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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion


If she was asked, she would introduce herself simply: "Yamamoto Narahiko, Santô Hei, reporting for duty... I understood we werte on shore leave, so I came prepared for the onsen." A pause for any reply, and then, blurting out: "Separa'Shan? You're our medic? How long have you been with Star Army, and what brought you to join? Is it true you have venom in your fangs? Can I see your fangs?" Then, inevitably after that, a blush of embarrassment as it dawned on her that she had breached some basic etiquette.

I italicized what seemed to me implied she hadn't actually asked anything, but let's see what Kangaroo says when they see these posts.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what Merna's gonna do
Based on how that comes off, it seems to imply she'd speak first, pause to allow people to reply, and then address him. It's a fairly common thing I've seen in RPing, effectively allowing her to still do what she intended (talk to Dion) while doing something that would allow people to greet her.
Unless I'm missing something, Yoshi has been in her 'original' body since the end of Mission 5. Momoka revived her in that body herself, didn't she? Anzu was there when the damaged Sakishima docked to greet her, and then we all attended a meeting together after Mission 5 where Yoshi was presented with medals and such right in front of us.

But if this is a new form I'm not aware of or I overlooked something, let me know.
For someone who has just been murdered not to long ago, Yoshi is quite nervous and paranoid. She has changed bodies, a few times, all off screen sadly.... She will continue for a while more. But I was going to explain this all in charter posts, but since I was called out on it I guess I have to explain her here and now. Not as fun as I could have hoped for...

But he right now has her pink and blue hair, but she is flat chested and her other "anatomy" has been drastically understated. She could be mistaken for a tom boy. I planed on describing her short crew cut hair in the very next post. This body is almost the antithesis of her normal highly sexy form. I have been having issues trying to write more then a sentence in a post the past few weeks and have been coming at them in my mind as a serial post apposed to a mass post.

In Other Words:

I guess I'm down for anything. Like my character I think it'd be cool if Jeeves chose whatever would best reflect how you envision her personality and/or something she would like to be and would be a part of.

Of course that's assuming you want or wouldn't mind doing stuff with Jeeves since you're so busy lately.
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Can we do another dare party later when it seems like everyone is in the mood for it? I think now we need something that puts a little bit less pressure on everyone than dares.

Maybe we could do stiff as a feather light as a board with a non-Neko? We can play charades. Who is it?, a game where someone closes their eyes and must guess who is talking to them, usually in a weird or masked voice. Merna would be good at this one and the next one, banana phone where one person whispers to another something and that person whispers it to another and then they whisper it to another and you have to get through the entire group until the last person says what they heard out loud and you get to see how mangled the original message really got. Fishbowl where everyone "whispers to Ise"/sends Gunny the name of someone in the room, or the name of a species in the room, then Gunny tells us who or what got the most names sent to him. One person leaves the room and is called the "psychiatrist" and then everyone in the room finds out something they have in common and when the psychiatrist gets back, they have to guess what everyone has in common.

The list goes on and on.
If anyone wants a hint, just ask here and I'll put the kanji for it here- saying that is a hint in and of itself.