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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Just a quick note, Paladin, but you do realize that while the Sylph was discontinued in YE 33 for production, the Mindy 3A continues to be made for each usage, because it's still not full rollout, right? It's very likely all of our Mindy and Daisy armors were made more recently than either of the Sylph units. :P
Right, didn't I say that in the posting a couple of times? That it was "outmoded for a few years" compared to its "newer Mindy sisters", and " obviously hadn't been used in quite awhile" and needed time to calibrate. :)
We can always treat it as some "odds and sods" that was tossed into the newly built Ryujo, when you got a galaxy spanning empire, there's bound to be some old equipment bouncing around and to be honest, the Ryujo is the perfect place to dump old garbage since no one higher ranked in a fleet is going to see it and get on the QM's arse because of obsolete equipment.

I was going to write a short scene when my character finally draws his "issued small arms" (an Electro-laser). Come to think of it, since it isn't in the ships inventory, we can really treat it as either "a weapon someone left behind" or "war spoils/loot" that nobody wanted and ended up drifting to the ship. :) I just had a very interesting thought to write "A drifting Electro-laser's story". hmm... maybe next time.
Yeah, no. The sidearm for the SAoY has been the NSP for better than 15 years, in one form or another. In fact, I think it's the only sidearm the SAoY has had since they became their own nation, just updated several times.Not exactly feasible for anything else to be issued. :p

Also, I'm gonna start picking up the pace, guys. We're supposed to be running a 2-3 day cycle here, so I'm going to start pushing the pace to get us there. If you're not posting within that time frame, you'll be autoed as me or Kyle feel it's needed.
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While nothing else would be issued you are free to buy your own weapons and most captains will let you carry them as a side arm if they are a side arm. Like how Ume has her gunto that she carries around with her as a side arm.
Aendri, I said "small arms" not "sidearms". Big difference. Sidearm is a pistol or PDW if you want to be "modern", small arms are rifles, shotguns, light machine guns etc. Basically any weapon that is infantry portable. I get it that the "standard issue" pistol is the NSP, but unless you want to go into battle with nothing but a pistol, there is obviously going to be something heavier isn't there? What is the SAoY standard sniper rifle? I could only find a reference to the Type-33, but that is from Origin and last I heard, Origin was not in good odor with the Star Empire.

Or were you referencing paladin's Sylph?
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The Star Army hasn't had standard issue weapons outside of the NSP until very recently, when the Legions expanded. All combat for ship based personnel is based around PAs, so a sidearm is all that really mattered. There's an few older weapons (And when I say older, I mean pre-YE 20) like the Gp-12 Rifle and the Gp-13 pistol, as well as the Type 28 SMG, but those were fairly uncommonly used. Your standard issue, outside of the legions, in total, is a pistol, the PA, and the PA equipment.

The big thing to keep in mind is that the NSP isn't a "pistol" in the sense that you probably think of a pistol. It's a pistol, and an SMG, and a grenade launcher, and a taser. All in one, without any extra parts needed to achieve any of those options. So yes, plenty of people went into battle with little else and did just fine.
The NSP is also -very- powerful in terms of damage. It actually can fire at the maximum allowed strength for a nonpowered armor weapon. In other words, unless you're against power armor or something else 'stronger than a human' their weapon isn't going to hit harder than the NSP. For all intents and purposes the thing is a rocket launcher when it needs to be. Granted it's ammo efficiency plummets in that mode, but, finding nonpowered targets at PDR5 isn't super easy anyway so it's hardly needed.

Also which weapon are you saying is a 'type 33' made by Origin?

But yeah it's a Aendri said pretty much. SAoY infantry has power armor 90% of the time. If you're using a weapon that is not power armor level it means you're out of your power armor which means you're already in a horrible situation by SAoY standards. The NSP is all they need because they don't expect you to be outside your PA, so specialized weapons wouldn't be used.
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Type-33 Rifle

I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill here. The simplest question would be "Can an infantry cat be issued something that isn't an NSP or powered armour accessory?" and to focus it even narrower "Can my character be issued an Electrolaser?". If he can, then what's the problem? If he can't, then suggest a "valid" alternate sniper rifle that can be relevant on a battlefield overrun with PA and mecha. Or I'll just war trophy an Impaler in-game later. Or any other enemy weapon that catches my eye. The electrolaser was just there for colour, a whining scene in the armoury and some background for him to go scavenging (and a bit of comedy) on the battlefield.

"Nice mecha..." :)
Okay the Type 33 rifle is yes Origin made but that is a SAoY product. Now as for your question, unless you're legion or in a special squad, no you wont be -issued- anything besides power armor stuff or teh NSP. You can purchase your own, or also request it(in which case your superiors decide if you can get it). But only the Legion and special squads are -issued- things that are not the NSP or power armored stuff. And yes that actually does make a difference. Cause if it's 'issued' that means you're getting it from SAoY with no 'cost'.(be that cost money or effort) Also there is no Personnel weapon really that is valid against PAs more so than the Type33. But that weapon is an exception. And it's not like the NSP is weak, it has the strongest damage you can get int eh personnel scale which equates to ADR 1.
Nightowl said said:
If he can, then what's the problem? If he can't, then suggest a "valid" alternate sniper rifle that can be relevant on a battlefield overrun with PA and mecha. Or I'll just war trophy an Impaler in-game later. Or any other enemy weapon that catches my eye.
Also I would suggest you refrain from making threats like this. The GM decides what you do and don't get in terms of 'trophies'. I also suggest you do research, cause the impaler is the same strength as the NSP with -less- functionality. It's only advantage being it has 10 more shots.
Long story short? There is no reason, whatsoever, for you to be issued any other weapon. The NSP is more than capable of handling standard duty requirements, and that's all you need, right now. If you need something else, your commanding officers will issue it to you. If you want something else, you can ask for it. But keep in mind this is a long range, low-supply mission, with absolutely no threat of major danger right now. Unless you can justify it, I see no reason for issuing anything else. And any requests need to be made IC. Discussion is over, okay?
Might I comment on the illogic of a SAINT sniper using a 300m range pistol as a sniper rifle? If I have to assassinate someone, I don't want to have to walk up to him to pull the trigger.

Syaoran, checked the range on the 2 items? And there is a usefulness to using other people's equipment to pop someone. Namely to push blame on others.
Nightowl. Conversation over. No more warnings.

To respond, one last time. This is a standard, no expectations, exploration mission. A SAINT attachment is there purely as an intelligence asset, not as an assassin. If he's been brought in for any reason other than his SAINT intelligence training, it's because we need extra infantry. Nothing more. I'm sorry if that's a bit disappointing to you, but that's the long and short of it.

And one last note, the range on the NSP? It's 300 plus meters, not 300 meters. It's a lightspeed weapon, with almost zero diffusion at range. You can snipe with it just as well, if not better, than literally ANY solid munitions weapon.
Masato would get a nosebleed from seeing a little 8 inch high neko naked? I shudder to think what would happen with a whole squad of old-fashioned infantry girls! :oops: