Star Army

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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Moon(ie) Fever (2.0)

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Outer Corridor

Ume looks over from her assisting with the paneling to see Chieko calling her. At first she thought she was calling someone else, but she was the only Santo Hei present. "Food? I would love to get some food, I haven't had the chance to eat much today." She waited a little for the others to finish the the beam in place and then let go, moving over to the black haired Minkan. She was pretty sure she had seen her before but she couldn't place her, which wasn't unexpected, since she was a science officer, but since she was in an AMES Ume was unaware of this.

She gave a salute to the other soldiers she was working with as they gave her approval to leave. Then she turned to Cheiko with a smile"I am Hatoyama Ume by the way."

Out from a rear office a gruff loud voice came, along with the squeak of an office chair being relived of a weight it was not designed for. "Who In Joes H. Macy is screaming in my Medbay?" The large fur covered Kodian came out. His lab coat was askew as if he'd been sleeping, and his Boonie hat with hooks through it was off center as if it was quickly pushed back from covering his eyes.

"Where is the medics?" He asked no one in particular as he came forward and dropped onto a rolly stool. "What do you to loud creatures want?" it raised an eyebrow and looked them over. "Let me guess, you two want a kid together? Welp I think I can help with that." Chief Medical Officer Chui Henry Blake reached over into a drawer and started digging about for a scanner.

Meiko found her way over and blinked as her CO commented to no one in particular about the Medics not being around she blushed a bit and frowned. "Sorry, Sir. I was busy fixing up the Medical Labs I didn't hear them. I can handle this if you'd prefer." She looked between him and the two Neko girls and then paused at what Henry said and coughed a bit. "Blake-Dono! Thats highly inappropriate!" She says with a slightly stern voice and approached the two girls. "I'll handle it from here... What do you two need?"

Kioko smiled "you ssseem busssy, I'll leave you to it, I find you later Meiko, we can chat and that then" she went to leave and turned around to wave bye then left the Med Lab and walked down the hallways wondering where everyone was.

Chieko waited for Ume to finish up, watching with interest as the technicians worked to ensure things were in place. It was always neat to see the Engineering Team do their work, and wished she could spend more time observing them than having to clean her lab. The biologist's smiled widened however, when the Infantry Neko made her way over.

"Koizumi Chieko, Nitô Hei, Sciences," she replied happily, "It's nice to meet you. I was thinking stopping by the Mess to see if they have any extras out. Want to join me?"


Kana's eyes lit up spectacularly at what the Chui mentioned, grabbing a hold of Isrun whom had crossed her arms and blushed. "Did you hear that?" the pink haired Neko beamed, "We could have babies together!"

The frosty haired Neko grumbled, "That is not why we are hear. Focus, Kana!" Unfortunately, she only managed to sound embarrassed instead of stern, while her face got redder.

Kana was almost ready to cause more trouble for her fellow scientist; but she then looked back at the doctor and medic. Letting go of Isrun, the pink haired Neko tried to make herself look as cute as possible again.

"Well, you see," she began, "We have been working rather hard to follow our team lead's example - even past duty - and it seems to be catching up with us. Anyway, we were wondering if you had something we could take to finish off the day as we're almost done our clean up. We also promise to properly hit our racks this time once our duty shift is done."

"Promise," Isrun followed up, looking as serious and proper as possible - despite continued redness on her cheeks.
Drop Shuttle

"Just a bit of stuff I had stored away on the Euch." Bors said before reaching behind him and poping the top on one of the seats, "And there like what two now? They can take care of themselves. Well for the most part nothings on fire yet."

Bors took a swig from the bottle before once again handing it to his one armed friend.

Meiko waved to Kioko. "I apologize, we'll talk at a later date promise Kioko!" She smiles a bit then turns her attention back towards the two Neko's as they begin speaking. She tilted her head a bit. "Uhm...what precisely are you asking us for?" She seemed a little confused.

Ume gave a quick salute to Chieko at hearing her rank, now she knew why she didn't recognize her as we'll. Once she relaxed she gave a soft nod to her, getting a little more formal with her speech now that she knew she was higher rank. "Nice to meet you too, and I would enjoy that. As long as it's not plums though. I don't like eating plums."
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Elina followed very carefully into the mainteniance tube after Chiasa and moved past her as directed. Once in position, looked hopeful at Chiasa to she what was needed next. She never would've believed she was going to end up on a warship.

This was exciting and way different than just being on a ship as a passenger. Here she was seeing parts of a ship that no passenger would be even allowed to see.
Maintenance Conduit

Chiasa looked into her tool kit and withdrew the cable securing tools. "Here is the tool you will need to secure the cables. Press the button and a length of polymer is extruded forming a restraining strap. Wrap the strap around the cable, and lift the cable into position. If you look at the last one that is secure you will see which bracket to attach it. Once you have the cable in place make sure both ends of the strap are over the bracket. Then press the second tool firmly against the polymer and squeeze the tool. There will be a snap sound. When you lift the tool away you will see a plastic pin is holding the strap. Do the first one and I will watch. If it goes well, I will tend to installing the module. While you finish securing the length of cable." She handed the tools to Elina and waited to see her use them.

Chieko quickly breathed in through her teeth when she noticed the salute, then looked warily around to scope out any witnesses. She then recalled that Ume had also saluted the enlisted techs as well and realized something was a little wrong here. Seeing that she should correct this before an actual officer actually saw this poor infantry Neko embarrass herself again, the biologist crossed her arms in front of her chest and attempted to look partially stern. Inside she kicked herself for not being able to do much better without risking breaking out into hysterical laughter.

