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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

When you say Kakeru will fly a Teisatsu stealth fighter... is that under his SAINT training purview, or were you getting confused with one of the other pilots name-wise?

Edit: Nevermind! :oops: I did however post that Noa wants to help Yaeko, because I should have the capacity to do so. She's a very useful little girl. :D
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The Teisatsu was under SAINT equipment specifically and nowhere else, so it would make sense that some operatives would know how to fly it, or at least get from point A to point B without taking shortcuts through buildings or trees. :)

Worst case, artificial brain, you can probably program some form of primer on "Flying for Dummies". Just make sure the insurance is paid up. :P
Or ride shotgun with an experienced pilot.

But then Teisatsu is a one seater. Where's Scrapyard when you need him? ;)

Then you have the three Kawarime; which one is a two-seater (Errowyn's) and two single seaters (Doc's and Nichol's). But the payload would be for intelligence gathering.
Aye, I figure Operatives would receive basic flight training for the Teisatsu given his assignment onboard a ship that would be utilizing fighter craft and thus have such craft onboard.

If need be though I can always bring my SAINT character onboard(as an NPC of course), where he can help train our operatives in how to fly and handle the Teisatsu, since he's already flown and damaged it a few times in his career :p
We already got Errowyn as a squadron commander or sub-commander, she should be qualified to teach, in fact I think her character's temperment is really suited as an instructor, seeing that she seems to be a bit of a mother hen.

As opposed to a mother hentai who was planning to look up whale porn. :P
Hey I just noticed that Munkata Yaeko was not on the crew listing page! So I took the liberty of adding her.

*Noa tips hat at maintaining integrity of databases*

This roster is certainly looking more and more like the YSS Heitan/Fighting Diamonds and the YSS Soyokaze plots had a baby. ;)
No worries, it adds character to the crew. I'm actually considering having him call Errowyn by rank for a while to "get back" at her. :) Then after that it will die down to a habit that he can't kick because he did it for so long. lol
Ok, it's official. I'm waving lots of flags and seeing if anything pops out. :)

"Nothing is going to happen."
"This mission is going to be boring"
"Should be an easy run."
"I'm just strolling along having a snack without a care in the world."

Pity the scenario doesn't let me use the old favourites.

"One more day and I'm out of the army."
"I'm going to get married!"

Nope, but I object to everyone eavesdropping on me all the time. I'm supposed to be the one eavesdropping on people!

So much for comms discipline or proper role. :)
Greetings all, should have Masato entering the plot via shuttle tomorrow :D.
Couple of questions - First, have we decided on a name for the ship's MEGAMI; secondly, would anyone mind sharing a cabin with Masato? (He doesn't snore, I promise :p)
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@FrostJaeger I'm still wondering the same thing about our MEGAMI... though it seems my mini-Neko character Noa likes to think she is the de facto computer linkup, hehe. Since she is technically a red-panel technician, Masato could share a room with Noa if you like (they are both tech junkies). The 8" tall Santo Hei is being rather spoiled having a giant bunk all to herself near the computer room (D3-C13)... just be prepared for being occasionally pranked if you do.

Also, now that we apparently have an official inventory, may I requisition an M4 Sylph be kept around for her, just incase I need to do some covert action?
Sasami is the name of the ships AI, going to add that to our roster since even I keep forgetting the name xD