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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Roku: Genjitsu Tōhi pt. I

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Having previously volunteered to serve as point for the entry into the pod, Hanna flew towards the airlock.

Upon hearing Anastasia she replied, "Barlow-Hei, we can go in the airlock and you can conduct your scans from there before I start to cycle it. Nashira-Hei, do you approve of that?", Hanna asked in a monotone voice, just for clarification, in case she changed her orders again.

She was beginning to lose patience with Nashira-Hei. Hanna wanted sorely to reprimand her, but it would do little good, given the complexity of the situation. Instead, she decided to slightly adjust the tone of her voice.

"Nashira-Hei," Hanna said in a dry tone. "Does your previous order still stand?"
"Your order was belayed, Hanna." Meissa snapped back. "Eyes on pod. Watch for something, anything."

Wow, was that attitude of Hanna's getting to her. Meissa breathed in, breathed out a few times. Good? Good.

Hanna was perplexed peace. She no longer felt rage or burning hatred within her chest as Nashira-Hei snapped at her to fall back in line with the other infantry. Hanna was initially confused, but a sudden realization came upon her as she came to terms with who she was dealing with. Nashira-Hei's outburst was not the firm clarification of an experienced military officer, but rather, it was an incompetent, blue-blooded military brat's desperate plea for respect from her own soldiers.

At last, Hanna found solace within this revelation and smiled to herself as she responded to Nashira-Hei and flew away from the pod, taking up a sniping position as she reset her focus upon the mission.

"Yes, ma'am."
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William felt oddly at peace floating through the blackness of space. It was... well peaceful.

However this reverie was short lived as the others followed him out into space. He moved in and formed up with the others, taking up a defensive posture while the others decided what to do. He watched his scanners for any incoming threats.

His sword remained in their scabbards, however he was ready to draw them at a moment's notice.

Kioko sighed as she floated there, she listened to the orders and could see that people didn't really want to follow the appointed leader of this search. She floated closer to Meissa and gave her a nod, to try and reassure that Meissa was going a good job.

She had her gun aimed at the pod "If the Pod isss here , where isss the ssship it came from?" She had forgotten she was on the channel and was speaking to herself "If thisss isss a trap... it would be the sssame people who attacked the ship....."

She started measuring the trajectory to work out where the pod could have come from as she mumbled some numbers and other things as she tried to work out where the ship would be.
As Abart'huse remained on standby, he couldn't help but think on one thing he noticed earlier, in those moments before he donned his Mindy armor.

He knew some new members were joining the squad today, and with his snakelike sense of smell, he just picked up what seemed to be the scent of the newcomer. However, this one was quite odd compared to what he was used to from the others so far. It almost seemed......familliar? Whatever it could've been, his interest was piqued as he zoned out for a bit.

"Odd....gotta check later....."

Misaki looked dead into Eden's eyes, "Yes now, I feel it." She continued her pleading stare while she continued to jitter a little. She put one of her arms around her midsection akin to hugging herself while holding out a begging hand to Eden. She let out a quieter whine while sending her feeling towards Eden through their encrypted mind link.

She was begging to go.

Anastasia nodded. "Understood." She activated the jets on her suit, closing in on the pod. She slowed to a halt with a few meters of comfort space between her and the pod. "Scanning."

With that, the technician started scanning the pod slowly, using her suit to maneuver around all the sides of the pod. Along with standard procedure scans, she recreated a 3D model of the damaged exterior of the escape pod for later. She wanted to study the patterns of damage, should this be a real Yamataium hull being crumpled.

"Hayashi-Juni, you have the bridge!" Eden called out, rushing to Misaki's side.

She asked MEGAMI, "Get Royama-Heisho, the medic! Have her meet us in the med lab!"

"Right away, Shosa," Boss replied. Eden hurried Saki to the med bay with one hand on her far shoulder and another on the arm nearest her as her heels clicked against the hallway's floor.


Leeta, who had been taking the initiative a lot during this mission, thrusted towards Anastasia and held out her science scanner with life form scanner attachment.

"This will scan for life forms," she told the technician. She turned to give a thumbs up to Meissa in her Mindy and turned back to the pod.

"I'm coming up short!" Leeta said. As she said so, she got a closer look at the outside of the pod. "It looks torched. I'm opening the pod. Muyomi, help me out here." Without a word, Muyomi came in close and the two of them opened the hatch of the escape pod.

"O-oh," Leeta whispered as she looked inside. Six bodies lay limp inside, buckled in to their seats. Leeta Aoi relayed the visuals she was getting to Eden through wireless communication.


"That's..." Eden muttered, stopping. "Chusa Sørensen Astrida, confirmed. Likely her crew with her. They look like " She looked to Misaki and gave her a reassuring smile, then continued on their way to the bridge.


"Wha—" Muyomi said as she looked up and at a beastly ship in front of them. Two appeared to the sides of it of the same size. From behind them ten bombers decloaked, as well.


