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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, there was, is, and always has been a response in there. You're all obviously just missing what I said, like usual. :P
good to know, I was afraid for a momen due to those acessories. So where does one find the ic thread(s) for this wonderful plot :) Also any ideas on how to appear are welcome. I suppose I come out of the background.
@Aira, Here's the link to the IC thread; regarding your entrance, you can either arrive via a shuttle or like you said "come out of the background" (which would probably be easier, as we're getting ready to depart for the surface anyways).
Aira, since it occurs to me I may not have been clear enough. The squad Kumiko is with right now were all specifically requested to be where they are. Unless you're showing up specifically to ASK Kumiko to be included in the surface crew, it doesn't make sense for Nenna to be there. And if that's what she's asking, she'd better be WAY more proactive than that, because as it is, Kumiko is going to just ignore her and go about the mission. She's already got her team, they're mostly suited up and ready to go, she's not waiting around to see what some Hei who can't speak up wants when there's a job to do.

It would only really make sense if you're reporting to Takeyu on the bridge instead of Kumiko. That said, use names as often as you can without it getting irritating. Makes it much more clear who is doing what and to/with whom.
Maybe she can be included as the duty co-pilot for the shuttle, which might explain why she was not specifically named? Because her name happens to be on the roster and she'd be called by the air group duty officer rather than ground force contingent?

Kakeru: "Please, please, please take over as EW!! AAHHH!!!...NOO!!!..."
*Erroywn flies into enemy fire.* :p

And just for the people who don't get it, no, this part is not serious. Why would I want to give up the setting for a potentially awesome joke? :)

Interesting possible add on personality trait in the future: Roller coasters don't do anything for him after backseating for Erroywn after a while. lol
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Would it be better for her to instead be reporting to Takeyu, or for her to ask Kumiko to be included. I am sorry I assumed that I could be included if I showed up in the power armor bay. I guess this just reminds me what happens when you assume :)
Doesn't really make sense to have her as the co-pilot when we have several pilots already, if we were gonna have a co-pilot it would be one of them.

That said, Aira, it's up to you. Doesn't matter to me, really, though I honestly don't really plan on taking anyone else for this shuttle trip. You'd most likely be added on to any groups we send down after this.
You guys now have your own subforum! Keep up the great RP!