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OOC YSS Kaiyō II Discussion

Actually is pronounced similar to mocha, with a harder c, or is it a soft c so it'd be like saying mushy, or is it like, a suuuuuper duper silent c so it's best pronounced 'mo-he'?
I know a lot of you are sick, including myself, but there have only been two posts since mine. Let's get this going!

Next time I post in Love Day, I expect to have it be a close to the thread. It's gone on long enough ^-^
Whyyyyyy do we keep scaring people away? D:

Well, Arbles, Navian quit because of an aside. HotelKilo quit because of an aside. CadetNewb quit because of an... Well, Cadet quit because of pacing and the lack of stimulus for his kitty cat.

Point is, we need less asides and more ship-board action!

But f'real. If you don't want to be here for any reason you need to tell me before it becomes a reason for you to quit! I don't want to lose any of you and I'd rather have the large group we have now than bare bones!

You know how open my inbox is! You know I'm receptive and such! You know you're important to me! Don't let details you don't like make this a part of your past when it can be bettered for everyone's future by receiving your feedback!
Belatedly, yes, if you need to NPC Irit you're more then welcome to.

If at some point there's a ship to move her to, then I may change my mind.
But f'real. If you don't want to be here for any reason you need to tell me before it becomes a reason for you to quit! I don't want to lose any of you and I'd rather have the large group we have now than bare bones!
I do agree with this-communication is important, and if you have issues it is usually for the best to talk about it. I'm rather willing to listen, myself... I've only been RPing for about nine months instead of the year+ people ^^;
"Nashira-Hei will breach the door. Kokoro-Hei will lay down covering fire while we enter. Jones-Hei will bring up the rear."

That means posting order is:
Meissa Nashira @META_mahn
Yoshida Kokoro @Speeder01
Orion Jones @Squidrobot

Anastasia @Pancakei and Carter @forumlurker have been bestowed the duty of messing things up quite a bit in engineering. I suggest you OOCly and ICly coordinate a plan of attack.

At any time, others can interject as long as it doesn't get in the way of Mitsuko's orders! I may write a banging on the door of the barracks as the infantry Neko realize they can't follow you D:
Rip the bridge crew itself, I guess they've cleaned up the carriers by now and are just chilling out while the battleship gets torn apart from the inside? I mean, that's kinda what I gathered anyways...
Saki asked to deal with Arbitrated, Mochi doesn't have much to add and Ethereal and I have talked on that, and NPC's are on standby.

Next post from HAMnJAM will give Arbs something to do, so it's all okay.
Yeah, just been a week since I last did anything in the main plot, so I was wondering if there was to be anything along the lines of a confirmation of status or... whatever ^^;

Infantry nerds are having a blast though, that's always fun to read :D