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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
"Today starts off with a bit of good news, mixed with bad!" The announcer girl smirks, the graphic shifting to a picture of General Apollodorus shaking hands with a group of ragged, fur-wreathed officials. "The surrender of the Bernese Red Rebellion started today off pleasantly, although they insist it is merely a ceasefire! The NSMC agreed after various unusual signals were reported in the area - verified by local corporation messages - and are now working to the casual disarming. Countless officials within the BRR have been arrested, whilst others are now cooperating with the Governess to officiate and continue the use of cloning facilities. What the future holds for these Red-wannabe bastards, who can say? But the true question is...
A promo video runs, showcasing the fantastic fights that took place in the NO-CBL All Contender's last season; fighters from the races of the Kikyo sector, all brawling it out in the ring to the tone of an "absolute banger" of a track -- as the young Funky City kids say -- with countless highlights of big fights. The applause of the arena dimmed; the first year of the circuit had run slower than expected but the All Contender League had come to a close. The battered body of Frauss Kolbstein, otherwise known as the 'Absolute Unit' Abwheren, lay in one corner knocked out. An Oberflauchenbewohner - or Surfacer - who had shaken the league in the military absence of the first year's champion Axium Mandrake had been stopped by last year's...
The sharp contrast of an announcer in a sterile-looking studio perked the attention of the lazy eyes of a man steeped in pain and a pint of whiskey. The swollen mass of purpley mottled flesh around his eyes and upper cheekbones masked his features, though not enough to hide his gaze as it moved towards the screen in a corner of the bar, where his eyes rested for a spell as the sharp-looking Nepleslian woman told him the news. "A sum of DA has been allocated by the government to be put into cybernetic enhancements for citizens of DIoN. Free of charge, these enhancements will be coupled with some regulations to limit potential abuse of the new system while still supporting every Nepleslian to upgrade their body as they see fit." The man...
"For a while now, reports of an escalation in NSN and NSMC forces in the system of Freemud have led to investigators speaking more with the forces in charge of the actions there! And today, we have news! After a series of calculated battles over the course of nearly two years, the small-scale skirmish has begun leading to actual peace talks between the Bernese Red Rebellion and officials within the NSMC. General Apollodorus Wiegand and one of the NSN officials on the scene has been meeting with a currently nondisclosed official for some time and if rumors are to be true, a temporary ceasefire has been said to be in the works! Unlike those real traitors, it seems like these may actually-- what, I'm not allowed to say that? But why...
Big news from Yugumo Corporation Shacho Motoyoshi-Igarashi Yuka this evening regarding her corporation's operations. In a statement, that corresponded with the arrival of Motoyoshi Clan leaders at Jiyuu-jo which returned Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko to Jiyuu III for the first time since the colony was first founded by the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, she announced that the Yugumo Corporation would begin reopening the former assets of Motoyoshi Fleet Yards, Peacekeeper Heavy Industries, and other facilities under their new banner for operation over the next several months. The recently merged corporation, including the Sunflower Corporation, owned by Kage Yaichiro, will continue to manage the city of Tokyo. The corporation has promised that...