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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
After there brief fall off the radar Psychopomp seems to be returning after recovering from the attacks they had suffered from a terrorist organization they refuse to identify. Shortly after their return the CEO and Co-Founder Kristen Romanov has mentioned that a new line of products will be rolling out in the weeks to come.
NDC Business Offer
«««[Outgoing Transmission]»»» NEW LOCAL COMPANY FOUNDING WANTED Attention entrepreneurs of the Kikyo Sector. We at the New Dusk Conclave wish to extend an offer. We are a growing nation in need of a business entity as part of our economy. Land, funds, security, and access government technologies for research purposes will be granted. This offer will remain open until accepted, but is targeted to the founding of a local company. Business deals, and trade are still open to 3rd party businesses. Please send any comms to our AI managed communications line, and meetings will be arranged appropriately. Sirris VI in the Sanctum star system awaits! [System and Planet Coordinates] [Section 6 public page]
YINN (8月01日 YE40) The YSS Ranger, YSS Mushu, and YSS Executor conducted a raid against a transport convoy between Essia and Kuvexia. In addtion to liberating signifigant amounts of raw materials, fifty thousand Separa'Shan were also liberated. The ship's computers indicate that the Separa'Shan were intended to be slaves in Kuvexia. Senator Volontany was both relieved and infuriated at the news. "We thank Naga'Shun and all of the sprits for sparing our brothers and sisters from the horrors of slavery. However, they are far from the first to be transported into Kuvexia. After we reclaim Hannako's World, Essia, and all of the other worlds taken by the Kuvexians, we must take the fight to Kuvexia and liberate our breathren." We will be...
YINN (7月30日 YE40) The Sunflower Corporation, the eco-friendly infrastructure company created to rebuild and manage Tokyo, has achieved an interesting landmark in that the city's waste reclamation system has reached such a high rate of recycling that they have begun to seek trash from other sites outside of Tokyo itself. The company has begun to actively request that trash be made available for them, and they will even send a vessel for pickup. A civilian application of the Fabrication Chamber, like those used to reconstruct Tokyo in the first place, is being used to convert the refuse into usable materials. Already, Tokyo is in talks with other waste management institutions across Yamataian space to employ trash trucks with this...
Good evening Yamatai. I'm Kage Horashio, reporting from Virginia in the Samurai Sector. In a surprise snap election today after the unfortunate passing away of the system's last senator - Nora Takishoru - a new figure is now taking the reigns to the shock of several political analysts. The newcomer, Iemochi Seinosuke of the Iemochi business family, crept into the race after growing popularity within the Elysian population here and across the Kikyo Sector. A scientist at heart, Seinosuke created a new subspecies of Elysian while fighting on the YSS Kaiyo II with his wife Arbitrated. Unbeknownst to much of Yamatai, this development has apparently been helping change Elysian society for the better, prompting a surge of support from the...