1) "The Station Systems." This is not a complete sentence.
2) What makes this station able to last 75 years longer if cut off than the OOSS is capable of?
3) If you're going to have DR V 2 on here, link DR V 2 above Hull: 250 as it could be confusing if it's underneath the link for DR V 3.
4) "Sector
Eight is a Research and Development lab for projects. It contains several hundred test chambers and construction bays. Its computers are segregated from the main system, to promote secrecy, and a high level of clearance must be obtained to enter Sector
Seven." Please fix this error.
5) Dimensions should be its own header instead of it being arms. Arms should be underneath dimensions, not above it.
6) "First under construction. OOC Start Date February 24th. Completion Date: April 24th. This falls in line with Military build-up, and is implied in This Thread" In submission reviewers' guide it states: "[ ] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed)." It can be assumed that future months are not allowed, either. This is also OOC information that belongs in OOC information, not up here. Include that one is being made at this point, not the OOC information for the build.
Center not "centre"
8) "...Point Defence Canons." Should be
Point Defense Cannons.
9) "It is the Tactical centre of the station, and of all VDTF Forces in the system and space " Needs a period and
centre to
10) Traffic does not need to be capitalized.
11) Sector nine is mentioned but only in Sector Two's section.
12) "Massive areas to participate in simulated battles." This is not a complete sentence.
13) Turbines still has an apostrophe.
14) Sector five makes what kind of vehicles?
15) Need an appearance section
16) Sector Distribution is still blank under the header.
You can only make one of these if the only star system you have is Komodo, but you know that because you've read
By the way, where/ what is the established industrial base on Komodo? It should be on system page.
From the above link: "The system should have a decent amount of inhabitants and some industrial facilities listed on its wiki page."
The numbers add up to me, but I'm going to ping
@Fred to double check DR. It has 4,096 Assailant 105mm Auto-gauss Tier 6 Point Defense Cannons on a Tier 15 space fortress.