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RP: Neshaten [Cercatore Di Stella] Prologue: Answer the Call

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Medical Bay

"Thank you sir!" Aiu replied to the captain. She wanted to sigh in relief, but more patients kept trickling in. Just as she got the seventh person into a bed and hooked up to a monitoring machine, she heard the violent sputtering of a wet cough across the room. She rushed over to see her first patient, blood seeping out of their mouth. The monitoring machine revealed small objects in their lungs that had grown at an alarming rate.

"Yes, you're bleeding," Aiu admitted a little thoughtlessly, "but I know what the problem is now. I'm going to put you under general anesthesia and fix you up, okay? Please just relax and leave this to me." She wasn't lying when she said she knew what the problem was, but she didn't know what was causing the objects in their lungs. Right now, those objects had to be removed.

Just as she finished hooking up oxygen to the Daur's nose and administering the anesthetic, Ta'Eijino came into the medical bay and ran up to her. "Thank you for coming by," she said with a quick nod and a smile that quickly faded. "Patients are coming in with fevers, coughing fits with blood, stomach issues, and headaches so far. Scans are picking up objects in their lungs that are growing quickly. I'm about to perform a bronchoscopy on this one to try and remove the objects," she said while motioning to a Daur who had quieted down as the anesthesia took effect. "Please put on safety equipment and tend to the basic needs of the others. Pain killers and anti-nausea medications are in the cabinet. Try and piece together what you can about what they were doing and let the bridge know any action they can take. Take note of which patients are coughing up blood; I'll have to operate on them immediately after this one."

With that, she prepped a rigid bronchoscope for the procedure. The object is already 2cm wide, so the flexible bronchoscope won't cut it. If the object was small, she could have kept the patient awake and used the thin, flexible tube. Maybe the others will be more lucky.

"Beginning procedure," she said out loud, mostly to herself to ready herself mentally. She began sliding the scope down the patient's throat while watching the camera as a guide. She reached the lungs and began the process of removing the foreign objects.
After the armoury, came the crew quarters. Containing her briefing package. Rather uneventful as she walked the corridors back to her personal quarters to stash whatever belongings she didn't immediately need before she began exploring the ship. Though as she was about to leave, Talih frowned with the sudden change in temperature. In truth, now it had bothered her enough to actually notice with a slight sheen of sweat forming on her forehead. After a brief examination of the heat controls and a bit of testing, she concluded it was malfunctioning. Then the lights flickered ever so slightly, which caused the Daur's ears to flatten as she peered at the lamp. Before exhaling a soft breath, opening up the door and leaving with the briefing package in tow. Intent on exploring the ship and getting to know her way around. Though firstly she'd move down to engineering. Check if everything was working out. If there were early on-set power fluctuations, it could prove a risk.

And she'd rather be aware if that were the case.

And thus, the new bladeswoman of the ship began to walk her way down to the elevator. Requesting to be brought to engineering with courtesy the so-far dead silent AI would hardly be used. As if it were a sentient being like herself.
The Engineering > Lower Decks
The Laibe looked at them and shrugs "Good luck out there, take some filters for airbreathing with you just in case" He pointed out as he saw the two walking away as another report came in "Oh for crying out loud... what are you guys trying to do to my ship!" He cursed as he walked towards the console where a few Daur's looked at each other as the power flow was getting bad again.

n route downwards, deeper into the lower decks the lights were flickering more and more. People that were actually on the lower decks were gone or wearing a mask now to keep whatever was effecting them in check The sickbay was a place no one wanted to be at right now. A Daur looked back at the two arriving and checked the big Daur first and blinking but not saying a word about it "I guess you are the backup eh? Well we are trying to get the environmental controls checked up but for some reason its bloody hot down here"

Medical Bay
The operation was difficult, whatever was in the lungs was growing and when a metal object hits it, it gave off a sound. Low of frequency but they would hear it for a brief second. The objects were deep into the tissue of the lungs and getting it out was getting dangerous by the second. Was this patient already a lost cause? Time was working against them that was for certain. One object of the now confirmed five was getting loose and Aiu would see a purple dimmed rock.

