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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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As far as editing and organizing goes, I can only edit my posts. Until I get some mod powers everyone else kinda has to organize stuff on their own.
I noticed there was no Aashi button, so I wrote in [Aashi] into the title text. Is that what you wanted, Zack?
It looks like we won't be getting character specific tags. Tagging things with the character name beforehand is encouraged.

Perhaps we should get a tag for her pirate shanaagins?
@Amaryllis I didn't intend for Corgan to lie, that was my mistake. Zack, can I retcon my post to remove that one line? Also, I don't know what deal he broke exactly..?
Well he shook Akemi's hand and made it seem like he'd wait to see if Laurence was dead before they'd speak of Tolmasch again. Now he's bringing it up and Laurence is nowhere to be found and calling/implying it's his. That's what Akemi sees as a deal broken. Neither of us has posted anything about our characters finding him.

Besides that being a lie to him Akemi also sees Corgan saying he wants him to clean out the place for him as another lie.

It you retconned a lie Akemi's actions would suddenly make less sense.
As it is I thought this whole situation was a bad idea as we haven't resolved events I figured would happen before this meeting.

Like I imagine Corgan and Akemi met in the sauna shortly after they met the nobles.
If the thread they're in now takes place at the current time I'd imagine several days have passed since the sauna and thus the two could have interacted with each other more and tried and possibly succeeded in finding Laurence during that time but none of that has been played out yet. As a result we're potentially having to predict how our characters would feel and think before playing out events that might shape such things.
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That line about cleaning out the place is the one I want to remove. I don't really consider the first part a broken deal... but either way, Corgan is planning to take Tolmasch, so it's a valid claim. He might give some concessions to the guy who used to run the place if he's alive. He also wasn't speaking of it to Akemi, they never said he couldn't talk to Uso right? Anyway, I want to retcon my post @Zack.
Also, I think Aashi should probably not get involved in this. She wasn't around when Corgan and Akemi discussed things previously, or when Corgan offered to clean out the area for Uso. If she was she would know he's not trying to establish an independent kingdom, he's only setting up a base there and getting rid of anyone who might be a threat, aka Mnochis and any bandits. Tolmasch hadn't been written/created at the time, so he couldn't claim the area by name. The whole planet is Uso's, he never said he was taking it just for himself.
Well he shook Akemi's hand and made it seem like he'd wait to see if Laurence was dead before they'd speak of Tolmasch again. Now he's bringing it up and Laurence is nowhere to be found and calling/implying it's his. That's what Akemi sees as a deal broken. Neither of us has posted anything about our characters finding him.

Besides that being a lie to him Akemi also sees Corgan saying he wants him to clean out the place for him as another lie.

It you retconned a lie Akemi's actions would suddenly make less sense.
As it is I thought this whole situation was a bad idea as we haven't resolved events I figured would happen before this meeting.

Like I imagine Corgan and Akemi met in the sauna shortly after they met the nobles.
If the thread they're in now takes place at the current time I'd imagine several days have passed since the sauna and thus the two could have interacted with each other more and tried and possibly succeeded in finding Laurence during that time but none of that has been played out yet. As a result we're potentially having to predict how our characters would feel and think before playing out events that might shape such things.

I don't want Corgan to be known as a liar because of my mistake.

As for the rest, it highlights why we need a timeline. In my mind, the sauna happened the day before the Robot plot. I thought the meeting with the nobles was weeks away, not in a day or two.
You don't want Aashi involved because she's making valid points. Aashi was there in the same room, waiting for Spacecase to fix up 46 the entire time. She is just going off of what has been said. I think since @Dumont's online, they should explain what they thought would happen if they created this problem.
Well Aashi is Akemi's friend. She doesn't need to know anything about what happened to try to defend a friend.
I also gotta say I take issue with the idea that you ask Zack permission to retcon something when changing that something affects me more than it does anyone else besides you and you don't ask me.

My character already has no leverage in his position besides Aashi being his friend and Corgan having lied. If he gets to smugly tell Akemi he needs to do things for him to get something Corgan doesn't even own because he never actually put troops down to take it then I guess we might as well retcon the whole encounter.

First you write a godmod response in a JP where your character
1. tells off mine
2. gets up and walks out of a room
3. dries off
4. gets dressed
5. leaves the room and the entire building
and I'm left unable to write Akemi getting a single word in during all that when he's being insulted in his own home in front of his friends in a place he could have disappeared him in.

Then you got upset I wanted to write my character actually getting to say something back and said if the conversation continued it'd end in combat and you don't like writing player versus player combat when the real issue would be Corgan getting smoked by every guard in the establishment.

You said you were ready to get rid of the whole JP and it bothered so much you would have said something that would have got you in trouble with mods/administrators/whatever had you been younger.

I nicely tried pointing out alternatives for Corgan and actually asked our GM to tell us if there were equal or better places for him to go and she said yes. I suggested our characters waited to find out if an NPC was alive before they did anything and we had an agreement and you were still bothered. It wasn't like I was trying to say Akemi automatically should have the land.

Then you suddenly blindside my character and I by starting something IC when our dudes agreed to wait until they found out about this Laurence guy. Now it's an issue that Akemi isn't backing down and he has support from a friend and he isn't just getting completely humiliated like a powerless baby.

If your character is going to shake hands with mine and agree to not speak about X until Y is resolved and he starts talking about X in Akemi's presence in a way that sounds like he's trying to get him in trouble then that's pretty clearly a broken deal. If you don't like your character being treated as untrustworthy don't write him as untrustworthy.

