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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

I'd note that according to what was said in Aquilla Flight convo, @SmokeEmpress is going to be unavailable for a while after this Saturday, but didn't give an exact timeframe for returning to activity. So Sebastian may have to sit out this mission, but she is an Armorer after all, so she'll have to put us back together again when we get back. ;)
@Aendri Sorry about that! I did let @Kyle know that I am having personal issues and that I won't be able to be active much due to the fact that I will be losing my residence here soon and to feel free to auto play or just have my character be more supportive for now. I'll add you to that convo as well and give an update there.
Indeed, hope things can turn around for you soon, Smokey. We will be missing you... Make sure to think positive and manifest abundance in your life.

@Kyle, also have a random question: considering the Sylph uses a fleshy cavity and fills with fluid and an umbilical port, I assume mini-Neko pilots have to be naked? I also figured that since it is a soldier sized mecha that Noa could carry a standard sized medical kit or belt it securely to the armor without much trouble?
Sylphs are old style, yes, you have to be naked in everything that doesn't specify otherwise. Most of the newer armors don't require it, but all of the older ones do. The med kit would just go in the pack that all Yam armors carry, I believe. You'd be giving up the usual pistol/uniform/other necessities that are stored in it, but if I recall correctly, Wes made it standard for all Yam armors a few years back. Star Army Buttpack
I am mostly used to the Mindy which yeah had that listed standard, though Sylph didn't seem to state it so I was going to manually add it basically via RPing belting it on. So either way it is there I guess. :)
It's a bit outsized for a mini, but it would work for the Sylph just fine. It's not mentioned in any of the articles because the bossman didn't expect the resurgence of mini-usage, so the only "standard" armors are the Daisy and Mindy, which is what it was designed for.
Post up for the infantry. Jon, I'm just autoing you as part of the group until you feel up to taking part again, and Smoke, I'm leaving you behind as per your wishes. We can bring in another team later if we get enough people wanting to come down, like @BloodyScarlet, @Mortem, and @Shadow to go with Smoke.
Thank you, Aendri! I'm sure that would be better for me. Things are still in flux at the moment and I am unable to really focus on anything right now. But, if you need that other team, feel free to auto me in then. Or, at minimum, auto me for repairs as needed when the team returns.
Pilots can accompany infantry on their missions? Regardless, thanks but no thanks. Holliday may be a gambling man, but he likes to keep the odds in his favor when he can help it.
Almost everyone in SAoY would know at least the basics of piloting a power armor so yeah they could accompany.
And yes, Shadow, think of the Marines. Every Marine is a rifleman, and every SAoY soldier learns the basics of PA/infantry combat as a matter of course.
Just a quick note, since Frost mentioned it. Most of the ship's Mindy armors and all of the Daisy armors, allow the user to go in with their uniform, sidearm, belt, and all that stuff. Kumiko's armor uses the old style core, so hers does not, but which core your system uses is entirely up to your preference.