Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Fallfest Convention

Hosted by Star Army
Hosted by Star Army

Osaka's doodling

OsakanOne here. The better stuff of my journey to artistic enlightenment ends up here. At this point, it's mostly just experimentation...


If you'd like me to have a go at something for you, just ask here!
Noscript and AdBlock Plus between them have meant I've never had any issues that weren't ten minutes of work to fix in better than a decade. Worth installing them on every system, and they're available for almost all of the primary browsers.



SSCC-Huge is well... Huge. Why aren't we building ships out of this?

Containerisation of ship construction could be huge too (har har). Though seriously, instead of shipping parts, shipping entire block systems and modular rooms with airlocks and stuff. The inside of a ship would become a grid of parts you could VERY easily swap out like lego or something.

New engine? Swap parts.
Want to swap your science-lab for an armoury? Swap parts.
Need some broadside guns instead of crew-quarters? Swap parts!

Hell even changing the entire shape of the ship could be as simple as just changing a few blocks around then altering the hull. If you're using something like a gelatine or structol hull with scale-style mesh plating, you could do this pretty quickly, repurposing and refitting a ship within hours instead of days or weeks.

Dat modularity <3
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Wrote a layer-style to automate a particular process for me out of boredom while learning Layer-Styles. It does all the nice shiny stuff and the gradients for me automatically. Going and just making worksafe images 'more interesting' has never been easier.



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Pretty typical workflow:

Model one half of something, instance the other half over. Ideal if doing something like a robot or a car or an object with a lot of moving parts and they need to be posed at different points to see if the prototypes intersect and how the models need to be adjusted before moving onto the final: Just put your original object into a group locator, instance higherarchy that locator then invert scale 100% on the X-axis to get a live updating copy that copies not only geometry but also position. VERY useful!!

So here I'm just hammering out some simple low-poly containers so I can get a good idea of how design a scifi cargo-carrier ship based on some dimensions I Was given...

Figured I'd use it to cut corners with a rig (all the doors need to do is open at the same time and with an instance I get the benefit of matched rotational channel). All works fine in viewport...


Everything looks fine.

Quick render:

What is going on with the doors? Asking some of the Modo admins and throwing my sourcefile at them. They'll probably know the answer.

It'll be something really arcane and weird, too.
To kill time while waiting for a response, modelling a cargo-carrier. Essentially its an unmanned automatic automobile or 'auto' for short. Each wheel-hub contains a centrifuge which drives the outer wheel through magnetic bleedoff and also serves as a way of lifting the containers while also using industrial-grade hardlight projections to load and unload. The thing is also capable of very limited 'flight' -- meaning it can levitate along surfaces quite slowly.

ai.imgur.com_R23tIDX.webp ai.imgur.com_RpuUbZw.webp

Door bug's still being a pest, which is annoying. Grr!

On paper it should be possible to create an infrastructure where a ship doesn't actually need to set down to exchange its cargo-load. Debating making a huge-ass grav-train for cargo-hauling since as far as I know, nobody's ever actually designed one. I guess on paper, an auto is for distribution into urban centres or for transferring loads from starships to grav-trains.

Industrially speaking, it should make the type30 cargo handler look particularly light.

Might be an idea to give this thing a physical/mechanical Reach-Stacker anyway, just for the fun of modelling it.

The rig needs adjusting, so the wheel-base can be widened to accept the HUGE container, not just the XL and its ilk.

Turns out the door bug was my GPU coughing up its own lungs. This happened right before it died.
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What is going on with the doors?
Something blew up, obviously.

<Aiesu> "Blast resistance test starting in five... four... three... two... one... GO!"
<Luca> *detonates. Cargo container is completely obliterated*
<Aiesu> *winces at the explosion, then blinks, bites her lip and sighs with a huff*
<Luca> *red faced, looks over to Aiesu, grimacing like an idiot*
<Aiesu> "You're only supposed the blow the bloody doors off!"
<Luca> "We found the blast resistance of the walls too! ...and the ceiling, and the floor, and the..."
<Aiesu> *hops up and slaps him upside the face*
And because of this retarded charger, my save-file was corrupted.

So I have to model all of that all over again, containers and all because my fiancé had the great idea of walking through the cable while I was working, tripping the earth in the frayed cord and rebooting my machine. While saving.

Cloud backups. Are. AWESOME.
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Smoothed some edges off, added some hand-rails, rigged the crane. Looks tidy. Need to add a tire-pattern, figure the wheels out and do some inner detailing for the body-work then it'd be ready for texturing, I think?




The mesh is piss simple (its a 32 segment disc with a bevel) but I've been playing with Quixel.

Very impressed. Its fairly demanding and the loaner I'm using struggles even with the low poly mesh I'm using. Albido, ambient occlusion, bump, gloss, displacement, diffuse, specular: boom. Its all there.

