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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

No no, Sasami! :p

Also, just to note; but anti-ship weapons are rather accurate, so its really hard for them to miss...
M4 Sylph added :) ....should have the Inventory page finished today.

EDIT: seeing as how the missile passed her without detonating (yet!), perhaps it's one of these missiles? Would also explain why the first one had such an unsatisfying explosion when it detonated.
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Masato's shuttle also needs to get permission to dock :p

The Inventory is <finally> complete, with the exception of the 'Small Craft' section - what fighters/bombers/recon ships are on the YSS Ryūjō?

Is there a different name the Teisatu goes by? Searching for it on the SA Wiki doesn't bring up any results.

EDIT: DERP... just found it under Teisatsu. My bad lol

EDIT 2: Finished the renamed 'Shuttle Bays' section :D
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Kyle, he's a ground pounder flying a plane, what does he know of anti-ship weaponry other than it shoots at other big ships and not small fighters? :) He probably knows of it but not the "how" of how it works. And even if it is accurate, there is still the "oops" factor to consider. You know the "Oops, I somehow missed... oh wait, what did I hit?" lol. Think there were a few incidents IRL, especially with the old Phalanx CIWS. Hell, in the Russo-Japanese naval war before WWII, I remember reading about a gunnery practice session for the Russian where they missed the target tug and sank the towing destroyer by mistake. Oops. :)
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The big difference between those incidents and SARP incidents is the speed, Night. You hit whatever you're aiming at with remarkable consistency with ship weapons, because they're designed to operate against targets moving fractional C at ranges out to a light second. Targets moving way slower at much closer range? You only miss those if your name is Elmer Fudd.
Not really true Aendri. It's the inclination of the person to stand near a target people are shooting at. :)

I can fairly confidently put rounds in a Fig 15 at 300m stationary, but does that mean if I asked you to stand near it, you would feel safe? Not to mention things like overpenetration, possible beam nimbus or blast radius, both from weapon and explosive destruction of object. All that just means that it is simply common sense to put a bit of distance between you and a target.

Besides, as I mentioned, he's a ground pounder flying a plane, not a ship gunner, you can chalk it down as "common wisdom" that does not match reality. If I was playing on "God Mode", I'd have laser scrubbed every square inch of the hull of Errowyn's fighter from what Kyle was sniggering about, but then the characters we are playing don't have a "God's eye" view of things do they? So we pretend ignorance.
Moving on, who all is still present for the infantry side of things? If I don't hear anything from you soon, I'm assuming you're not present, and we're leaving without you.

Specifically looking for Semjax, Jon, Paladin, Smoke, Whitehart, and FrostJaeger.
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@FrostJaeger do not worry, you can go ahead and have the shuttle land and I guess Kumiko can walk up to your character and tell ya to get your crud squared away and board the other shuttle for a mission :p
Just in case it wasn't clear, Whitehart did exactly what you're supposed to do. You're all allowed to discuss things with Sasami and write her responses yourselves so long as it's not something that would come down to GM discretion. No need to wait for Kyle or I to write her talking to you specifically.