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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Hanako's World - Reports are coming in that Kuvexian Ships have appeared in huge numbers to enter the Ketsurui Military Sector. Taisho Eikan Minato, commander of the Sixth Fleet, is reporting heavy losses defending her fleet's home system, Hanako's World. The frontier star systems of UX-11, UX-13, UX-15, UX-16, UX-17, UX-19, UX-20, and UX-21 have already been completely overrun and claimed by the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. These worlds primarily contained mining outposts and defensive Star Army of Yamatai facilities, such as the UX-13 Training Center, and their loss will reduce the Star Army's ability to make new starships. Kuvexian planetary forces have reached the surface on Hanako's World and on Himiko. Due to the speed of...
The telecast blurts over everyone's favorite high octane ID-SOL action flick, the symbolic crests and logos of the NSMC and NSN flashing in unison over the Imperium's flag coming into the display. The banners all flashed away simultaneously, revealing a very large ID-SOL uncomfortably wearing a suit beside everyone's favorite anchor girl. Despite her lack of size, she nonchalantly raised her microphone and smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to interrupt whatever your local channels were showing!" The anchorwoman turned and swung her hand toward the hulk beside her. "Today, we have an announcement! With us is a representative from the Central Corps, Captain Rogar Kamble! We're here to inform the populace about the recent issues...
Yamatai System - The commander of the Star Army of Yamatai, Taisho Ketsurui Yui, announced today at a press conference on her flagship that scouts and remote sensor outposts located in the coreward frontier regions have detected a mass of starships closing on the Kikyo Sector that appear to be Kuvexian and Kuvexian-allied. The exact number of ships is not known but is estimated in the "low 6-digit range" according to the unidentified SAINT analyst that spoke as part of the announcement. They are expected to arrive in the coming days. Also, it appears that the ships vary widely in size and design, and are probably not all military ships but rather a combination of Kuvexian Navy ships, mercenaries ships from several species, and...
"Today starts off with a bit of good news, mixed with bad!" The announcer girl smirks, the graphic shifting to a picture of General Apollodorus shaking hands with a group of ragged, fur-wreathed officials. "The surrender of the Bernese Red Rebellion started today off pleasantly, although they insist it is merely a ceasefire! The NSMC agreed after various unusual signals were reported in the area - verified by local corporation messages - and are now working to the casual disarming. Countless officials within the BRR have been arrested, whilst others are now cooperating with the Governess to officiate and continue the use of cloning facilities. What the future holds for these Red-wannabe bastards, who can say? But the true question is...
A promo video runs, showcasing the fantastic fights that took place in the NO-CBL All Contender's last season; fighters from the races of the Kikyo sector, all brawling it out in the ring to the tone of an "absolute banger" of a track -- as the young Funky City kids say -- with countless highlights of big fights. The applause of the arena dimmed; the first year of the circuit had run slower than expected but the All Contender League had come to a close. The battered body of Frauss Kolbstein, otherwise known as the 'Absolute Unit' Abwheren, lay in one corner knocked out. An Oberflauchenbewohner - or Surfacer - who had shaken the league in the military absence of the first year's champion Axium Mandrake had been stopped by last year's...