"No gold, no salute," the young Minkan began, still trying to contain her laughter, "Unless you see gold or white on gold stripes on the sleeve, they're not an officer and you do not salute. That is, unless they stopped teaching that in Basic."


"Stimulants!" the pink haired Neko replied with a smile, though she crossed her arms feeling that the Medic might be losing focus more than she was. "We want something that is a little better than a cup of coffee, but not necessarily methamphetamine either - unless you have it in a decently low dose and let us raid the Galley before taking it."

"Kana!" the frosty haired Neko frowned, "You don't just walk up to a medical professional and ask for one of the most illegal substances known to the Empire!"

"A substance is a substance, Isrun," the pink haired Neko rebutted, "A true professional knows how to properly apply a chemical to a problem without causing more issues such as the well documented misuse by amateurs. 'Respect the chemistry!' my instructor always said."

The frosty haired Neko brought her hand up to her face and shook her head in disbelief, despite this being Kana's usual line about anything chemical related.

Ume paused and listened as Chieko explained to her the proper time to salute and she thought a moment. "I see...that sounds familiar. Okay I'll remember that from now on. That's much easier." She smiled and relaxed a little that was one less thing she had to keep a look out for, since it was only officers that she needed to salute. "Should I call you Koizumi-san or Chieko-san?" The purple skinned neko questioned, her tone much lighter now, having associated saluting with a stiff etiquette now that she knew she wasn't supposed to salute Chieko she wasn't as stiff. She still made sure to be respectful though.
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Maintenance Conduit

Elina looked at the previous spot where the secured cable was to see an example of how it looked. She nodded taking the required tools. The first one was sloppy a she wielded the tools akwardly, but very well secured with ribbons of polymer hanging in threads from the now secured cable.

"How the hell you work in such cramped positions! Should use them Mini-Nekos for this type of work!" She complained as she moved a lock of hair that came loose from her ponytail. She squirted some polymer onto her skirt as she crawled to the next designated place to secure the loose cable to.
Maintenance Conduit

Chiasa smiled briefly. "You would find it much more cramped if you were required to work wearing an AMES suit. You spend enough time in the conduits you learn how to move and work efficiently." She turned her attention back to installing the module she had constructed. Since the process was simple she decided to engage Elina in discourse. Her fingers moved with practice grace.

"So once we return you to civilized space, what are your plans? Going to get a job running a music network on the SYNC?"

"...You want illegal drugs?" She looks back at Henry and then back at the two Neko's. "Absolutely not." she says sternly. "I can not abide by such negligent use of such substances." She stands up crossing her arms and staring them down.
Maintenance Conduit

"I dunno. I'll have to find out if my Agent is still alive or get a new one. I'll probaly start out freelance entertainer as is singer in backstreets dives till discovered." Elina spoke as she worked. "SYNC? I can't be that lucky. But it would be nice. But I'm more a free spirited type and like to work my own hours. Which would be Prime Time Bar/Club Time." Giving Chiasa one of her award winning smiles. "When I get back to giving Concerts, I'll send you a lot of tickets and backstage passes so you and your friends can enjoy the concert. We can party together."

Chieko figured Ume's question would be a logical follow on, and the former address would be the better one militarily. However, the biologist was always a little more lax about things - especially if a situation is more social. Besides, they were both enlisted; why couldn't they be more casual with each other?

"Call me Chieko," she replied with a smile, "that is, unless the brass is around. If that happens call me Koizumi-Hei."


"No, no, no!" Kana replied, waving her hands, "I was giving it as an example."

Isrun only sighed again, shaking her head of frosty coloured hair; chin dropped and arms crossed. Kana was always the high energy one of the pair; but she was starting to notice that the pink haired Neko was slowing down - if only slightly.

Thinking again of how she could better re-iterate what she actually wanted, Kana set her hands onto an Automated Operating table to covertly prop herself up then made another attempt.

"Ok, here it is simply," the pink haired Neko began again, "I am tired. I still have plenty of work to do. I am looking for something to keep me awake for another three hours. Do you have anything for that?"

Ume smiled at Chieko's response, seeing that she wanted to be be friendly too. "You can call me Ume." She didn't seem to have a hint of stress at the current situation with the ship undergoing heavy repairs. To the young Neko it was simply her first assignment and everything was rose colored, or at least it looked that way from the outside. Inside she was more than frustrated with how things went but that wouldn't help anyone being broody.

"So Chieko-san, do you like board games?" She spoke cheerfully as she began to take steps heading towards the mess hall.

Kioko walked through the hallways to find the other girl she worked with, Ume she thought the girl was called "I wonder where ssshe isss" she didn't feel right on the ship, she was use to abuse or just being left alone, here everyone was so friendly. Kioko loved this ship and wanted to be part of the crew forever.

She reached the mess hall before she knew it and just decided to relax here, it was a nice enough spot and she was a bit tired now that she though of it, being worked like she had was something she wasn't that used to, it was 'no you can't help' that was thrown at her every time she asked to help.
Medical Bay

Meiko looks at them for a moment. " mean like a stimulant to keep you awake...well I mean...have you tried coffee or an energy drink?" She says with a light chuckle and a rub of her head before she begins looking through their cabinets for any sign of a stimulant. After a bit of looking she pulls out a pack of Neko Class Caffeine Pills she pulls out four pills total and separates them into two separate pill cups, two in each one. Getting some water for them she hands one cup to Kana and the other to Isrun and hands them both water. "Here, after 10 or 15 minuets these should kick in and give you the energy and focus you need to complete your duties. Do not ingest more caffeine until tomorrow, if you do then well it could have side effects that you don't like. If you have any issues with these then come back and see me and we'll see what we can do. Alright?"
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