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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Roku: Genjitsu Tōhi pt. I

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YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Transferring command, Eden, but if you want me to have a slightly easier time I need the Array." the fox spoke. Despite the statement, she willingly handed over the MWA controls.

She'd already figured out the enemy dodging patterns, even if they were sentient pilots. After all, at some degree fighters tend to dodge towards their dominant hand's side, and it becomes a habit to move towards a preferred broadside position in a certain way.

Good thing she was ambidextrous. Kept people guessing.

"I'll get it done in fifty seconds, and I can maintain it for ten." the fox replied. "I like how you think, by the way."


"You heard her, retreat!" Meissa shouted.

She removed the outlines on the bombers, letting Eden do all of the work killing the bombers.

"If you can fly into bay in thirty seconds, fly in!" Meissa instructed. "If you can't, charge teleport! Some of you, come with me! We're pushing the shuttle in!"

She launched a volley of parting shots, recalled her drones, and flew back towards the shuttle.

She'd have to greet her 'sister' soon.

Crap. What should she say?
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Abarthuse sprayed another volley of LASR fire to ward off a few more torpedoes, detonating them well outside of effective range, before his motion-sensitive eyes caught a light glimpse of something to his far left. Using the Mindy's enhanced sensors to inspect it more closely, noting that it also was under heavy fire from the enemy crafts.

"Nashira, what about that one!?"
He quickly pointed out the unknown craft swervng towards the Kaiyo's position, unsure what to make of it. His tail was swerving about a bit akwardly, getting used to the weightless, empty environment, but still not feeling at ease in it.
"Yeah, that's the shuttle." Meissa replied, seeing it on her own cameras instead of referencing off of Kaiyo's data.

"Go. Let's get that thing in."
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"Alright, i got it."

With a swift jerk of his tail he spins around to face the incoming civvies, and quickly boosts over towards the shuttle, thrusters on his back and along his tail firing at full capacity. Again he spots the enemy bomber swerving around the shuttle, continuoulsy harassing it with more and more torpedoes.

"Tshk, better give it a helping of these..." The launcher covers on his shoulder fired missile pod flicked open, revealing ten loaded launch tubes with mini-missiles, five of which were currently getting a lock on the enemy craft. With a quick call over the G-squads comms, he alerted the nearby comrades of the flashy dose of Yamataian justice to come. "Clear!"

Not a second later the area around his right shoulder lit up, missiles zipping out one after another, chasing after the bomber at an impressive speed. The missiles quickly gained on the enemy bomber, and soon enough two of them struck a direct hit on the rear portion, with the three others detonating in its vicinity, just barely shaken off by the speedy maneuvers of the sufficiently skilled pilot.

Anastasia had been continuing her erratic pattern of attacking the engines of the enemy bombers using her aether rifle when contact was made and the order to retreat came through the comms. The situation was best described as tense, the air around her filled with a slight uncertainty.

"Understood!", Anastasia confirmed. She kicked back and ceased fire, using the propulsion on her Mindy suit to move backwards towards the repositioning Kaiyō alongside the rest of the team. She kept her eyes aware of the ships behind them as Amanozako started provided cover for their civilian cargo.

Mat flared his thrusters and began to fly backwards towards the Kaiyo, firing away with his Aether rifle to cover the retreat.

"Why are we retreating?" He asked as he pulled alongside Meissa.
YSS Kaiyō
Mission Ops/Communications

It wasn't a misunderstanding.

Riku nodded, having expected as much, seeing as though they seemed to understand and even speak Trade, they still chose war over diplomacy. The reasons became clear now as these unknowns announced themselves as a race called the 'Elefirn', associating themselves as a part of the Interstellar Kuvexian Kingdom. It seems they were hostile after all. At the Captain's gesture, the Minkan cut off direct visual and audio transmission with the Elefirn vessels. It was to his hope that the rest of the squadron received his coded distress signal; one of many random words and letters in the Yamataian alphabet that, when put together, equated to an S.O.S or general distress. He looked over his console, hands extended over each board as Riku began sending out a transmission towards the other ships of the Sixth.

