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OOC YSS Takamagahara Discussion

Duel? Talia (my character in progress) will likely ask for lessons from yours.

I thought Zesuriam was restricted for SA....ah I see. Perks for being in the Star Army! YESH!
The problem is that Zesuaium is functionally impossible to reshape. Sure you might be able to get your hands on a shard of sufficient size, but crafting it into a functional sword would still take specialist equipment. If that process were botched you'd also have no second chances.

To complicate matters further Zesuaium is also extremely heavy by volume. So even though miniature Neko are very strong for their size it would still be an encumbrance and probably poorly balanced given the difficulties of working with the material.

As much as it would be nice to have ridiculously sharp nearly unbreakable swords it just isn't economically feasible.
Durandium should work, it is basically 'super aluminium' from what I've seen and heard. Inexpensive, easy to work with. Some of the upgrades on the melee weapons article would probably apply, but I admittedly haven't looked too hard at melee weapons.
I was considering a sword thing for my own character actually before this conversation, but thought 'wh would a fighter pilot have a sword'? I'm reconsidering it simply becuase of how many other mini swordneko PCs are apperently going to join up simply to give them some sort of rivalry/comradary with eachother!

At this rate I'd almost say it could be a thing of this particular ship for its crew to all have swords as a standard thing, regardless of their skill with them. the crew of (Whatever the name of the ship would be) would all prick the mishu to death with their toothpicks!

I mean, it probably wouldnt happen, but now that i think about it mininekos wielding eight centimeter long blades would be somewhat deadly if the knew what they were doing.

Is Nerimium limited soley to neplasian soldiers as a choice of material for blades? the article isn't clear on that, but it seems like it.

'super aluminum' doesnt have enough mass, or i would think at least, to really have some weight behind the strikes to get through stuff, unless it was a totally unarmored thing.
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The hype intensifies.

Edit: Just a heads up, I'll be out of town from August 13th to August 17th so I won't be able to post if it is needed.
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Nerimium is worthless for a weapon. It's actually incredibly dense, and heavier than Zesu. Most nepleslian weapons use a nerimium edge, but the rest of the blade is a separate material, and even that makes Nepleslian weapons much heavier. They don't have the same strong, lightweight materials Yamatai does. Yama-Dura, or Durandium are usually your best bet, though it depends on purpose. SAoY survival knives were made of hyperdense diamond for quite some time, might still be, actually. These things don't have to be made of metamaterials to be decent.
So, I'd like to get things rolling on this pretty soon. Once everyone who is still working on characters gets theirs in (think we need about half right now) we can kick off :)
This may be coming out of left field, but the legality of Zesuaium only extends to production. That is, nobody but the SAoY is allowed to produce more of it from scratch. Not that anyone else even knows how to be honest. Everyone else is free to take what they find and have it painstakingly crafted into what they want. Because of this, battlefield salvaging is pretty lucrative. Also, to get around the issue of Zesuaium being either as dense/heavy as DU or even more so, blades are commonly made hollow.
Added my charecter to the crew roster. I'm still not finished with the personality/history.

Just how much history does one need for a brand new Neko?
@Cmd_Jackson Not much. I usually give them a bit of a story about their training, but that's pretty much it. Both Inukai sisters are examples of this (normally I'd add a link to them, but I'm on my phone atm).
@FrostJaeger Okay thanks. don't worry about the link. You already have them in your signature.

EDIT: Okay, I have managed to confuse myself, the naming system is last name first on the character sheet?
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