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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Those images are hilarious. I needed that laugh.
wut.... We don't need any little Goto's we already got enough mini things on the ship
Worked fine for me too.
bah Riko! We need more and more mini things on the ship! Bwahahah!

So it's audit time again. Everyone take a little time to get your character bio's up to date as soon as you are able.

also expect a GM post from me tomorrow evening :)
I have a theory that Gunsight would love to have a certain plot. The plot would be about a cruiser and her intrepid crew. The particular thing about this cruiser is that it would be about the size of a Toyota Tercel and that its crew would be made up entirely of mini-Neko.
Funny thing about that, such cruisers actually existed in ancient, pre-RP SARP lore.

I don't have an article for them posted, but you can see two mentioned on the Uesureyan Star Empire's page. The mini-cruisers.
In case there's anyone in the plot who hasn't had the new Goto and Momoka picture shoved down their throats yet, here it is.

EDIT: And yes, before you ask-- he has seen her naked. And yes, he did put on the jeweler's monocle.
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Hate to get off the subject of how awesome the new art is, but what exactly is the bridge crew looking at here, Gunny? I get the idea of the size, but not of the systems. I feel like, as a thirty-year-old history nerd my character would be able to recognize the ship's class and be able to have some idea of its systems.

Here are a few that I think it could be from your description:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:ayame-class_cruiser (well, maybe not... or maybe so!)
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:yui-class_scout (even more doubtful, but certainly old enough)
I must just be missing it somewhere, but where is the Sakishima at right now? Like the system/planet. I was trying to update Anzu's history with a mention of that, but I couldn't seem to find the name anywhere, just that we'd been given coordinates.