Meanwhile, other patients were getting into the room coughing and complaining about fevers. They were scared as one of their mates was into operations and panic rumors started to spread into the medical bay. Something they couldn't use right now. A grand total of eleven people were now in the sickbay, excluding the medical personnel. The coughing of some was getting serious and breathing equipment would be needed soon. Nyo would have his hands full with doing the basics, but he would notice that some of the patients were having different symptoms, the Daur got a fever, headache, coughing as the Laibe would have a headache, coughing, stomach pain, and no fever.

Other locations
While exploring the ship, Talih would notice that people were rushing around to get the ship fixed, tools in their hands and some people were also spreading out air masks by order of their Shipmaster. The lights were flickering here and there, but nothing weird, not the same as what happened in her room at least. But now she can choose, go to a lower deck or move upwards.
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Micalio nodded and slipped the mask over her face, never could be too careful after all, then she started on her stroll lower into the ship. During their walk she didn't notice anything visually out of order in the ship, nothing seemed to be damaged or broken and yet these problems were persisting, if it wasn't the connections and nothing was damaged then it could be the source. Micalio tried to recall if anyone had mentioned checking the actual crystal within the reactor but couldn't remember anything definite, she'd definitely need to ask someone about it just to check later.

When they arrived Micalio couldn't help but smirk a little under her mask, her stature often caught a few looks from other Daur and Laibe alike, she was quite an anomaly after all. "Yup, we're backup and yeah, it is a bit warm isn't it." The large red haired daur said beginning to roll up her sleeves, she very nearly tore them right off, it would be so much more effective but she could get in trouble for improper uniform. "

Haise nodded to the captain, her stony features combined with icy appearance made for quite the sight as the operator strode through the halls towards the medical bay, this was getting serious, from her training she knew there was risks associated with the processing of Lunebaren crystals as they expelled a gas almost undetectable without equipment, but this seemed so much more serious from everything going on. When she arrived in the med bay Haise grabbed a medical mask immediately and a set of gloves, she had no intention to try playing doctor, she wouldn't know the first thing, but in an environment with sick people personal safety is paramount.

"What have you found so far, any details you have and any theories you have I need to be able to see if anything similar to this has occurred before." The operator barked at Aiu, finding a medical terminal and logging in with her somewhat special priveledges as an intelligence operator and a captain. "Sorry, I don't mean to order you around, but I do need anything you've got."
Medical Bay

"Please talk to Ta'Eijino, I'm in the middle of a delicate operation," Aiu responded flatly to Haise's interruption. Things weren't looking good, but it was too soon to give up. Due to the severity of the bleeding, Aiu injected a mixture containing Yuka'shane through the catheter, which would lower the blood pressure of the patient. Before continuing with extraction, she quickly set up a blood bag tube into the patient's arm to make up for some of the lost blood.

"Ta'Eijino, distribute a dosage of Curone to those in intense pain, it'll help them calm down," Aiu shouted as she finished hooking up the blood transfusion. "If anyone else coughs up blood, a dose of Yuka'shane should buy us more time."

Back at her patient, she passed a small vacuum down the bronchoscope to clear the blood out of the lungs, then patched the hole from the first object using an electrocautery probe, which would cauterize the wound and prevent future bleeding. With the first extraction site contained, she attempted to extract the object back through the bronchoscope before proceeding with the next crystal.
"Please put on safety equipment and tend to the basic needs of the others. Pain killers and anti-nausea medications are in the cabinet. Try and piece together what you can about what they were doing and let the bridge know any action they can take. Take note of which patients are coughing up blood; I'll have to operate on them immediately after this one."

