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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

That was all my fault Wes. I was the one who did the time skip and threw everything off. I'll make sure to check with you next time because I can see how people got really confused about it.
Thanks, all I ask is please run it by me next time!
Sorry for having Sakuko solve the shuttle problem in the JP instead of letting you guys, the players, do it! We basically ran out of time and I needed to resolve the battle so that we've got a stable place to SP during the holiday break.

There's no JP on the 4th of July so our next JP will be Tuesday, July 11. Normally I'd just do a Thursday one but I've got family plans for that day as well!
I don't mind. Stuff was already happening when Yoshiro got there and was handed the "Sleep, perchance to dream." award by a piece of shuttle debris. (Note that this was because I had writer's block at this point and didn't want to kill everybody and force st backups to be used.) Also, have fun with your family, good sir. Fourth of July is much more fun when you get to spend the holiday with your family. 😁
In response to what Yoshiro quoted:
To die... to sleep
to sleep, perchance to dream
ay, there's the rub,
for in this sleep of death
what dreams may come?

That quote is actually about dying and speculation about life after death. It started a morbid curiosity in me at too young of an age rip

I didn't mind too much. I was super eepy from a number of things so I mustered up just enough energy to get my girl on the battlefield and come up with a plan, but Sakuko solved it so it worked out for the ship in the end! I just felt drained after and bounced. It was a fun JP and I'm excited for the next one in a few weeks. It'll feel weird not attending, it's become such a habit!
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I've transferred a few NPCs to the Resurgence who should be arriving soonish in the RP thread. This will mainly be some low level infantry to help guard the ship while the player characters do their missions and adventuring.
I wanted Emiko and Sanda to meet and Sanda be confused about Emiko's Mutari-Sardininan coming out as a mishmash of Catalan and Occitan.
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I just made it safely back home from visiting my family! I'll be catching up on Star Army tomorrow!

Due to Yuuki's retirement I will likely be moving their character off the ship to someplace safe and then try to open up a slot for a player character.
Resurgence players: Now that we gave the Wakaba what it needs to take off and fight its way out of its predicament, do you want to head out and start the next mission sooner (the ship returns for repairs due to damage) or do you want to join a finale fight against the dreadnaught alongside the Wakaba? Please me let me know what you prefer.
I personally would like one more big fight against the dreadnought. Something super epic and even a little over the top with both Res and Wakaba.

If the Res doesn't end up staying, I might do a short thread of the final fight if my players are interested.
Resurgence players: Now that we gave the Wakaba what it needs to take off and fight its way out of its predicament, do you want to head out and start the next mission sooner (the ship returns for repairs due to damage) or do you want to join a finale fight against the dreadnaught alongside the Wakaba? Please me let me know what you prefer.
I, unfortunately, will not be available for a JP due to being in recovery, and SP posting will be hard to do until I am out of the hospital. So as much as I would like to participate in a vote...my word means little here.
Resurgence players: Now that we gave the Wakaba what it needs to take off and fight its way out of its predicament, do you want to head out and start the next mission sooner (the ship returns for repairs due to damage) or do you want to join a finale fight against the dreadnaught alongside the Wakaba? Please me let me know what you prefer.

I don't mind either option, although it makes more sense to my mind that the Resurgence/Renaissance would escort the Wakaba back to Yam space so I suspect that would involve dealing with the dreadnought first. There's also the ground settlement to clean up to deny any assets to the enemy after we're gone - although I guess we could just nuke the site from orbit? I'm reliably informed it's the only way to be sure?
Sorry, I was out this jp. I had to go to the hospital to get checked out for stennis. That what is causing my dizziness and off-balance stuff and thank god for the fact that minor surgery will fix it. Barring anything else happening that I need to go to the hospital for, I will be on for a normal schedule. What should I be doing? Last I remember I was patrolling the Wakaba's perimeter to make sure there were no infiltraiting enemies.
There's a bit of a brouhaha going down in the Wakaba's Hangar Bay after a bunch of rascally Mishhu teleported in. There's a bunch of Wakaba folks running to the ship from the settlement, maybe someone needs to deal with any drop-pods/ground attack craft going after them? Most of the Resurgence PA team infiltrated a NMX cruiser and stole its generator before teleporting back to the Wakaba.
I am all for a battle to finish it up, let's let the 2 cruisers and Dread smash the mishuu! I know Crysta will be happy to get back for the loss of her parents!
The more I look at the Dreadnaught, the more I realize it is the boulder rolling after Indiana Jones and we're Indy and if we want to survive, we have to haul ass to the wormhole before it blows us up. It's doubtful we could even penetrate its shields. It's the size of an Izanagi Dreadnaught and larger than a star fortress. It can blow up planets. We're not really equipped to take it down.