"YSS Kaiyo to all ships of the Sixth Squadron, First Fleet Expeditionary; we have come under attack by a hostile first contact race identifying themselves as the Elefirn, hailing from the Interstellar Kingdom of Kuvexia. Attempts at making peace have failed and we are now fighting a three to one ratio combat effective fleet. Sending coordinates via secured MEGAMI transmit protocols."

He hoped it was enough. And that the civilian ship would heed his advice and head towards the Kaiyo - preferably with an escort.
Anne was relieved when she heard the response from the Kaiyo, and nodded to herself. She steered the craft in the direction of the Kaiyo, able to keep a distance away from the bomber, despite it continuing to fire torpedoes, it actually surprised both Anne and Anna they were not dead yet. While Anne continued to use evasive maneuvers. Anna made a hasty decision. She(Anna) decided that they would put on the two suits they had and hope they can reach the shuttle bay of the YSS Kaiyo, because they would either get destroyed or get there with no way inside. Anna was already in her suit in under a few minutes, as Anne saw two officers in space-suits start to shoot the bomber chasing them. This was a big relief, as Anne set a course directly for the Kuvexian main ship, where she hoped it would crash into it.

Anna stayed in the cockpit as Anne put on her suit, making sure they stayed on course. This was the first time Anna put one of them on, and it was very uncomfortable, but if it meant survival, she was glad to do it. Anne on the other hand, has had practice in a suit before, as part of her regular training as a guard. They packed some of their belongings- such as knickknacks from home, clothes and other personal items, but left most of the foods and misc that was stored in the shuttle. Before they left, Anne double checked the route the ship was taking then went to the back of the ship. Anna was carrying the bag as Anne opened the door, which then they were sucked out into the abyss of space, trying to find where the guards were that were sent to help them get to the ship, hoping they would cover them as they made their way to the Kaiyo.
"Eden's got a plan." Meissa told Mat, as she watched Kyoi's erratic maneuvering slowly begin to pull the two cruisers into position. The bombers fell like flies, and pretty soon it was just two cruisers as the Infantry helped nudge the shuttle towards the shuttle bay.

"And our job here is done." Meissa commented, once the last bomber went down. Then, the two people in the shuttle ejected themselves out.

"Catch them!" Meissa shouted as she grabbed hold of one of them, pulling the figure towards the PA bay.

All around her, the bombers were disabled as the main aether cannons of the Kaiyō spewed forth destruction upon the enemy. As much as Hanna wanted to stay out, it was time to reboard the Kaiyō, as ordered by Teien-Shosa herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she had noticed a civilian vessel translate itself out of hyperspace. The craft immediately began taking evasive maneuvers, but it had caught the attention of an enemy vessel.

In compliance with Teien-Shosa's orders for a tactical retreat, Nashira-Hei had initially ordered all infantry to withdraw. However, Nashira-Hei had given the go ahead for the infantry to escort the civilian vessel, leaving her previous orders in limbo. Whether she intended her previous orders to be followed was anyone's guess, but the order for a tactical retreat had come directly from the captain herself.

With a swift jerk of his tail he spins around to face the incoming civvies, and quickly boosts over towards the shuttle, thrusters on his back and along his tail firing at full capacity. Again he spots the enemy bomber swerving around the shuttle, continuoulsy harassing it with more and more torpedoes.

Theisillis-Hei had opted to abandon the tactical retreat and to follow the civilian craft, thereby disobeying a direct order from the Shosa, but in turn, following a vague directive from Nashira-Hei.

"Go. Let's get that thing in."

As a commissioned officer, Teien-Shosa ranked above Nashira-Hei in the chain of command. Therefore, depending on how broad the Shosa defined "tactical retreat", Nashira-Hei and Theisillis-Hei could potentially be in the act of insubordination, as no orders had been given from the Shosa regarding the civilian vessel. A suggestion had come from the communications officer to assist the civilian vessel, however Kawazoe-Hei had no power over the Shosa within the chain of command.

Hanna had a decision to make. She could either assist the civilian vessel, potentially save lives, and risk punishment to herself, or she could initiate a tactical retreat to the inside of the Kaiyō, following the orders of the Shosa to the letter.