"Understood, I think this mask will do, for now. I'll see what I can find out from the patients." With their short exchange over, as had always been the case when he'd begin his round as a medical personnel assistant, Nyo began to tense up and feel nervous. This setting was a hotbed for his traumatic memories, many of which came flooding back, as they always did. The vivid gruesome memories of burns, lacerations, and dismemberments make him scowl. His mind was still haunted by the sights, but as an agent, he'd outgrown the intense emotions and naiveties of a greenhorn medical worker long ago. Now, these emotions were always brief and no longer held any grip over him, he had become almost numb to tragedy, which in of itself was a tragedy, or so Nyo thought. This moment of reminiscence was fleeting, lasting only a second from remembrance to him scowling.

After this minute moment, Nyo'ji examined the scene, which was relatively tame compared to other scenarios. He counted eleven patients, Daur and Laibe alike, spread out around the room. He located the medical cabinet and quickly made his way to it. He grabbed a DNI-Medical Injector and an NVSM Medical Kit, both of which he fastened to the vest he had put on. With that done, he rushed to his first patient and began making his rounds, asking for symptoms and treating what he could. Within moments, he got into his familiar grove and performed his duties. The range of symptoms he first encountered was overwhelming as were the number of patients for him to get through, but he kept on, and after accounting for seven of the crew members' symptoms and problems, using the scanner for diagnosis and his datapad as a recorder, he noticed something odd. It seemed that the Daur were only getting either a headache, cough, fever or some combination, while the Laibe were also getting a headache and cough as well as stomach pains, but no fever. Upon finding this correlation, Nyo made notes in his report and continued on. He would have hurriedly shown this to Aiu, but she was in the middle of her procedure, so he saved the information for later. After doing so, he got back to diagnosing the patients. When he finished, he knew who was worse off than others and that the coughing and breathing of the patients was rapidly worsening. Before being able to continue, Haise entered.

"What have you found so far, any details you have and any theories you have I need to be able to see if anything similar to this has occurred before." The operator barked at Aiu, finding a medical terminal and logging in with her somewhat special priveledges as an intelligence operator and a captain. "Sorry, I don't mean to order you around, but I do need anything you've got."

"Please talk to Ta'Eijino, I'm in the middle of a delicate operation," Aiu responded flatly to Haise's interruption. Things weren't looking good, but it was too soon to give up. Due to the severity of the bleeding, Aiu injected a mixture containing Yuka'shane through the catheter, which would lower the blood pressure of the patient. Before continuing with extraction, she quickly set up a blood bag tube into the patient's arm to make up for some of the lost blood.

"Ta'Eijino, distribute a dosage of Curone to those in intense pain, it'll help them calm down," Aiu shouted as she finished hooking up the blood transfusion. "If anyone else coughs up blood, a dose of Yuka'shane should buy us more time."

Responding to Aiu, Nyo said, "On it." and then made his way to the cabinet again, but this time to retrieve the Curone. While doing so he spoke to Haise loud enough so that they could hear him as he worked, "Sir, we have eleven patients at the moment and--" he briefly stopped to apply the Curone to a patient who was groaning the loudest, "-- I've noticed something odd, use the computer to look at the data from my datapad. It should show my diagnostic report; it includes each of the patients' symptoms and information, as well as my findings. I haven't had time to think up any theories, so that's all I've gotten so far. If you need anything else I'll be updating it as I go." Nyo said the last bit in a hasty tone as the patients' conditions were getting worse and they needed his full attention. He finished applying Curone where he could, then he checked to see if anyone was coughing blood, only one person was. He gave them a dose of Yuka'shane as instructed, and then began the process of hooking the patients up to breathing equipment.
A soft frown came from Talih as she saw a lot of people in almost panicked bustle. Hurrying to fix whatever was ailing the ship, no doubt what caused the sudden increase in temperature. One Daur that was handing out masks passed her and almost shoved it into her hands before hurrying to continue distributing it to others. "Thanks-..." She tried to retort, but it was already far too late. The Daur had already moved on towards others. A soft frown on her face as she pulled the mask on and exhaled a soft breath. Why were they handed out, though? Was there something wrong with the ventilation? Mayhaps a bacterial strain that had been discovered? With a soft frown, she flagged down another Daur that was rushing down the halls with a; "Hey!" Before breaking in a jog to move over. "What's going on?" She asked, ears lowered ever so slightly as she did so. Though an almost retching-like coughing pulled her attention.

