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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Where Lam last posted there's plenty of room for you to react/interject into the conversation.

Also, we may want to start progressing towards the dinner. Lam if you want to do something dealing with Goto where he is after the staff meeting with Yoshi let me know, otherwise we can move past that for him. Tanka will probably be out at least another day or two before he's in a spot he can post.
On the Discovery Chanel? Sounds like someone needs to get a video camera to keep an eye on things. ^_^
Lmao nice... I must admit though I feel worried for Saya with Daisuke on the prowl...

I forget, do Nekos have hymens?
Good question Sage, I need to figure that out for another character I have. That is, if I ever get to actually play her........
Lamb:	Okay everyone
	Kalshion|Kyle:	Lamb chops :3
	Gunsight1:	LAMS
	Lamb:	Just confirm this for me before I go off and ruin everyone's night by giving out misinformation
	Lamb:	Neko
	Lamb:	The don't have hymens
	Lamb:	This is a fact
	Lamb:	Right?
	Kalshion|Kyle:	hymens?
	Riko:	I dont think so...
		Gunsight1 snickers
	Lamb:	I didn't think so either
	Lamb:	But can't remember where I leanred it
	Jimmy:	If they did they probably regrow them after sex anyway...
	Lamb:	So I didn't want to go off ruining the Sakishima with misinformation'
	Lamb:	Also
	Riko:	that would suck for them
	Gunsight1:	ROFL
	Jimmy:	Yeah, I trynot to thing about that.
	Jimmy:	I'd go with no hymen.
Riko:	well i don't see the biological advantage of one, so i would say no as well
	Toshiro:	as would I

Point is, I've been pretty sure that they don't have hymens this whole time, but couldn't remember where that notion came from.

But consensus amongst veteran players is that they don't.
Check the standard issued equipment for Star Army personnel. It should be part of your inventory on your character sheet.
Also, why did you delete your post? That was comedy gold. This is an 18+ plot, so there's no censorship. You don't have to restrict yourself.

There's a reason why someone as loathe to write sex scenes as me is in this forum so frequently.
Er, sorry, guys. Looks like I won't be able to continue... or post anymore at all, actually. Sorry...

Well, it's been fun!
Hey sorry to hear that man, is everything alright? Do you just need a break, or are you departing from SARP as a whole?
Why doesnt my damned subscription ever actually notify me of new posts D:

Dak will be back in engine room action tonight.
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