Her course of action decided, she flew back towards the Kaiyō, firing a few pulses from her Saber at the enemy craft that was harassing the civilian vessel. However, this was where her role ended. She entered the airlock with a group of infantry, and stopped shooting as soon as she saw two suited figures emerge from the craft as the airlock doors slammed shut.
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Abart'huse had been one of the few that guided the shuttle in, and upon seeing the occupants eject themselves out of it, he hovered towards the second figure, grabbing them with a firm arm around the shoulders and hovering in Nashira's trail.

First an escape pod, folowed by an ambush and now he was escorting civillians through the Kaiyo..... he thought this day really couldn't get any weirder.... With a light sigh he simply kept going after Meissa, at least he was aboard again, something he much preferred over outer space...

William watched on as the ships began moving in and he cursed. Then he received the order to retreat, from both the captain as well as Amanozako. He turned to her and he nodded. "Roger..." he said turning and firing his thrusters.

In that moment, running from the massive ships that could tear him to pieces in a single blow scarred him. He turned his head to look behind at Amanozako as she tired back at them. He was glad she was here to help him, but it didn't stop the fear from creeping into the back of his mind.

It was one thing when he was in a fight. He could get lost in the technique and execution. But when running away from a fight? When you are in those few tense seconds that feel like hours? One's mind seems to wander in that moment, causing doubt to creep into the mind.

William did his best to shake it away, and rocketed back towards the ship as quickly as his armor would allow.

Amanozako flew in reverse, facing the enemy, firing her impaler at them as she covered the withdraw, drawing as much attention to herself and suppressing the enemy with a continuous stream of weapon fire as she drew back to the Kaiyo. There was a lot of them to try and hold back and she was one single Reaper armored neko. She waited till her rear sensors showed that William had a decent enough lead on her, closing in on the ship, then she sent one final volley of fire.

"Time to go" she breathed and spun about, kicking her thrusters to full power and burning hard for the Kaiyo herself.
As the sisters were sucked into the abyss they called space, Anna was grabbed by Meissa, who soon began to take her to the shuttle bay, while Anne's rescuer took a few extra seconds as she floated in space. Soon enough though, a snake-like man grabbed Anne and like her sister, was taken to the shuttle-bay. As they approached it, they watched their craft inch ever closer to crashing into the enemies' main ship. When they entered the room finally, they hit the floor hard, not use to having no gravity. They barely could stand at first, using each-other to balance themselves. but soon enough they were able to stand, use to the gravity once more, while not knowing where to go, they followed the fighters they saw outside the ship. "Thank you for the quick rescue." Anna stated to Meissa, while Anne nodded silently to the snake man.
Space- Moments ago.

Royama had spent the entirety of her time out in space trying to provide cover, as much cover as her submachine gun could provide. It was good, at least, that it was designed to take on fast moving ships. Still, the medic had a 'fun' time worrying about her crew mates, and these civilians, getting injured, or killed, on their trip back into the ship. Nothing new, but that didn't help her nerves any. It never did.

She didn't cause a whole lot of damage, but the near-constant fire made anyone think twice about swooping in.

Power Armor Bay- Back in the now

The medic was feeling mildly relieved, but they weren't out of hot water yet. Even so, she returned her Mindy to its rightful place and then her attention was pulled to the pair that they had rescued. She was quick to approach them, "I'm thinking you two are due for a checkup, for a few reasons, I'm sure you can figure them out on your own." The Ittô Heisho all but ordered. It was as much for their safety as it was for everyone else, "Not right at this moment, but just as soon as we're clear of this... if you can."

"Oh, Empress!" Muyomi shouted when she had been struck by the last remaining bomber's fire and she noticed blood pool out of her Mindy and crystalize in space. "Th-they've..." Muyomi worked to speak with difficulty as the enemy fire had pierced her lung and gone out the other side of her armor. "They've got aether..."

"No dying on me," Leeta said as she scooped Muyomi into her arms and thrusted towards the Kaiyo. "Got that?" She touched down inside the power armor bay and briskly ran the Mindy-clad infantry Neko to the Med Bay, foregoing the usual rules that power armor only stay in the bay. This was an emergency after all.


