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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Just a note, Paladin, but none of the armor systems we have include gravitic senseors. Be more likely that you would deduce gravitics were used by the fact her side looks like tuna cans, anyway. It's a pretty distinct look compared to normal battle damage.
I think after months of inactivity, the Ryujo might not have a fighter contingent left. You can't possibly ask players to wait for months doing nothing. They'll simply leave. When was the last time Mortem or Shadow posted?
Mortem if I recall is still having problems with his internet, as for Shadow, he hasn't posted in the Ryujo in over two months. Although I have just noticed that the GM post I made on the 27th is missing half of its contents, and that half included things for our fighter pilots to do, so I'll be reposting that shortly and informing our pilots about it.

Once again, I hate XenForo xD
Pretty sure it's not the forum software at fault here.

Nightowl is right, without regular and frequent GM posts, people will naturally lose interest in posting.
@Wes @Nightowl that's not really a fair assessment by either of you. Because they both disappeared when there was rather frequent post. We only got like even 1 post from them in the whole of the episode 1 thread. So while Ryujo has had it's moments, they disappeared separately from them.
Okay. Let's just concentrate on the folks who are here, and also on making sure all the new folks just joining the Ryujo get into the action fast.
I disagree Syao, the Ryujo and specific segments were happening, but the rest were stuck without a plot. They had nothing to go on but to sit and watch the rest of us play and that gets old fast. Add weeks without any updates and it is no surprise that they leave.

You need to give those not "in the action" something to do too, even if it is only a "get to know you" session in the armory cleaning rifles.

Anyway, Wes is right, we need to get it moving or people are going to snooze again.
They like everyone else had the opportunity to talk with people Nightowl. That's what the people who got bored did. In fact if they had tried things would've been more entertaining cause there were people waiting around and putting themselves out there for someone to reply to. But they chose to not branch out, so they had nothing to do. And if they really didn't know what to do they could've asked Kyle in PM for something to do. If the GM is active and you have nothing to do but haven't asked for something, that's your own fault. Yeah GMs should give something for everyone, but sometimes they draw a blank, you can't blame them for that.

And the plot -is- moving it's actually on the people to respond currently. They're trying to build up the second away team.
While it is the job of a GM to ensure that our players always have something to do, there are times when we will run into a writers block and be unable to write. This happens more often than some people realize, and when it does, our players can suffer. However, there are times when we as GM's do not think it is prudent to make a GM post every day unless it involves the usage of an NPC character to do the talking or to move events along in a fast paced fashion (Although we prefer not to do this, as it'll leave other players behind)

In any case, I've made it rather clear multiple times in the past that my private message box is always open and that if anyone has idea's or if they are concerned that their characters are being left behind, to always PM me. There is a chance that - like what happened with our pilots - part of my GM post will disappear and leave them with nothing to do, other times I may end up forgetting that we have players stuck.
How's about in the armory with Sebastian? I'll post something to the effect of her still waiting orders as she goes about making sure things are going swimmingly with what is still readily available?

Unless Kyle has a better idea. :)
I plan to post tomorrow. So anyone who hasn't posted yet, get to it soon, or you're gonna get skipped, and possibly have horrible, horrible things done to you.
I'm under the impression that Kyle has already sent a PM to you explaining how we feel, and I don't think anything he said in it needs to be discussed publicly.

Also, @Ethereal, for future reference, say OOC stuff in here, not in your actual post. That's the whole purpose of us having a dedicated thread for it.
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