright, alright, seriously, it happens. You can make up for it by awarding the crew with cookies!! Oh wait...he's part of the crew. DRAT!