"Sensors are picking up a multitude of ships that just uncloaked themselves! There are what look like three cruisers and ten bombers!" Asuka said, whipping her hands around wildly to manually control the sensors station. "Sensors are showing they haven't recently been in FTL travel, they've been here this entire time! Eden what should we—" Asuka turned around to face Akiko and then gulped. "Santô Juni, what should bridge crew and the power armor team do?!"


"Oh dam—" Eden said, stopping again and concentrating on the multiple situations unfolding.

Her voice emanated to all those on the ship, "Hayashi-Juni! Advise bridge crew and I will retain tactical control of the power armor team."

To the away team with her wireless communication, she said, "Nashira-Hei and the rest of the power armor team, standby to engage bombers! Assume stealth positions but do not fire until my command!"
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Kyoi passively ran her tongue over one of her sharp incisors. Her ears flattened even further, as her eyes narrowed and her tail curled down and around her seat.

"Engaging enemy, Shosa Eden." she spoke. "Assuming evasive maneuvers, kiting to defensive position while providing PA teams cover."

She began to align the Kaiyo towards the closest cruiser, giving her bridge angel the best angle she could. She hit the thrusters as hard as she could, sending the ship strafing downwards. Relatively.


"I god damn knew it." Meissa muttered privately, comms off.

She switched her comms back on, while marking one of the bombers that seemed like it was making the most aggressive move with red and another with blue. "You heard Eden! Kaiyo is your cover! Standby, and when the order is given, know your jobs! All Sabers and Gauss units, you will fire on the red target! All wing drones, you will focus on the blue target! Everyone else, join the point defense! Stand by and be ready to fire on mark!"

Curiously, she felt a little different giving these commands. Sure, she had done things before when the ship was on the line. Sure, she still wanted to protect this ship and keep its crew alive. But something felt a little closer. Some sort of soft spot, she admitted...

Then it struck her. It was Saki, wasn't it? Mat she cared about, but he wasn't fragile. He was infantry, hardened by basic and having to shoot and kill. He didn't look like he would break in a stiff breeze. But, she should call, wasn't the same. She gritted her teeth.

So be it. Do it for Saki. Do it for mom.
Royama was already in the Medical Bay, which she made sure to let Boss know, good thing too. She wouldn't have to worry about being beaten by her soon-to-be patient, and instead was able to meet both Misaki and Eden at the door of the Medbay, "On the table with you." The medic ordered outright, "Shame on you for not keeping track of this, shame on me for not doing the same." She was quick to guide the two of them. Eden and Misaki may of been the ranking officers on board, but the Medical Lab was her domain, and in times like this there was a need for her to take over.

"The calmer you are, the easier this is going to go, you've got nothing to worry about. Just sit tight and hope they don't make things too bumpy for you."

Truthfully Royama wasn't even needed, Neko birth wasn't like human birth, but she figured she'd ought to be around just in case, if only for peace of mind.
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Kioko wasn't that surprised about the ships appearing, what she was more surprised was with the size of the ships that had come in, and three of them at that, she hissed slightly as she looked over the ships trying to work out who they were as she flew back to the cover of the ship . She looked over at the rest of the team, she had only just met them on this mission, but she knew her duty and that was to help and protect these people on this mission.

When she heard what her targets were she grinned and responded "Yesss Ma'am." She gets ready lifting her weapon and waited for the call to fire.
"Gee, maybe they're all friendly and had been waiting for a moment like this to give suprise hugs." Yoshida said dryly as she activated her volumetric camoflauge. She had been expecting SOMETHING to go wrong, but yoshida's theory had been more along the lines of trojan horse, or explosive pod. The fact that two cruisers and ten bombers managed to stay under the radar in more ways than one, some what suprised her. At the same time, it was entirely expected, they had already fallen for a similar trick once. She wouldn't say anything, but she had thought that whoever was in charge of detecting things like this would have been on th elookout for this kind of attack.

She shook her head free of distractions, and useless thoughts like that as she flung herself a little ways off, just to no longer be where she was once fully visible, and transmitting. At this stage, transmitting anything would very easily get you spotted. She hoped the others new that, as she could now only hype herself up for shredding some bombers in their own ambush. "Roger, eden, meissa..." She said to herself, her comms offline. "We'll show them how real soldiers fight."
YSS Kaiyō
Mission Ops/Communications

Riku took Nashira-hei's request into consideration, though he didn't see the need in it as the Mindy's and Reaper's themselves had an integrated HUD system linked to their fire-control and weaponry systems both external and internal. Though he supposed he could passively keep track of their progress and gradually work their counters into the system as time went on. It was obvious that the situation on the bridge between the CO and XO had been separated from his mind entirely, as he did not seem phased by her absence and the exchange of command towards the SAINT.

