Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Zairyo's Commissions (Original Thread)

Third time's the charm right

Relevant Links:

Star Army Gallery
DeviantArt page

Zairyo said:
Hello everyone, I'm a fan of Sci Fi, video games and all those things we tend to spend way too much time on. My biggest passion however is drawing, so as requested by Wes and by my personal interest I'm here to offer my skills to you guys.

If you want to see more please visit my Deviantart gallery here:

If you want to commission me please make sure you are willing to spend at least $15.00 and that you have a Paypal account.
Thanks for your time.

______aimg474.imageshack.us_img474_8144_samspritetestdf7.gif____________________________________________ aimg401.imageshack.us_img401_5431_hanakospritebt3.gif

This is aimed to those of you that don't have a credit card or paypal account (or any way to pay for digital content) but wish they could get a commission from me. As some of you know I have an Xbox 360, which means nothing Microsoft does is ever free, that goes with Xbox Live and Marketplace related content. The Star Army price for commissions remains the same, $15 for the commission and an extra $5 for the card option which brings it to $20. Those $20 can be paid with:

A- 1600 Microsoft Points
B- 3 months of Xbox live Gold subscription

I currently care more about the points than the subscription 'cause I only play online with friends (friends that I communicate with through IM 'cause I can't hear $#!T through the headset so good thing I only like co-op and not multiplayer crap)

There are sites that allow some people (those living in the US, Canada and forgot where else) to do some surveys and what not and get them for free, I really don't care how you get the points, only that they work. also sells them directly, by e-mailing you the code.
Fine by me if it keeps going after all I brought it up and more than likely I will end up doing some of the art if a Star Army RPG gets done.
Mm.. well ok, I'm not bad as a writer when it comes to back and forth conversations and such. I'd be more than happy to help with the wording and storyline. (The only real reason I don't do this myself is because I suck at getting events and triggers to work.) That would be very cool to see your artwork in a game though, Zairyo.
Thanks, I did start one back when the best one was RPG Maker 2003 but two things prevented me from finishing it.

1. A damned routine wasn't working at all
2. RPG Maker XP got released which had a lot of stuff I needed to make it better.

The routine was simple, basically I had the time of day script running and that worked (hated it when the tiles flashed as you went inside a building and back out to adjust the day night system) but I had that every morning an NPC would go to your room and knock. That sounds simple but it wasn't as I tend to ask for a lot of things in games even when I'm the one going through hell to make it.

1. the NPC (bank lady that gave you a daily check) would go to your room
2. if you were inside

2a. You could answer the door and talk to her
2b. you could pretend you weren't there

3. if you weren't inside or you didn't answer she would deposit the money straight to your account but then you would have to go to the bank to withdraw that money.

The main reason I have the NPC show up there was due to a reputation system I implemented in the game. I'm a huge BioWare fan, even though I don't have Mass Effect yet, so I also had different dialog options and Love Interest characters and she was one of them. So yea the game was very demanding for someone with limited programming knowledge such as myself. For some reason the routine worked while I was inside the room but if I just came to the hotel and found her at my door, the scene would work the way I wrote it but she would knock on the door again, even after you saw her leave the building. The sprite wouldn't even show up but the scene was looping for some reason. I had a shut off sequence too. Was too annoying to keep going.
I was sort of asked to make a tutorial about how I do my coloring and well since I used my latest commission as reference I decided to post a link here. Just Click the image to go to my deviation.

View attachment

Well, a woman who'll kiss on the very first date
Is usually a hussy
And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out
Is anything but fussy
But a woman who'll wait till the third time around
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground
She's the girl he's glad he's found
She's his Shipoopi

Shipoopi! Shipoopi, Shipoopi
The girl who's hard to get!
Shipoopi. Shipoopi, Shipoopi
But you can win her yet.