"Ittô Heisho Royama, please see to a hemosynth dunk for Peio Muyomi in the medical bay!" Eden called out over comms. To the MEGAMI she asked, "Anybody else hurt, Boss?"


"We were lucky," Eden sighed. "Everyone in?"

"That is correct, everyone is inside of the vessel at this time."

"I want the maneuver sequence to begin to get them lined—" It was at this moment that the enemy chose to fire on the Kaiyo and Eden shut her mouth and moved them out of the way just in time via the command console. What was terrible was that the I'ee's shuttle was all but vaporized in the attack the Kaiyo had dodged.

Asuka said aloud, "They've got aether!"

To Boss, Eden said, "Nobody was on the shuttle?"

"Nobody," Boss clarified.

"Kyōi-hei!" Eden said and without another word was gripping her chair, holding on and ready for the next phase of attack.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Dear Empress was it loud.

Kyoi started mentally blocking out the noise, focusing only on Eden. The ship rocked as it was hit.


The pilot used this sudden acceleration to bump the ship to the side, causing the cruisers to both maneuver for a better firing arc. Kyoi took a shot at one of the cruisers, causing it to dodge to the side a fair bit...perfectly in line.

"That good?" Kyoi asked Eden. She couldn't maintain this forever.

YSS Kaiyo - Shuttle Bay

"Typical day on the job." Meissa replied to Anna as she began turning off her CFS.

Now she had a small pile of work to do. One, to get her suit from here into the shuttle bay without an officer freaking out about it.

Two, talk to these civilians. Let them de-stress a little.

Three, talk with Saki. And her new little sister.

One of these stressed her out disproportionately more than the others.

With both ships lined up one behind the other, Eden was prepared to obliterate the two of them into the vast nothingness of space once and for all.

She set the main weapon of the ship, the aether shock array to spread in a 30° cone area. She stood immediately after giving the command to fire, watching the devastation on the main view screen as the ships were torn to pieces by the pink aether pummeling out of the Kaiyō. The devastation of the blast forced the ships to rocket backwards just milliseconds before they ceased to exist.

Eden's golden eyes widened as she witnessed what came soon thereafter. Just as the ships were ripped from their place in the universe, a gap in the sea of darkness and stars opened. It was as if the stars had been pushed to one side and another of an almost imperceptible tear along where the ships had only just been.

She had little time to watch, though, as she was rocked one way and the next while the Kaiyō began to move. The main view screen flickered off and Asuka yelped as her sensor readings went one way and the next. Eden looked to the pilot and her console to see if the Kaiyo was moving its own accord. She had only the opportunity to see that it wasn't. She could barely control her ability to move at all and was soon on the ground of the bridge. She lifted her head to see the main view screen flicker back to life to show the Kaiyō.
Yoshida took a breath upon re-entering the ship. "That wasn't so bad! I mean, only one person really got hurt!" Then she looked over at the two, additions shall we say, to the kaiyo crew. At least temporarily. "... and, two rescued civillians! Nice to meet you!" She said upon disabling her CFS, and promptly removed her helmet to let the sisters get a good look at her. Before she could say more however, the rocking ship had caught her off balance, nearly throwing her off her feet as she took a wide stance to stabilize herself.

"Nani- where we hit?!" She was suddenly considering simply reattatching the helmet untill further notice- she didn't wish to be parted from the air that resided in her lungs, and did not like the idea of her blood boiling away.
While standing with the others, the duo took off their helmets and put them in their bag, with their wasp-like face clearly visible. Anna quickly flew closer to Yoshida, "Nice to meet you to! I'm Anne of the House Ee'ith!" Then she thought a moment, still not use to her human name. "No, I am Anna!" She corrected when suddenly the ship started to shake roughly. Anna was thrown to the ground, her sister the same. They were both terrified, with Anne even crawling to their bag and getting her guns out. Anna was to frightened to go into flight while Anne, after getting her guns, was able to get off the ground. In the air, she could visibly see the ship shaking terribly.
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