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RP: YSS Soyokaze (YSS Soyokaze) Moon(ie) Fever (2.0)

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Kioko helped the girl onto the bed then helped her strip down covering her with the medical cover, she didn't know what it actually was so that name would have to do, Kioko looked at the Medical staff "okay I will help anyway that I can, I hope we can stop this." Kioko quickly went to get a Medical Suit on then went back the others "um you will have to tell me what to do, I haven't got that much Medical experience."
=== Second Medical Bay ===

Nuai, that crazy neko doctor, was quite literally curled up on the floor of the bay. Having a one minute cat nap to rejuvenate herself from the lack of sleep and constant work that came in from the battle. Easily noticed by way of her rainbow skin and candy cane colored tail. She made for an odd sight admist the bay floor. Exactly a minute passed as she sprang up and begin going over any patients. After checking everyone off she popped her head out to peer into the hallway.

"Mreow? Lockdown!! Fish on a stick!" She proclaimed loudly before clamping mitts over her mouth. "MEGAMI, can I get an update on whatsup? Or did I ask you already?" She questioned while smoothing out her cotton candy blue mane of a mess.

Elina nodded and turned to follow Chiasa, muttered "from one hell hole to the next." She began to think back to the time she was interned at Moon Town 2.

"Have you had or have heard or read any reports on how the NMX treat their prisoners?" Elina spoke as she fell into step next to Chiasa. She was dirty, itchy. Her hair was a mess and coming loose from the ponytail to let a few strands of her hair hang free down the side of her face. She sniffled and sneezed into the inside of the bend in her arm, "Friggen dust!"

She wiped the moisture residue onto her sleeve of the blouse she wore.

Chiasa turned to Elina, "I have read a number of reports about NMX treatment of prisoners. Most instances report brutality and savagery. There was a report of one location where live prisoners were butchered for food. Others seemed to conduct a wide range of 'experiments' of dubious quality. The situation on the moon was without a doubt one of the most benevolent."

Nenene frowned as she listened to the Captain's report on the situation. She paused a moment as she stepped into the command center, her eyes drawn towards her ruined station. Where she had died. A chill ran down her spine as her eyes fixed on it, the smashed consoles, broken chair, and, to her disgust, some dried hemosynth that had yet to be cleaned up. She tore her eyes away from the place and went to the command chair, settling into it and quickly bringing up a mass of volumetric windows, which blocked view of her station.

"Operations, get me a full sensor sweep of the surrounding space" she ordered.

"Understood" she replied to Takeyu over wireless. "I am activating our emergency quarantine beacon on the short range emergency transponders or Morse code on the formation lights if I have to. We do not need anyone coming aboard and getting this virus and spreading it beyond the ship" she went on as she worked at the controls.

She looked up, her teal eyes quickly examining the bridge crew on duty. One of them was coughing and looking more pale than usual. "You, get to medical this instant" she ordered, pointing at one of the grey paneled operators.

"I think the virus is spreading, one of the bridge crew is showing signs of illness" she sent to Takeyu and settled back into the command chair and awaited the results of the sensor sweep.

Elina nodded thoughtfully as she listened and acknowledged Chiasa comment. A few of the Moonies had said the same thing by leaving them alone. When she ran into them for the first time, they (NMX) were very brutal gunning down anyone that stood in their way when they hijacked the ship she as on, but left those alone that hid or fled at the first sight of the NMX Boarders.

"oh." Was all she said after a few long minutes had pasted.
Kumiko nodded to herself as Takeyu filled her in, motioning for one of the engineers to come back over so she could give them more instructions. "Alright, so. Long story short, There's been a breakout of some kind of virus. We know nothing more about it at this point, including when it came on board, how it came on board, or who is infected. So. First goal, is to continue with what I said. Get everything tied down and sealed off as much as possible. Vents, doorways, everything. Nothing opens without express orders from an officer. Make sure we get everyone suited up with an AMES suit before we get back to work on that, though. Won't be any help if someone gets sick in the process." She paused, running over the map of the ship in her head. "Once everything is secured, go ahead and start locking down the shuttles for the time being. Don't do anything drastic to them, we just don't want them taking off without a reason."