Walk her once just to raise the curtain
Then you walk around twice and make for certain
Once more in the flower garden
She will never get sore if you beg her pardon

Do re me fa so la si
Do si la sol fa mi re do

Squeeze her once, when she isn't lookin'
If you get a squeeze back that's fancy cookin'
Once more for a pepper-upper
She will never get sore on her way to supper

Do re me fa sol la si
Do si do

Now little ol' Sal was a no-gal
As anyone could see
Lookit her now, she's a go-gal
Who only goes for me

Squeeze her once when she isn't lookin'
If you get a squeeze back, that's fancy cookin'
Once more for a pepper-upper
She will never get sore on her way to supper

Do re me fa sol la si
Do si do

Shipoopi, Shipoopi, Shipoopi
The girl who's hard to get
Shipoopi. Shipoopi, Shipoopi
But you can win her yet

Zairyo said:
Kimberly M said:
It looks really good, but just one thing that bugs me: Misaki's eyes ain't teal...

They're like a mixed purple, from what Lilly's told me, and the pictures she's shown me for reference.

Besides that little point, it does really look good.

That's why I ask for full references when I start. This is what Lilly sent me as eye color reference: ... rstyle.jpg

I said I wanted the eye colouring style with the colour of the stockings, if I remember~

(not, mind you, that I don't *love* the rest <3)


  • misakidaha9.webp
    26.1 KB · Views: 388
First game and the last one are the only cool looking ones. (last starts at 4:44)

RPG Maker VX Sample Games

Project some dude is working on. Read the info he posted for his demo (I didn't get it though)

Project Magivolve

I thought it was funny and a nice way to start even though it's not the sort of gameplay Star Army needs, idk you be the judges. Oh and ignore the stupid replies he got, youtube is filled with idiots with nothing better to do than to trash someone else's work when they can't contribute anything positive to society, they are a waste and a new kind of vermin.
I've been fooling around with the program today, learning how to make certain things happen via triggers and switches. If you decide to ever make a Star Army game, I'd be happy to help you with some of the workload that goes with it.

And yes, even on YouTube there are plenty of videos that make remarks about how bad the comments are.
Cipher said:
Lawl, shipoopi.

So what was the point of posting that, exactly?

Trying to get that song out of my head but it didn't work. It was funny in Family Guy but come on I haven't seen that episode in weeks and that song started harassing me.
Dragonnova said:
I've been fooling around with the program today, learning how to make certain things happen via triggers and switches. If you decide to ever make a Star Army game, I'd be happy to help you with some of the workload that goes with it.
Haven't tried this new version yet but how "easy" is it to make graphics like the last game in the video sample? (the one at 4:44)

Also since you're trying it out, keep in mind that Star Army can't have a turn base battle system for character battles. It would be too boring, it would need either tactics type or like zelda. The normal battle system can be used for ship battles.

Things that are important for me on any game, especially an RPG.

1. Free Roaming - Yes like GTA. If you were to compare GTA with an RPG you would see the Missions are Quests. Of course GTA storyline evolves around those "quests" so it is doable in an RPG.

2. Choices and consequences - I've always been interested in choosing my own path in the game and BioWare was the first company to make the idea a reality with KOTOR. I like their Good, Normal and Bad endings thing. Fable has it too.

3. Relationships - Shenmue isn't the most famous game out there but it was the first RPG style game that broke from the tediousness Japan is known for and had "free roaming" with characters that became close to Ryo. The character development there is still one of the greatest I've seen. I also like what BioWare does in terms of romantic interests, that's a must.

4. Reputation system - As far as I know only Fable has it right. In most games you accomplish impossible tasks and unless the story says so you aren't recognized for them. You can also be brutal and nobody would fear you which kinds of beats the whole purpose of being a "tyrant" so a reputation system is important in an RPG. (GTA SA Respect system also works fine)

5. Character Build Up - I hate games where you just have to kill random bunnies until you reach level 50 so you can be powerful enough to beat the game. It's absurd and pathetic. Want to upgrade your character's intellect? throw him at a library, want him to be stronger, make him exercise, more accuracy? gun range, you name it just train the poor bastard. That makes Free Roaming all the most important.
As far as I can tell, you can go the easy way of just making the artwork/graphics outside the program and just import it in. The site you showed us has more details on that. That being said, I think for character art you could even use your own here. (Not the sprites of course, but you know what I mean.)

