Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

Thanks for the update!
Hey, since we ended up doing a rescue mission in the mission of Post-Mission 2, what do you think of the idea of renaming it Mission 3 and giving everyone a service award for completing a mission? I mean we spent enough time in the thread it basically is the same duration as a mission anyway, right?

Also: I'd like to start the next mission by next weekend.
Players: please note that minor edits have been made to Soresu's last post and my last post to fix a communication issue that caused some confusion.
Survey time!

1. Are you enjoying the RP? What do you love about it?
2. What do we need to do better?
3. What are some things you'd like to see in this plot in the future?
4. Got any suggestions for me as a GM?
5. What can I do to help you develop your character better?
1. Yes I am very much enjoying the rp. I love it because I can play Yayoi, and I love the idea behind it too.
2. Not sure there is anything you need to do better.
3. I've already mentioned i plan on introducing Yayoi's younger sister, Kiyo to the jp or thread once they get back to Yamatai, and if there's time, maybe I'll introduce Luna, Kiyo's daughter which is a character i am sharing with Schere. I'd love to have the ship visit Draco Eridanus and DracoTown. Might be fun.
4. I don't have any complaints keep bing awesome Wes!
5. I think you're doing enough. my Yayoi has to learn from mistakes, though I am not confident in either of mine or Yayoi's leadership capability.
Okay, so we're doing a little crossover action and I want to clarify the timeline:
  • YE 44.2: Mission 5 thread (basically done now) - Central Uesureya --> Pisces --> Tr'Pocka --> (trip home to Yamatai space)
  • YE 44.3: Arrival back at Pisces Station and International Relations Conference
  • YE 44.3: Pub Night Open RP (great for low ranking characters something to do while at Pisces)
  • YE 44.5: Mission 6 will start in YE 44.5 in the next day or two, arrival of new officer Motoyoshi Tachiko played by Yuuki
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Is there any way we can move the JPs to earlier in the day? I know they start late.

01:30am until 03:30am is really hard to do every week. Especially when work is at 08:30am.

I'm scared to miss any because we've become so reliant on JPs to the point that missing one means you might miss an entire mission.

In the past I was in SP-heavy RPs which allowed us to post when we had time in the day to do so.

I don't know if anyone else is struggling as well with finding the energy and ability to attend the JPs?
I don't have class on Tuesday so I can do it earlier and be fine on my end, but unfortunately it's impossible to find a slot that works for everyone's schedules. If what we already have is the best time that works for everyone in the plot, then I'm not sure what else could be done.
I like the JPs, and I’m very fortunate that I live west of most people now. But I still work on eastern time, so if we want to do something shortly after work, I’m into it. But I get the impression Wes gets home, makes dinner, and hops into JP pet much right away. So I can’t imagine we can start any sooner unless we do it on the weekend, which I’m up for.
i get home around 3cst but i would have to miss jp every other week since i do after school club with my students. the only other time i could do it is during the weekend but even that is flaky at best.
I could do maybe an hour earlier on Tuesday.

But I agree with Eth that we have become very JP dependent. I would like to see us return to SP strong and have JP as a fun thing instead of the only thing we're doing.
Other times to it's like the SP goes to far ahead for those who are doing stuff in the JP IE the people in med bay and those on Sood. So I wouldn't be opposed to more SP stuff.