There was blood, the smallest droplets of blood that came from said coughs, before the male Daur crumpled together and dropped to the floor. "Shit," was what Talih muttered under her breath as she rushed over. The masks made sense now, whatever it was, it spread fast. But this man needed help, abandoning her sense of self, she picked him up over her shoulder and rushed to the medbay. Dropping the patient off and asking whether they needed any assistance, despite being in the midst of a surgery. The Daur didn't seem too particularily disturbed.
Kishi'ko nodded at the other Daur as she had made sure her mask was on before going to the lower decks, and on reaching the heat, she did likewise with her sleeves. The system diagnoses showed green, but it was worth rechecking. She eyeballed the systems. The other engineers presumably had been checking that. So, think outside the box. What could be going on?

She frowned, brushing some hair out of her face, and spoke up. "Have we tried venting the heat to space? Just ripping out the components wholesale? Do we know what the Daurs reporting to sickbay are sick with? It might give us a hint of what's really going on." She eyed the systems before deciding that if we are workign with deeply malfunctioning systems, the reporters are probably affected. "Is there any standalone analyzers we can pull out in stock?"

The operation on the patient was getting more stable as the rocks were on the table. Aiu had saved one patient, but she would quickly notice that the people on the beds were also coughing and that would face a facilitating problem. She would not have enough skilled or experienced people to do these operations. The database, however, would conclude a top-secret hit on a medical file that was classified. However, due to the nature of Stella, she had access to it. The rocks were indeed related to crystal disease that had impacted the mining operations significantly. The solution that the doctors commented on was...get it out, or put the patient out of the pain. This wouldn't be the best solution for Stella.

Nyo was spot on with his theories thus far, however the situation seemed to escalate as one patient manage to see the rocks that Aiu was pulling out and panicked, he jumped off the bed and rushed to Nyo grabbing him....fur as he was coughing "Please...Please I don't want to die!" The man kept coughing and some blood would now get onto Nyo face as the man dropped back to the ground. Without realizing it....Nyo was now also infected with the odd disease.

Lower Decks

Even Kishi'ko was spot on, the information that she received now was not there a second ago. The crystals are infecting the environment systems and it was difficult to locate where the problem was. The main crystal that provided the power checked alright, right? The systems throughout the ship were going green lights, but suddenly they changed to orange which indicates an error in diagnostics. The Daur shrugs and looked at the others "We got systems across the board stating errors in diagnostics reports....the heat is going up and I am unable to shut her down from here" The systems were going nuts as it was unable to respond to any direct commands.
Before the patient had noticed the rocks, Nyo was preparing a patient's breathing apparatus. When the man approached, Nyo was putting a face mask on the patient he was tending to but his effort was cut off as the panicked man rushed him and grabbed him by the torso, causing the mask Nyo's tail was holding to be knocked onto the ground. He started yelling crazily into Nyo's ear,

Nyo was spot on with his theories thus far, however the situation seemed to escalate as one patient manage to see the rocks that Aiu was pulling out and panicked, he jumped off the bed and rushed to Nyo grabbing him....fur as he was coughing "Please...Please I don't want to die!" The man kept coughing and some blood would now get onto Nyo face as the man dropped back to the ground. Without realizing it....Nyo was now also infected with the odd disease.