His hands went to work as soon as the surrounding space sent out a garbled wave of white noise into his headset, the instruments responsible for monitoring the area suddenly going mad as the news of the unknown ships appearing from out of thin air came pouring into the net. The Minkan looked over towards the screen, his hands never ceasing as he tasked MEGAMI with intercepting and invading their communications network, however slim and small the chance was.

The ship silhouettes were unfamiliar to him, as he Riku saw through the eyes of G-Squad through their Mindy's. "As soon as they send a burst of transmission to the others, try your best to grab hold and invade. We'll start countering any jamming they may or may not have on-board. If they're capable of rendering all instruments of a state of the art BIES inert and intercept our quantum communications with ease; I want you to show them just how badly our fangs hurt."

Riku then looked over towards the other side of his console and noted the fluctuations occurring. There was no doubt in his mind they weren't going to try to jam them. He knew nothing about their technology, about their methods of war, nor who they were; but if it finally became the fight he had been transferred to the Kaiyo for then so be it.

"Send a transmission out, short-burst packets in case they get intercepted by the unknown ships. Message follows - KYOTO. IN. NEED. HAYSTACK. FIRE. 水 (MIZU)."

"Understood, Kawazoe-hei. Preparing counter-signal measures, reinforcing the Kaiyo's communications net with protocols Alpha-dash-seven-two and Gamma-dash-eight-nine. Attempting to send a long-range, short burst hyperspace transmission to the squadron."

Radio, Laser, Subspace Communications - :: FUNCTIONAL ::
6th Squadron; Excalibur, Intrepid, Storm - :: WITHIN RANGE ::
Hyperspace Communications - :: FUNCTIONAL; TRANSMISSION AWAY ...::
Quantum Encryption - :: REINFORCED; ACTIVE DEFENSE::

Communications Net - :: CAUTION ::

Having already moved into a sniping position on the Kaiyō, Hanna looked up from the sights of her Saber as the bombers and the cruisers decloaked before her eyes. The enemy had revealed itself, finally. As she listened to Nashira-Hei's orders, a red outline appeared over one of the bombers, indicating her designated target. After processing the orders, she turned off the safety systems on her Saber, resighted her rifle, targeted the red-outlined bomber, and, slowed her breathing pattern in anticipation for the imminent engagement.
Medical Bay

Misaki was clutching Eden's hand, but not in pain. She was just uncomfortable. The little one wanted to walk, and as shy as she was going to be she was really wanting to make her presence known. "So which bed do I get?" She smiled a little sheepishly and shyly after looking back to the doctor.

Royama pointed directly ahead, "Center bed, no point in making you walk any farther than you need to. Take a load off, relax." The medic reminded Misaki, "If you need to, talk about something else to keep your mind off of it."

"I guess that's my job," Eden said, a nervous shake in her voice. "I've never been present for one of these. I don't know what to do... What do you want me to do, Saki?"

"First, help me to the table." Misaki awkwardly walked, more of a concerned walk, and got herself onto the bed. She looked to Eden with a slightly fearful look and sent over the telepathic link, "I'm scared of Medbays..." Her mind drifted towards her other daughter, the one who she considered her daughter, Meissa. She briefly sent the emotion of hope to the infantry angel before looking back to Eden.

"No need to be," Eden said quietly, putting another hand on Saki's arm as she guided her to the bed. "No need to be with me right here. And Royama! She's here, too. Isn't that right, Royama-heisho?" In all honesty, Eden was just as nervous as Saki. Well, maybe a little less nervous than Saki, but the anxiety was up there. "This is supposed to be painless, after all!"

"Mhm, exactly. Completely and totally painless, and I won't be going anywhere else. If someone else needs me, they'll come in here themselves." Unless something went really wrong, but Royama wasn't going to mention anything like that, "You're in good hands, promise."

Saki gave a slight whine and clutched at Eden's hand, looking up to her but not saying anything. It wouldn't be very much longer.

Eden blanched at the thought of someone else coming in to be a part of this affair. She looked to Royama then opened her mouth before shutting it again. She didn't have anything to say, just feelings of worry and concern she thought best not to voice.

As if feeling Saki's thoughts, though, Eden said, "Not much longer?"

"Doesn't take a scan for me to tell you that she's pretty ripe." Royama replied, even as she moved closer to check, "Have a name in mind yet?"

Misaki nodded and quietly responded, "Yes... Kikyo."
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William's eyes widened as the ships appeared all around them. As he heard the order of his squad leader he rocketed backwards and took up a position near the Kaiyo. "I am taking up point defense." William replied.

He knew there was no way he could take on those bombers with nothing but his swords and forearm cannons. But the cannons were plenty enough to shoot down any missiles they fire.

He felt his heart begin to slow and time seemed to slow with it. The moments before the battle began. The only sound he could here was the pulsing of his blood in his ears, and the sound of his own shallow breaths. He lived in that moment for the breifest of seconds. The calm before the storm...
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