And I agree that a Star Army rpg would need a different battle system, but again, that site has several different ones people have made. We could always see if any of those would work. If not, we can use the tools they mention to make our own. (I wouldn't mind seeing a tactics battle system since I love those kind of games)

And I completely agree with you on all 5 points, but you say you haven't played Mass Effect yet? Oh dear, you need to. It is incredible. (And the romance subplots are actually pretty good for once.)
Dragonnova said:
And I completely agree with you on all 5 points, but you say you haven't played Mass Effect yet? Oh dear, you need to. It is incredible. (And the romance subplots are actually pretty good for once.)

Yup I didn't want to spend on a new console 'cause I still have PS2 games I haven't finished, plus the Red Ring of Death is something M$ should be held responsible for by not buying it but GTA 4 and exclusive Episodic Content forced my hand. Yes I make myself sick. I'm waiting and waiting for the so called gift card to buy Mass Effect. I only have Dead Rising 'cause it's cheaper now and of course GTA 4. (<- which I had to start over since my achievements weren't carried over to my XBL account)

So anyway about your skill in RPG making, by the sounds of it I gather you've only used (not just on VX) whatever basic elements the Maker gives you by default and never implemented your own battle system or forced the maker to do something using scripts right? (I mean no offense with that question, just checking how improbable is it to make one that is worth making and playing)
...lammmme. ;_; Oh well, we'll survive with what we got. Oh, on a side note, I might have another commission for you once I get some more references together. =)
Kim said:
...lammmme. ;_; Oh well, we'll survive with what we got. Oh, on a side note, I might have another commission for you once I get some more references together. =)

Sure. I'm a huge fan of GTA and after Michelle left and I never got my revenge on the Bulgarian I thought, shit... incomplete or on purpose? Then the San Andreas ticket for Niko showed up and the fact that GTA 4 broke the record as the most expensive game ever developed with microsoft paying half of that for exclusive content I doubt it'll be a couple of cars, weapons and missions you know. Even if the PS3 ends up getting it and more a year or so later I'm too much of a GTA fan to wait. Plus the dude in Zero punctuation claims the Xbox controller is better to play the game and from past experiences I might have to agree. I love the dual shock but this new controller for the Xbox is just too awesome. I'm hardly a M$ fanboy especially since my Xbox 1 lasted less than 3 years alive, in fact as soon as the warranty expired it started giving me hell. It wouldn't play some games which is why I couldn't finish KOTOR T_T Thankfully it played Jade Empire w/o a problem.
Oh no dear, I don't have time to make something like that myself. Im just saying I'd happily help you smooth out details and other things. I know you can do all these things that you mention. There's no way I could ever get around to making a whole script/system of battle by myself.
Dragonnova said:
Oh no dear, I don't have time to make something like that myself. I'm just saying I'd happily help you smooth out details and other things. I know you can do all these things that you mention. There's no way I could ever get around to making a whole script/system of battle by myself.

Well I can't do all that either I was just asking to have a better grasp of how much we need just to make a game nice enough to avoid boring the hell out of anyone who tries to play it. Some people can do amazing things by themselves and in considerable short amounts of time, I call those people geniuses like montyoum but I'm just a tard, lol can't even picture myself working that hard for nothing. But yea if this thing is to be made we need as much help as possible. Too bad we are the only ones offering huh.
You are not a tard, sheesh.

But yea, Im not a genius dear. Just because I'm a teacher doesn't make me a prodigy. We should get Wes and everyone that said they would help in the thread where they were already talking about a StarArmy RPG in on it.

If someone could write scripts, it'd be a huge help.