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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Was going to post retreating with Sigrid back to the shuttle as I believe a Neko with that damage while out of action would be stable. Assuming the shuttle will be a casualty collection point for a full medevac later once we have the fresh troops come in and can hand them off back to Ryujo if airspace is safe.
That would make sense, though you would obviously want to confirm that IC before doing it. Also, keep in mind, if we send a shuttle back as a medevac, it will probably be the newer one, since the one we came down in is stealthed, and we might need that later.
Right, so I informed Kyle a while ago, but strolling through the OOC section, I figured I should let you guys know what's going on. As Kyle mentioned, Mortem's up a creek with no paddle on his electronics issue. As for me, I've got a move to prepare for, so that takes precedence. Apologies for the long period of silence, fellas.
For all of our newbies who joined the Ryujo *after* Aendri had brought an away team to the planet, please have your characters board the same shuttle so you can join the fun on the planet! I will give ya a few days to do so then I'll be handing control of the shuttles to Aendri so he can have some more fodd- I mean players to have fun with :)
Just as an apology, since I might not have been entirely clear, I'm not moving the ground team anywhere until we get the next shuttle, so please, talk amongst the teams while we wait. Paladin, I'll get a post up with a response for you in the near future.
Welp, its been ten days; if our newbies haven't gotten their characters onto the next shuttle out by now then I'm afraid you'll be staying behind on the ship :(. The shuttle is now in @Aendri 's hands :)
o.O Nightowl makes it seem like a good thing i didnt get my character finished in time ;3 hurra, i dont get blown to bits in the first three posts!
Copy/pasta from lsdf val'ta thread:

Quick heads up: My laptop went arse end up and slagged itself. I popped it open and found that the Processor had literally gotten so hot it cooked off the thermal paste and burnt itself out. (See: Does anyone smell cooked plastic? No? Huh.. my laptop shut down..)
SO! I'm In the process of getting a new one. Wednesday/Thursday I should have a shiny new one.

Until then: My posts will be a bit short, I gotta use my tablet.
Well. Sorry about that delay, guys. Working retail as the only guy who can fill in every department sucks this time of year. Just got off of back to back to back 10 hours shifts, and Black Friday WASN'T the painful one. I'll try to get a post up and get the shuttle/groundteams running again soon.