I was nice, positive and helpful after you complained in the past as if only your feelings mattered but now you're doing this so I don't see why I should oblige you a second time when this is what I get in return.

I also gotta point out I made a post Monday saying Akemi was sharing with Uso his memories of his encounter with Corgan that would give her video and audio evidence that he lied yet you're only bringing up wanting to retcon this lie after Aashi takes Akemi's side in a post Ametheliana made Friday.
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And here's the drama that I've been predicting, right on schedule.

You don't want Aashi involved because she's making valid points. Aashi was there in the same room, waiting for Spacecase to fix up 46 the entire time. She is just going off of what has been said. I think since @Dumont's online, they should explain what they thought would happen if they created this problem.

I don't see how this is a problem any more than it is what the plot is. The plot being 'people from space come in and take over a primitive world'. My direct hand in the situation being that I had one NPC say in essence 'someone is the traditional owner of this land, I knew them years ago and they are probably dead, I don't care if you go in and shoot everyone to take control of the place'. The entire plot is more or less a bunch of terrible greedy people taking land from a bunch of other terrible greedy people, so they can all be terrible and greedy.

Hell, I got Zack to let me do this part of the plot by going 'HEY I WANT TO DO SOME GAME OF THRONES SHIZ', which should show how I do enjoy a good backstab and squabble.

I will apologise if I've been too player conflict-driven friendly if people were expecting otherwise. To a degree I enjoy conflict because it's an incentive to have things happen, period. I've also always found that it's worse to force people's players to be friendly with one another. Give them reasons to begrudgingly work together? Sure. There's one in store that's been in the cards since I wrote the region.

Laurence Mnochis is a terrible bastard who is actively trying to kill anyone who wants to rule the land that is his birthright. He will never work for/with Akemi at all. The only way to subjugate Tolmasch will be with a full military crackdown, and that is to provide action opportunities for Corgan, and drama to Akemi's noble ambitions by proving that some people will never see things his way.

Same time: I did not make Akemi or Corgan start fighting over this one particular piece of land, I did not tell them which areas to choose to try and expand, and I even added multiple other areas where they can go out and take over the planet and have adventures. I certainly didn't make their players take it so personally as to turn into an OOC pissing contest. If you two can work it out maturely, this precise sort of conflict is great fun. For Example: I know I have fun actively planning to destroy Akemi, and Amaryllis and I get along just fine. At least I hope so.

I don't have anything to really say about the whole 'retcon me to not be a liar' other than pay attention to what you've said in the past, and take note of your player rights. Specifically this one: 5. I have the right to ask for a retcon or edit of the last RP session, if I feel my character was played incorrectly or left out at a vital time.

If you can make a case for your character being played incorrectly, or left out you're entitled to the retcon. Exactly what you're retconning I'm not sure, though since I'm not paying attention to the robot thread. Amaryllis does have it right that you did give 'em a few points where they weren't given an opportunity to respond, but at the same time I did note that Amaryllis has a tendency to prolong JP's by always trying to get in one last word. I've found it easiest to just go 'we're ending this now' and force an ending sort of thing.

I would like to suggest that you two try and agree on an end goal here. I believe that Amaryllis and I are fine with our conflict based roleplay expressly because I pointed out that eventually Arccos would come around and realise that her wild neko-based racism is bad, and we're just having fun playing everything between then and now.
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Anyone else who wants to jump on me while we're at it?

@Ametheliana I'm asking you to please stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you. I don't want Aashi involved because she is automatically believing Akemi and assuming Corgan is at fault.

@Amaryllis You know, I tried to end this by requesting a retcon to fix my mistake and you couldn't accept that. You just have to keep pushing it. I don't think it's unreasonable as a request. I never said you couldn't also request to retcon Akemi's actions. That's not something that I have any control over. I haven't said a single insulting thing. Now you accuse me of god moding. If having my character exit a JP is god moding, I guess I was. I had two options. One, request to end the JP like a child. Two, change it. We changed it, so why bring that up again?

Fine, then, no retcon Ama. How do you suggest we resolve this?
Amaryllis does have it right that you did give 'em a few points where they weren't given an opportunity to respond, but at the same time I did note that Amaryllis has a tendency to prolong JP's by always trying to get in one last word. I've found it easiest to just go 'we're ending this now' and force an ending sort of thing.

See, I was trying to do exactly that. Just take my character and leave before things escalated. He didn't let me do that.

I'm done with this. I am pissed off, but I'm done. I'll give you some options Ama.

1. I'll leave the plot
2. Retcon, we forget this and get over it
3. Keep going, we apologize and stop bitching about how we mishandled the situation
4. I'm open to suggestions
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Player Right 7. I have the right to refuse any roleplay that makes me uncomfortable, especially sexual or strongly violent role-play, without negative consequences on my character or myself.

If further conflict with Akemi is something you don't want to do, it would thus make you uncomfortable by forcing you to do something you don't want to. You are in all rights allowed to refuse to continue a JP, and if Amaryllis gives you problems for it, they are the one being a problem not you. 'Hey you are godmoding me by not allowing me to talk back' is something you're allowed to just say 'I don't want to continue this' for and I'd be the one to deal with it from there and address Amaryllis' concern by editing the JP in progress to allow Akemi an opportunity to talk back, but have your character leave without responding. This under the proviso that you are fine with me somewhat editing the wording of your last action.

If Amaryllis has a problem with being unable to always talk back when you wish to not continue, that's just something Ama has to bite the bullet on I'm afraid.
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