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OOC YSS Sakishima Discussion

Uh Gunny, Misha wanted to check the recording on what exactly hit the other Chiaki and where it came from. Or if it was explosion from within of those ships.
Good thing no one important works in Engineering! No one. :twisted:

Edit: <Michiko> Ooooh... Asrid said some bad words! I'M TELLING! <.< >.>
The Sakishima is finally getting its own forum!

Gunsight: Please send me a forum description I can use.

The forum is currently a subforum of new and featured RP (I wanted you guys to be able to find it still!) but I will probably be moving it into the Yamatai section soon.
Drinks some of her home brew now called Yoshi Juice, she starts wondering around touching things.
YSS Sakishima 18+ Poll

Okay, so this has been discussed in the IRC and via Skype with everyone that there is interest in making the Sakishima an 18+ plot. So here is the official vote. I have to do it here since I cannot seem to create a proper poll for some reason, so Everyone please state your preference and we will go from there.

Please vote Yes, No, or Abstain. If you want your vote to be private please PM it to me.

Other news

I am removing Friv from the manifest. He had not replied to my PM's or posted any further interest in the Sakishima in half a month.
My vote is Yes

though I fear an 'abstain' minds well be a 'no' since I believe it has to be all or nothing in this vote.

Still the same answer as I had before. Wouldn't hurt my feelings any, so long as I can post once it switches over.
Now You Too Can Help Design Our Next home!!!

Come and help with ideas for things to go into the Saki II.

Our Ship!!!

Be it serious, or silly give us all Ideas!!!!!
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