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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Just to give you a general idea of what it was that attacked Henry's fighter, and because I royally SUCK at describing some things. The drone has similiar stats and weaponry to the Oculur found in Mass Effect 2, its only real difference is its size (slightly longer) width (a bit wider) and height. Thus it is quick, deadly, and will someone' please' take it out before the Ryujo ends up with some new airlocks, albiet, unwanted airlocks that is :p
Correct, all of hte shuttles with our newbie players and such 'should' have taken off by now and would be outbound. Preferably, away from the fast approching object :p
Heading over to New Zealand for the next 2 months, internet access questionable, just autopilot my character until then. Nightowl signing off. Out. :)
Hey Gents, ya'll have undoubtably noticed that there hasn't been a Gm post from me or Aendri since last month. Its been almost two months now actually.

I'm not going to hide it, but I've found myself losing interest in this story for some reason, its not one I can easily explain only that I can't find the drive or the motivation to keep going. I'd rather not close this RP down, thus if there is anyone here whom would be interested in taking over the GMship of this plot I'd have no problems with it, otherwise I'd have to close it down. This would mean that everyone would need to find a new plot for their characters.

Let me know your guys opinions on this please :)
Not a problem Paladin.

Bloodyscarlet has volunteered to take over for me, I've given her temporary permission to use Takeyu up until the current chapter is over - then Takeyu shall be going into retirement.
Hey all, I hope I can do a good job as this will be the first time I GM so please forgive me if I am bad at first.

I will try and get a post for everyone either tonight or tomorrow for all of you, so you can continue on with the plot.
Whom ever takes over as GM, will have my same dedication as I give the other GM.

@Kyle :: Thanks for the warning and heads up. Appreciate the courtesy of keeping us informed of what is happening.
Do you guys want to transfer your Eucharis characters over to here? It would be okay with me.
@Wes :: even if it means having 2 characters aboard Eucharis? I will not give up my beloved '5' Kawarime. Oh wait ...I misunderstood... I'd still have two characters aboard a ship whether it's the Eucharis or the Ryujo.
Well...okay...I'm still a bit lost. Sebastian, with a few others, was in a shuttle with a secondary team going planetside. That was what Aendri was in control of. Not sure what is happening with all of that?