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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Well, activly insulting a memberf the crew in a personally relevant manner in front of her crewmates tends toward that result. Womanizers should be a bit more careful around others, I suppose.
Why do you think when he was introducing himself, that he paused to look at Milo?

Be careful, White Knight! The Black Wizard has a taste for trout~

tee hee hee
Hey Guys, How is everything going? Things seem to be calming down for me in real life and I have lots of reading to do! Looks like you guys had some excitement
Yeah baby. I'm working on my 2000 word post now to detail what i've been up to on leo. lol
Wait, we were already on a transit car? I diverged to get Yoshi's bike before hitting any transit terminal!!! Um, I won't be on the car when you guys disembark.
Zadoc, just wanted to say if we are making you uncomfortable in any way, just feel free to tell us and we shall work something out. We are all pals here!
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