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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Coles Notes for Combat:

Asrid is trying to keep mines in line of site of weapons
Asrid is also keeping an eye out for debris that can be used as chaff.
This means the Sakishima should end up moving ass first after a time if things work out.
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welcome aboard Befearful of the Captain, I hear she's a real bitch.. and her player is even worse.
So never having any genuine emotions, always the preprogrammed default of happy? Doesn't seem like there is any room to grow with this character...
Well it is when she is with people so maybe someone walks in on when she is upset or she slowly loses it, she is only 99 days old.
yea, She wants to make everyone happy and loves to see people smile, it is half fake half she likes being around people and gets really happy and hyper when with oothers, like a puppy.
Just to clarify, the TASHA already spotted the wrecked Pod and reported it to Anzu, who forwarded it to Suzue.
Just a reminder, the Sakishima stopped broadcasting sensor data to the landing party abruptly a few posts back.

"I stumbled upon the philosopher's stone, I had the veil of illusion pulled back, and was confronted by the many levels of energy and many realms of consciousness which were available to man. I opened the pandora's box of multiple realities."
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