After this paralyzing scene, Nyo used a sedative on the man as he was grabbing him and yelling at him. The agent worked fast causing the man to quickly fall limp and his speech to be slurred. Nyo safely and gently caught the man, then he carefully brought him back to his bed. Before returning to his other patients, he checked himself, but couldn't find anything, unaware that some of the blood had touched him, more unaware that the disease was blood transmittable. So, he returned to work, while the disease quickly worked its way through his body.
Medical Bay

Aiu wanted to pause for a breath after completing the first operation, but too much time had been spent on that one patient. There were several more to get through, their health declining rapidly. Trying to save another patient at that stage would doom the others. I... have to make the call. I have to let... She couldn't bring herself to complete that sentence, even in her head. She squeezed the feeling of wanting to cry tightly inside of her and pushed it far away.

Aiu took note of the critical patient who lunged at Nyo. I have to put on a brave face. Everyone will panic otherwise. All eyes are on me. She walked close to Nyo, tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear.

"Give him enough sedative so that he falls asleep."

It felt like issuing a death sentence. That's exactly what it was, she echoed in her head before pushing everything away again. She had to hurry with the remaining three late stage patients before anything got worse. She put on fresh gloves and pulled the equipment over to the next patient. Their condition seemed a little less extreme, so she opted to try a flexible tube instead. Not only would the surgery be faster, but the patient could stay awake with just the sedation they had already received.

"Nyo and Haise, if you plan on sticking around, I'd like you to observe this procedure. Memorize what you can and you might be able to help me." She didn't want to vocalize her worry about being the only one capable of saving everyone. If something happened and she got infected, everyone would be dead.

Before she began, she remembered to close the privacy curtain around the bed this time. To start the procedure, she turned on a nearby screen to show the image the nanites were collecting in the lungs. Then she sprayed a numbing medication inside the patient's throat to stop the gag reflex and to reduce the pain from the tube. Then, she slowly inserted the flexible tube down the patient's throat, towards the small floating crystals.
Kishi'ko sighed, deeply. "I recommend emergency shutdown of all systems, evac of the ship, and we investigate when the systems aren't in runaway mode." She frowned at this. "That'll require the Shipmaster and main engineering sign off, but if we're at this state, we REALLY need to act fast or we could have a emergency right here at the station! Possibly even.. affecting the station."

She didn't look happy, and her eyes are narrowed. "Because if we can't rely on any sysetm, or shut it down, or life support, we're at a critical point."
"This is your Shipmaster speaking, as directive order from Command, this ship has gone into lockdown to prevent spreading of the unknown disease. Nobody is allowed to leave the ship. I am working with various parties from Command to get a solution for this problem, please stay away from the lower decks aside from the designated engineers. Vivaldo out"

Medical Bay

The person was put asleep on the biobed, some crew helped and started to separate the infected in rates of condition from each other. The situation was now in control, but the disease was far from being in control. Nyo, for example, would start to feel a fever building up in his body, a random and forced cough would come out of his body as the virus was spreading through his body on a rather rapid speed, his lungs lymph were already forming small rocks. Yet for some reason, it didn't grow as fast as it did towards the Daur that was already half dying there.

The patients flow stopped, this was all the people that were infected and needed treatment. But the question really was, is Aiu going to be able to handle the fast-spreading of this new disease before she had to put another crewmember to the eternal slumber. While being there to assist the medical personnel, Talih would notice signs of fatigue coming from her body due to the amount of stress and pressure of the situation, yet the cough of Nyo wouldn't go unnoticed for her.

Lower Decks

People that were not an engineer started to leave the lower desk, focus on their safety as the lower decks now found crystal panels were spreading their infection. Removal of the problem would not help, yet one of the engineers did give a report that cool fluid lines were still free and the infected crystals were not nearing it. The Laibe joined the lower decks with a gas mask and looked at the folks that wore their engineering suits "Well you are the designated engineers, Shipmaster ordered me to contain the problem from spreading...if you got to rip it out, do it but do it safely...make any require steps to prevent this breach to infect further" The Laibe looked at the two who had joined him earlier " Good to see you two are still up and about, hope to count on your help with this crisis"

Haise looked over the other patients, she'd watched Aiu perform as best she could, top of her class in counter-terrorism wasn't going to help with medical procedures sadly but she wasn't going to sit around, her duty was to the kingdom and its people.