Following suit on her own words, Kumiko got out an AMES and started getting into it, but continued while she did so. "Once everyone is suited up, I'm going to unseal the main bay doors momentarily, and head for engineering to lock that down the same way. Contact me once you're done with everything here, and we'll figure out what to do from there." Her mind, still running along on its own course, came to a conclusion as well. "Mercy, go ahead and lock down the computers on the shuttles for me, please. Hopefully, that will stymie any attempts to get them up without permission even past the mechanical problems we plan to induce."

The captain grumbled at the report. "And there's no telling how long its been onboard..." he rubbed the back of his head in thought and glanced up toward the ceiling. "It is very likely that we all infected, or at least, anyone whom is a Neko; its possible those whom are not are safe but we won't know for certain until medical is done analyzing this thing..."

Takeyu made his way slowly through the ship, stopping only due to the blastdoors that had come down, he would wait briefly for clarification that no one was on the opposite side before unlocking and passing through - only to have them come back down moments later. After some time, he rounded a corner and saw Umi's form lying on the ground; he ran up to her and knelt down beside sir. "Santô Hei what's wrong?" he asked although he had a sinking suspicion he already knew.
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Ume heard Takeyu's voice and was brought just barely out of her delusions, but she was too weak to stir up much of a response. She only looked up at him with glazed eyes and gave a soft whimper as her feelings of sickness rushed over her now that her mind was not distracted by pleasant thoughts. Though she was in such a weakened state she did manage to remember something from recently and tried her best to give Takeyu a salute.

Chiasa looked at Elina, and paused as they continued down the passageway. Her sneezing could have been due to the dust, but it could also be something else. After all she had been on the Moon for a long period of time. Perhaps this contagion was something that only triggered somehow when aboard a SAOY warship.

She opend a Damage Control Station and pulled out an AMES. "I believe it is prudent to error on the side of caution. Kindly remove your outer garments and put on this suit. It will provide you with a sterile environment. We will put your dirty clothes into the bag the AMES came out of."

Elina eyed the AMES. "It was the dust that made me sneeze.. Besides a good shower will do wonders and clean clothes." Looking at Chiasa. Just tell where the showers are at. Besides if I was infected. It'd be too late for you anyways. You took the tour of Moon Town yourself."

Elina looked around as there was only one place she could run was on this level till she ran into a closed bulkhead door. "Besides I was vetted on troop transport. Spent time in the decon unit like everyone else." Feeling a bit insulted. "I'll change into it when I take a shower."

Chiasa shook her head after getting an update from the ship's MEGAMI regarding the infection. "Elina I am not implying that you are a contagion. I am trying to protect you from whatever this unknown ailment is. The crew of the ship are NH-series life forms. So far several of them have taken ill which should not happen.

As for myself, I am incapable of becoming infected. I am not organic. I am an EM-J2-3A Douryo Android. I will need to take precautions and clean and sterilize myself once the threat has been identified."

Blake paused for a moment at the biologist's phrase noting the contradiction between her tone and her words. The Kodian didn't take long however, and raised his fuzzy eyebrows, "You wouldn't be able to handle it. Seal yourself in if it will make you feel better; but we honestly know very little about the problem, let alone how it spreads."

The doctor then walked off with a smirk to bother Bors and Misato again. "Sorry, can't do that," he replied to the Nepleslian, "The stuff we have would be against The Code to pass off as for drinking." Besides, the stuff under the desk was for him, no one else.

Chieko on the other hand almost managed to feel rebuffed before shrugging off Blake's reaction and entering the Medical Lab. Of course, she couldn't go very far without giving Bors a subtly flirty wave as she passed by. The young Minkan could never completely ignore a male as each one could have decent potential. The numbers just had to be curbed for the right qualities when certain ends were desired - nothing necessarily personal in many cases, however.

