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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Going to nudge the plot along tomorrow evening, so if anyone wants to get something in before the next GM post, now is the time
Ah sorry I am pretty swamped and the alert system stopped alerting. i will get to it withing few days, sorry!
Sorry for the delay here. I had Wrestlemania week, then had to catch up with work after, then got sick. And I'm still a bit sick, but hopefully it fully goes away soon.
I figured the wall was going to be blown open either way, and Anzu was pretty focused on escaping.

Also if she just stood back at the Center that's probably several rooms away, right? Shouldn't be immediately in danger.
Aye, this dilemma is facing @Gunsight1... we might end up merging crew with his other open RP mini-neko plot, the Takamagahara. Their remaining active players also match our occupational "openings" perfectly.
Consolidatoin might be for the best, especially since the plots have the same GM. It would lessen Gunsight's workload too. Remember he didn't start all these plots for himself, he just was good enough to take over so they kept going when the original GMs moved on. So he might want to keep "his" plots and merge the ones he "inherited."
I'm considering the options and working on a solution. One thing I will say though, the Sakishima isn't going away any time soon. I may not have started this plot, but after 3 years I've grown pretty attached to it and everyone in it.

Probably tonight or tomorrow, I'm going to wrap up the mission and get us onto shore leave, which will allow me to transfer off characters belonging to Lamb and Shotty and also free up everyone else from waiting for people who sre not here anymore.
Where would Merna go? Or is she still gonna be on Sakishima? I'm fine with transferring her or keeping her on Saki either way! I'm not really sure what is happening with her right now myself, lol. Feel free to message me on Skype!
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