In spite of this, expect textured work in the future.
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Did some reading into concept artists and found lots borrow bits and pieces, carving them up in photoshop, stretching and skewing them, drawing in the gaps and recoloring them to produce what's called a composite. Theo Stylianides and Aaron Beck do this so I thought I'd give it a try.


Trying to composite together a shot of Rebeka from bits and pieces of random images to get a sense of what I think she looks like. This way i'm not muddling with a drawing to get specifics right. When this is done and I'm content, THEN that can become a reference and I can go on to draw her knowing exactly what outcome I'm after instead of muddling and making it up (and cocking it up): all the iterative work is ALREADY done.

I mean, its awful, but its a start. You can look at this and know what the outcome is meant to be like, which is the entire point of a composite.


I'm not happy with the facial expression or the mood of her here. The features are functionally correct but she's not this smug. I'm probably going to draw the face like thirty times before I'm finally happy with her appearance.

I'm debating cheating -- arranging some geometry in a person-like shape and using it to get a sense of how things are positioned. If its good enough for Hiroya Oku (the guy behind Gantz who does all this in Poser) its good enough for me.

With luck, this move towards texturing means I can eventually do some proper character modelling (which is what I really want to do) instead of just stupid robots all the time.
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The pose of the right arm and the face are primarily derived from that exact picture, is probably why. Still, good show.

Looking forward to seeing how you pull it off.
Exactly, Ex, exactly: Aaron's tutorial said that during a composite, you start from a base that reminds you "of a thing the most" then step back through abstraction until you can no longer see clear links between either of the two beyond the aesthetic choices: Its meant to be a reference for proceeding, not an original piece. I'm not even a third of the way through it since lots of elements are still obviously very recognizable.

At some point I want to learn matte painting now that I have a proper computer again but I have NO idea where to start or even begin studying tutorials. : /
Alright, from that I've worked out her endoskeleton and the locking points between it and her bodysuit, so I can start detailing the suit's cut, layers, locking points, layout and other mechanisms.


Modified from a “baked” (produced) Modus enedoskeleton, Rebeka's personal endoskeleton provides structural support similar to the way a powered-armor works, allowing her to focus far less on maintaining her shape and moving joints which follow humanoid convention. Importantly, it features a large number of “practical modifications” which in her words “are probably your next evolutionary steps”, appending the failures and short-comings of a conventional skeleton.

These changes include…

  • Three threaded spines for improved loading capacity
  • Extensible fore-arms and lower legs for height adjustment and shock absorbsion
  • Two-stage knees
  • Equal thickness of skull, removing temples and removing sharp internal extrusions
  • Gradiented mixtures of ligament-like and bone-like material rather than areas of strictly one or the other
  • Redesigned joints, removing a majority of functional clinches, allowing for easy dislocation and re-attachment
  • A second tier of teeth built into the cheekbones further up the jaw
    • Rebeka is known to use nerves inside her “teeth” to sense electromagnetism, like a compound eye
  • Larger symmetrical hands with two thumbs
  • Bird-like feet designed for grasping and manipulation, similar to hands. can lock together like a conventional foot.
  • “Idealised” facial and torso proportions, including a angled jaw and wider hips
  • Cavities for additional eyes (covered, unused at this time)
  • Extended Extended ala & extruded lilum (hollow, featuring room for a QNC in one and pressurized oxygen in the other)
  • Ruggedized pubis
  • Acetabulum plugs into secondary spines
  • Distendable pubic bone (taking a cue from Lorath anatomy)
  • Compacted torso space for better centre of mass
  • Legs extended 250% for greater stride-length
  • Adapted “mantis” style fore-arm on Z-mechanism, normally folded like a conventional arm
  • Ruggedized shoulders
  • Enlarged Modus motor systems for improved locking and strength
  • Stone-thread/structol combination artificial tendons
  • Mechanically adjustable shoulder width, torso and facial proportions (avoiding biometric recognition
  • Addition of conventionally serviceable elements using basic tools
  • Addition of locking ports (similar to screw-holes) all over body to connect to bodysuit or other hardware
  • Durandium outer laminate
It is worn inside her and is often removed when she wishes to sleep. Known to frighten other crewmates, she keeps it in the bathroom when not in use.
Bad news:
Stylus is dead.

Good news:
Replacement is £50-70

Worse news:
I'm not going to be able to afford that for about two months.
Yes, I am literally that broke right now.

tl;dr: Looks like I'm dead in the water for a while.
Good news:

Got my old machine sort of up and running!
I started out by re-modelling the torso!
: D



Bad news:

I am sort of a bad person.






My technobabble excuse:

The neural control system affects the appearance of the machine's structol substrate.

The main purpose of the face-plate is not that of protection but to conceal a potentially disturbing face.

Seems legit. Maybe in future I should make a personal model that has shimpaman style armor plating lol
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Doc was bitching the ballet-dancer feet were shit earlier. That the machine looks to delicate.






Just need to whack a fancy casing on it and detail the joints properly.

A few proportional tweaks helped too I guess.