Having half an idea about her way around anything remotely lab like, the biologist quickly located the computer, set her helmet on the desk then began looking. The lack of what should be there was puzzling, right down to the lack of anything she could normally identify as viral in nature. Something else was at work here and in a way that Chieko wished Kana were a little more ready to work.
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Elina eyes widen at finding out that Chiasa was an android of the finest caliber. "I-I thought you was just like me!" She had to move closer and look at Chiasa very closely as she never had seen anything like this except in comic books and anime that the younger generation liked.

She took the AMES, stripped naked tossing her clothes into the empty AMES baggy.

"Could ya help?" Elina asked timidly, holding the AMES suit up in front of her. She was unusually stronger than her peers but she knew she was no match for an Android that was fully articulate in movement to even fool her.

Meiko noticed all the people flooding in and rubbed her head lightly listening to the the two of them before writing it down. She looks at the two of them and points at them. "Both strip and lie on the examination table, we'll have to examine you none the less just to be sure." She looked towards Kioko for a moment, and all the non-medical personal who were filling the room and grumbles a bit. Once Kana and Isrun were stripped and on the table she moves them over to a pair of scanners covering them with a Medical Sheet and then lightly covering their eyes and ears before the machines began scanning them for any signs of the virus. "How could this be happening now..." She mutters to herself looking slightly annoyed.

Chiasa "I thank you for the complement, but I am definitely not just like you. Kyo spent a lot of time helping me to fit in better. She was the closest thiug to a mother that I will ever know." she said taking hold of the AMES and started helping Elina get into it. "If I were just like you. I would not be here in the SAOY. I would still be serving aboard a Scientific Studies Service ship."

Takeyu carefully carried Umi through the halls of the ship, making his way slowly to medical and stopping only to unlock the blastdoors; given how many were already infected, he was beginning to wonder if there was even any POINT in having the internal blastdoors active. If this thing spreads through the air, then teh doors aren't going to stop it, hell; the best thing we can probably do is unlock the doors and just keep the ships outer entry points secured.

When he got to medical he stopped at the door and glanced up at the ceiling for a moment, then around the area. "Doc, got another for ya," he said to the doc via comm.
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The scan of the Kana and Isrun, came out positive for the virus. They were infected. Though at this point unbeknown to Doc Blake or Meiko, Everyone in that room was infected now. The Virus was adapting and moving through out the ship far faster then it first did when it came aboard on Misato.

Blake looked over at the snake girl and sighed, "Grab an AMES suit, then start taking vitals. Mainly if some one turns for the worst grab me or the medic." he stepped closer to her and lowered his voice. "Talk to them, keep them all calm..." He was interrupted when Takeyu chimed the intercom.

Opening the door Blake looked at the Captain and with one hand lifted his fishing boonie, then brushed his free hand through the brown fur up there. "Another one? Get her on a bed and then grab an AMES suite... You minds well stay around in you like. Maybe help The snakey girl with morale." He Took Ume from Takeyu and took her to a free bed. Sure he had another twenty so beds in this bay alone, but they would fill up fast if this kept building so quickly.

Not long after Takeyu showed up, other crew members from the surrounding area started popping up looking for help with fevers and headaches. Few others brought in members who had collapsed at their station. The beds were filling faster and faster.

Elina got settled in the AMES, properly and gotten it sealed up properly, except for the helmet. She attached it the belt of the suit along with the sealed baggy of clothes.

"Bet it was different on the Science ship than being on a warship." Elina spoke looking around her. She took note of the other crew members being carried by the others. Life was interesting to say the least. "I could've use this at times on Moon Town when the air system breaks down. It gets very ripe at times and cloudy with smoke."

She put on the helmet. "Whot happens if the air in this suit runs out?"

Kioko nodded as she put an AMES on her head was starting to hurt she ignored it as dehydration, she would drink something later, right now she had a job to do and didn't want to disappoint, she went around the bed taking vitals, as she did so she talked with the people mostly discussing life and dreams, she also made jokes about herself.

While collecting the vitals her headache got worse then she stopped quickly and got a drink of water and used the AMES emergency induction port to drink her water, her headache seemed slightly better so she went back to work, she talked, took vitals and tried to boost morale.
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