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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

*Applies duct tape to thread*
Shadow, you do realize that you're making us a much, much bigger target, right? A stealth shuttle is damn near invisible when it's being careful. A fighter is nothing close to that. You literally put us in more danger by trying to cover us than if you weren't there at all, which is why we hadn't asked for cover. Nor did you get clearance for the sortie.
Hm. Alright, I see what you mean. However, there was a request (which was approved) to release the "bees," movie quote not withstanding. To my understanding, the "bees" were supposed to escort the shuttle until they could break off and rendezvous with the recon flight. I certainly didn't wait for another character to approve Holliday's sortie, but in order to comply with the situation's demands I shortened the song-and-dance involving ATC. I apologize if I misread the situation and will deal with it as soon as I am able.
All I know is Kumiko definitely didn't ask for or accept any support. It's a really bad idea to waste your best attributes like that.
Er... I think Errowyn did ask for the pilots to be sent out. Previous page. Not to mention the recon flight has been out there for a while, mission fatigue is going to set in, so the plan was to swap out the recon fighters with something that has more teeth to fly top cover since whoever is down there is confirmed to be hostile, while Errowyn and Kakeru hightailed it back to the Ryujo for a short break, then take "5" back out to ride herd on the new guys.
For now Takeyu actually wants the fighters to circle and protect the Ryujo. THe thing is if the fighters go down with the shuttle it makes the shuttle more likely to be targeted, there is also the fact that the probe that was destroyed was in space. So there is likely something in the vicinity that can attack things in orbit. The ground team can protect themselves, resources are better spent protecting the vastly less maneuverable Ryujo.
I don't think any one told them they were going to be relieved in the first place, just skimmed so I might've missed it but I couldn't even find a communication between the bridge and recon team about being relieved, just that the ground team was coming out.
Aye, please post in it from here on out unless you ahve somehting to add in the previous post.
Just letting you know, but I think from this point on Noa will be fading into a bit more background character status... I have a lot of projects on my plate coming up and she was never intended to be too much of a headliner character (more just for fun). So if I don't post often for her you know why. :)
Apologies for the delay, guys. Got a bit crazy right there at the start of the semester for me, what with working almost 60 hours a week on top of 17 credit hours of classes. I should be a bit more sorted out now, though, and I should have a post up either tonight, or VERY late tomorrow night.