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OOC YSS Ryūjō: Into the Unknown

I assumed he sat against the wall and Navian sat facing him in the center, but I'm probably as confused as you are.
lol, no problem, more my fault. So, right across from him, or more towards the front or back?
Explaining how I didn't do the research through role playing is fun. @Navian, I like your character and I can't wait to see what you do with her.
The Ryujo's T-7 Raccoon shuttle has been attacked in Yamataian space!

Could this be part of the war with the Kuvexians? Are the mysterious enemies they've been faced with so far hitting them, again? Do the Rixxikor have yet another surprise in store for Yamatai? Did the Mishhu hear about the captured Nightmare body being used by a Yamataian? Or, is it someone else entirely?
Ehh, getting out and standing on top of the shuttle firing dual Aether Shock Arrays will be worth it.
I posted assuming the weapons that were left behind with Navian after the Halloween giveaway were included in the supplies on the shuttle, the others aren't relevant to space combat, anyway. If that's not okay, well... I guess she could use the LASR, but it'd probably be a lot like this, only much, much worse!
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