"Im not medically trained beyond basic field care but I'm at your disposal, tell me what to do and I'll get it done or teach me that procedure with nothing but the key points. You can save these people and I am going to help you." The tall white-haired Daur said seriously to Aiu, she wasn't kidding about getting the roughest training either, being in communications she had to take information in fast to pass it along.

Lower Deck

Micalio swore under her breath, this whole situation had just gone from bad to absolute shit. "Get your mask on if you dont wanna die just yet, I'm not waiting around here to get struck down by some virus either, so take me to the stuff that needs kicking and fixing so I can at least boot the crap out of whatever is doing this before I die alright!" The red-haired Daur had a personality as fiery as her hair it seemed as she half yelled at the Laibe in charge, she was absolutely petrified of what might happen to her but the thought of what it could do unchecked was an even worse one so she kept up her strong facade, hopefully she'd inspire the others too, a lot of Neshaten patriotic so it was worth a shot.
Talih exhaled a soft breath as she cast another glance around the medic bay. Why did it feel so suffocating? It was far too warm here and that came from someone who lived most her life in a desert. But not only that, the collar around her neck felt tight - restricting. She just needed something to focus on. But that was the issue at hand, now wasn't it? She was currently in space, naught but metal and electronics between her and the void. She had no bedrock to focus on. Anxiety set in, her tail flung from left to right and her ears lowered as she heard the cough coming from Nyo.

Then she saw Haise taking charge, doing what she should've done in the first place. But it was too late as the curtain closed on the trio. Though then again, Nyo was a risk. She opened the curtain, stepped in and closed it again. Then Talih put a hand on Nyo's shoulder, clear-cut concern in her eyes, "I'm sorry," before glancing over at Aiu. "He's infected," she explained, before her gaze alternated to Haise, "here he'll put the two of you and the patient at risk. I'll help him out with keeping the others in check," she suggested, "I know my way around a syringe, can try to drive back the fever and ease the pain. It won't give you more than a few seconds at best, but those can matter." Hell, even if it was just time for Aiu to take a deep breath, it would be enough.
Kishi'ko frowned. Honestly, she thought removing it all would help but apparently people were reporting it wouldn't. Whatever. It was now up to her to work on working on a solution - and she looked up at the report it wasn't touching the fluid lines. "If.. we power down the panels, could we spray them with the coolant and see if that works? That system so far isn't infected, so it's worth a test shot on a few panels to see what happens. It might enable us to remove them safely, and we can work on isolating it to a smaller and smaller section of the ship."

Kishi'ko frowned, her ears flicking in thought as she continued. "That or we just work on cutting the power down here and make sure anyone entering these decks is in EVA suits"
Medical Bay

Aiu looked over at Haise with a bit of surprise at their intense declaration of support. "Yes, thank you Haise," she replied after a pause with a forced smile hidden behind a mask. "In the simplest terms, as you just saw, we use the nanites to see their lungs, then insert a tube down their throat to suck up anything foreign inside. If there's any severe internal bleeding, you can cauterize the wound, but that should mostly be in the later stage patients that I will handle. If you could start on the early cases and leave the more advanced ones to me, that would help prevent us from being overrun."

Just then, Talih pulled open the curtains and alerted her of Nyo's possible infection. A flash of dismay crossed Aiu's face before she contained it again. She was so busy with everyone that she didn't even have an idea how he got infected.

"Talih, please take Nyo to a bed, give him some meds if he needs them, then use the nanites to confirm infection. If he is, it should be an early case. Haise, I'd like you to start operating with Nyo if possible. Watch me perform this next operation, then when you get the idea, see if you can do it with Nyo."

