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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

Kyle, the nekos are getting bored. You know what happens in anime when people get bored? It's either a trip to the beach, onsen or house visit, and since the Ryujo does not have an onsen or beach....

"Wonder where the Chusa keeps his porn stash?'
"Woo I found an inflatable doll!"
"Does his computer have any games?"
"Boxers or shorts?"
"Where are the snacks?"

Be warned. Curiosity may kill the neko, but you'll die of embarrassment first. :P
Kyle, you were warned:

_Transmission: X314579_ Classified

-Objective Rep: Ryujo Prime-

-After infiltration of subject's residence through front door, proceeded with systematic analysis of premises.
-Of objects of interest, subject has 68 files of Objective A (porn books-busty cat maid variant predominant) and 42 files of Objective C (hentai video games- guys being spanked variant)
-Of note is the absence of Objective B (inflatable doll) or Objective D (boxers or shorts). It is the operative's considered opinion that the lack indicates that the subject does not use any of the objects in question.
-Further study of the premises does not indicate any more information to be gained. Will withdraw to long range surveillance positions and continue monitoring of subject.

_Transmission Terminated_

SAINT- We know.


From RP:
"She had better things to do. Like check up on her Kawarime. Her Daisy Power Armor. Finished getting settled in. Rummage through Takeyu's porn."

Fixed. :P

By the time Takeyu finally turns up at the mess hall, everyone's going to be looking at him like he's a pervert lol.
I guess this is what happens when the GM gives his players to much freetime to socialize... I LOVE IT : D
That explains the "Guys being spanked" porn. He's an M!

"Who's a naughty Chu-sa?" *spank!* "Who's a naughty Chu-sa?" *spank!*
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_Incoming Transmission_

_Decryption Complete_

-OPSORDER: Project Loyalty-

-As part of Project Loyalty, all SAINT operatives are hereby directed to ensure the loyalty of Star Army captains by removing any possible adverse temptations from their vicinity-
-For Ryujo Prime, specific targets include maid uniforms, busty nekos and sadistic Mishhuvurthyar with tentacle whips-
-Operative is directed to reprogram all new NH- bodies created on the Ryujo with an upper body limit of no more than 32cm-
-Operative is directed to infiltrate and destroy all copies of maid uniforms in ship stores and to delete all maid uniform designs in the ship computers-
-Operative is directed to disguise all Mishhuvurthyar tentacles encountered as innocuous items like vines, ropes and streamer decorations-
-In extreme cases, operative is hereby authorized to shoot to... circumcise. We know the target is small. Try your best-
-All future replacement personnel to the YSS Ryujo will henceforth be effete males who love flowers and tea-

_Transmission Terminated_

SAINT- We know. Even when we don't want to.
