Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC Conference Discussion

I guess the problem is that Yamatai, while breaking the treaty, is all like "We'll just make other, normal treaties with individuals" and so now it's like... Well, what's the point of having the IRC anyway? What're we gonna do? International relations didn't work in the all-at-once arena, and we're not gonna just sit down in the big conference room and make a million little deals shouting over each other's heads.

This is, I guess, where in a normal RP the GM would give us a timeskip.
There were IRCs before DATASS, so, I don't think that accessment really holds any water. THe IRC is not all an all-in conference sessions.

You're basically given a recess, where you can do your backstage talks to do the individual bits.

There were no shortages of broader topics to discuss. Yui certainly had a list. If the non-DATASS factions had agendas to follow, this certainly would be their chance. If they fail to, it's not because they weren't given the chance.
Not everything is discussed in the open Fred, you outta know that by now. Thus to say that people 'failed' to do anything would be a grave misunderstanding, after all, just because no one has spoken of things in the IRC doesn't mean nothing has been discussed.

Anywho, my health is still in loops, so once that is cleared up I'll get the ball rolling with Nashoba.

Oh, and one more thing. Many people do not like this IRC because of how it is often handled.
Well, I have been dealing with a family member in the ICU this week. So I haven't exactly had time to do much on SARP.
It seems to me everyone is too tired of politics OOCly now to make a big push for anything substantial... but that's not to say things are dead. Bilateral RP is the way to go now, as Yui has indicated... I might even throw up a thread too, as hinted at in Mochizuki's ending post in the Senate debate.

Also yay for GAO! Give Them a Reason!
Well, here's the Lorath take on the matter.

Between Nepleslia and the Matriarchy, we're going to be able to make friends faster, easier, and better than with a reluctant Yamatai in tow. Also, without a reluctant Yamatai, the solidarity of DATASS will be near absolute, which could be considered as distinctively inviting for those seeking steadfast friends and allies, that would not be aiming to 'Do their own thing'.

Furthermore, now without DATASS obligations to Yamatai, the Matriarchy and Nepleslia are able to better behave in their established methods of operation.

This is going to be awesome.

Also, Yamatai is not on our boat.

This is why nobody lets you play with their things.

I really hate to come in and do this, but here I go making enemies. I normally wouldn't mind deriding the typical 'Yamatai must always win' mentality that can kill opportunities for good role-play but in this instance I think it bears mentioning that even here in the real world pirates know better than to screw with the superpowers for a reason. It is not unreasonable for a fictional government to be able to defend itself against simple criminals. Besides, the interesting thing is not the complete and utter decimation of well-armed if overly bold adversaries but instead the ability to read the writing on the wall: This sudden surge in violence has really great timing.

Where did these pirates get their weapons in such a timely matter? How convenient is it that they would get them the very moment that the agreed upon customs and immigration arrangement has fallen apart? That's a logistical nightmare, a feat of shipping and receiving. What mysterious benefactors creep in the shadows, and what plans do they have which can be advanced simply by arming thugs? Something much more sinister lies at the heart of this disturbing inconvenience, not just for Yamatai-- but for the galaxy!

So if anybody is hiring a writer for pulp novel backside riders, y'know... I'm available.
Not that this concerns me, but The black Vipers know better than to directly act in Yamatai Space. Lol, I was actually warned about it by wes himself.
The IRC special event is almost over! At the conclusion of the 2 month OOC window, this forum will be moved off the forum index and back to its former location.

I was hoping we could have worked out more stuff like an international transportation network for civilian characters, but it looks like the treaty drama overshadowed everything.

The next IRC will (presumably) take place March 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018. Thank you to everyone who participated!
I suppose I can leave the threads unlocked for while.
An OOC note about the Nepleslian Senate: We have had a few attempts over the years to recreate the in-character senate and each time it's never gotten off the ground due to a lack of player interest. The last attempt was in this thread, last year. Now, at this point there's clearly not enough interest to make a proper player-run senate, but I would like to come out and say that, in character, we do have a senate. Democracy is an important value to Nepleslians, like small government and loose regulations. It's not a libertarian utopia per se, but freedom and representation is an important part of life for Nepleslians. So, here's the first time we've really run into trouble over not having this senate. It's not like we didn't want to-- just that we never had the player interest to run it the way we did. In some of his posts about this, Kampfer has alluded to this in the past.

Now, I'm just going to come out and say it.

We have a senate. We are democratically represented. It is not something within the control of the players-- but only because players have yet to show enough interest in it to do anything other than claim a planet and promise to make a senator when they get around to it. If the players decide they want a senate, I have an old draft of a senate framework that they can make characters for and we can kick up a senate. Until then, the Nepleslian senate is essentially an invisible force that as a setting element will do nothing except silently pass the executive orders handed down by the Sky Marshall-- not to say that they couldn't overturn those orders, only that for expedience sake they will have not.
Quoting for reference.
Traditionally Elysia has been allowed to represent itself as nation by Yamatai. After all, Yamatai hosts the IRCs and they don't want to offend their suzerains by making them feel left out.