As she turned to the patient in the bed, she remembered one last instruction. "Don't forget to give their throat a numbing agent, otherwise the patient won't be very happy with you!"
As the operation proceeded, Nyo began to sweat slightly. He quickly disregarded it as a combination of emotions, nervousness, anxiety, and stress. Focus. Focus. Your crewmembers need you. The sweating was followed by slight pains throughout his body. He was too caught up in the operation to notice or comprehend his danger. Then the curtain around the table was pulled back and closed again. A crewmember he recognized as Talih came and shot him a look of concern.

Then Talih put a hand on Nyo's shoulder, clear-cut concern in her eyes, "I'm sorry," before glancing over at Aiu. "He's infected," she explained, before her gaze alternated to Haise, "here he'll put the two of you and the patient at risk. I'll help him out with keeping the others in check," she suggested, "I know my way around a syringe, can try to drive back the fever and ease the pain. It won't give you more than a few seconds at best, but those can matter." Hell, even if it was just time for Aiu to take a deep breath, it would be enough.

"Talih, please take Nyo to a bed, give him some meds if he needs them, then use the nanites to confirm infection. If he is, it should be an early case. Haise, I'd like you to start operating with Nyo if possible. Watch me perform this next operation, then when you get the idea, see if you can do it with Nyo."

As she turned to the patient in the bed, she remembered one last instruction. "Don't forget to give their throat a numbing agent, otherwise the patient won't be very happy with you!"

All three of them didn't give Nyo a chance to complain. Helplessness and pain flushed through Nyo as Talih guided himself to a lone bed that was cleared. He jumped up and laid down, as best a My'leke could on the bed. The movement hurt and he let out a low growl as he positioned himself on the bed. Crap, this is bad. He looked at Talih, "Talih, thank you for.... you know...." Nyo looked away slightly embarrassed, "noticing before it was too late".
Lower Deck

The Daur looked at Kishi'ko and blinked as he took a look at the information of the deck system layout. It was indeed strange that all locations that had cooling systems installed were the areas that are not affected by the spreading of the infected crystal. Was this maybe the saving of the problem in general, just cool down the ship? The Daur looked back at the two standing there "Lets not EVA our ship just yet, we need to find a way to get the systems cooled down. What if we evacuate the outer hull locations and let space vent into it...quickest way to see it and we don't need to use and EVA suits" He pointed out as he puts his mask correctly again, his nose itches from it.

"I will inform medical about this, they might be interested in this also. If you guys can get the systems prepared and start to vent some of the evacuated areas then we get results faster" He pointed out as he quickly wrote the instruction of this finding to the bridge and taps the panel "Sickbay, you might be interested in knowing that the crystals don't spread to cooled areas. Engineer out" He taps again and nods to them "Let's get to work"


The situation seemed to be in control, with the ship lockdown and folks being instructed as to what to do and what especially not to do, the infected stayed as it is. However, Aiu prediction was spot on, the patient that was put to sleep met his fate, and a silent beep in the background was heard as acceptance that his breathing stopped. A nurse closed the curtains on the person's bed and placed a blanket over him. There was nothing the medical crew could do for this person, there were still other infected to focus on and they needed help and fast.

When it was heard over the communication the following message "Sickbay, you might be interested in knowing that the crystals don't spread to cooled areas. Engineer out" The medical personal looked at each other and then at Aiu for guidance. Meanwhile, Nyo could feel the crystals slowly growing in his lungs, as coughing became worse. But there was a difference, it didn't grow as fast as it should be with his fellow crewmates. The crystals within Nyo body were struggling to build up in the force that it needed.

"This is your shipmaster, per request of our Engineers, evacuate all outer hull locations, this will lose all air for a test" Came the announcement.
Kishi'ko nodded, moving to a panel to work and work on preparing systems and locations for limited venting of air, as well as cooling the systems. Her tail flicked a bit once she finished "Systems OK for venting."

She frowned. "From what I can control, we might be able to get more coolant flowing to lower ambient heat as well, but I'm deferring that operation until later."
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