Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.


  1. Andrew

    Tasks: Help Request Yamatai Systems that need love

    Systems in the YSE that need updating to places template and info (history deep dive) filled in. Moreso to keep track, but anyone is welcome to help. If you start working on one, please post below so that everyone knows which ones are done. I will update the list as we go. Template - Places...
  2. Miyako

    Approved Submission Nataria System

    Nataria This is part of a rework Wes asked for in 2018, which was very close to complete then. Yikes. D: It's been reworked to be formatted like current systems with the help of Andrew and Yuuki. I really appreciate it.
  3. IQ

    Nomenclature update

    Not sure there is a given template, but I'd like the permission to update the nomenclature of the four following weaponry for Section 6
  4. F

    Abandoned Submission [Template] Ammunition Template Update

    Submission Type: Template Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog: Link Checklist Requested? Yes.
  5. F

    Approved Submission [Rules] Style Guide Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No (regarding these particular changes, anyways). Changelog: Link...
  6. F

    Abandoned Submission [Rules] Submission Rules Update #3

    Submission Type: Rules Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No (not these particular changes, anyways). Changelog: Link Checklist...
  7. F

    Approved Submission [History] List of Archived Plots Update

    Submission Type: Article Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog: Link Checklist Requested? Yes. An update that sorts...
  8. F

    Approved Submission [Mechanic] DRv3 Quick Reference Update

    Submission Type: Mechanics Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes and @Legix. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yes, the Damage Rating (Version 3) Update. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog...
  9. F

    Approved Submission [Mechanic] Damage Rating (Version 3) Update

    Submission Type: Mechanics Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes and @Legix. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yes, the DRv3 Quick Reference Update. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No. Changelog: Link...
  10. Syaoran

    Interest Check What's been happening with the ASE, and possible revival

    So I'm the FM of the ASE(Abwehran Star Empire) currently, but those who have been around have probably noticed, there isn't much going on with the right now. I'm making this thread to speak about that and ask for help in some ways. It's not in the Faction thread cause I might find what I need...
  11. F

    [Rules] Military Buildup Limitations Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: Submission Destination URL: Original Article URL...
  12. F

    [Rules] Submission Rules Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: Submission Destination URL: Original Article URL...
  13. F

    Approved Submission [Template] Power Armor Template Update

    Submission Type: Template Update Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: Submission Destination URL: Original Article URL...
  14. F

    Resolved Submission Form Update

    For the form used when creating a thread in the Setting Submissions sub-forum, I have a couple of requests: Would you mind adding an "N/A" option in the "Submission Faction(s):" portion of the form? Would you mind making it so that the "Submission Template URL" field accepts text that isn't a...
  15. F

    Rejected Submission [Rules] Weapon Limitations Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? Yes; approved by Wes. Changelog: Link Checklist Requested? Yes. The...
  16. F

    Rejected Submission Military Buildup Limitations Update (Again)

    Submission Type: Rules Update Faction: N/A FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? Yes; was approved by Wes. Changelog: See below. Checklist...
  17. F

    Approved Submission International Currency Exchange Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Yamatai Star Empire Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia Abwehran Star Empire Azorean Commonwealth Elysian Celestial Empire Freespacers Hidden Sun Clan Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth Kingdom of Neshaten Uso's Star Organization FM...
  18. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysian Currency Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? No. Contains New Art? No. Previously Submitted? No...
  19. F

    Approved Submission [Elysia] Elysian Military Equipment Update

    Submission Type: Article Update Template Used: N/A Faction: Elysian Celestial Empire FM Approved Yet? No, @META_mahn. Faction Requires Art? No. For Reviewers: Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No. Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Yes. Elysian Ammunition Elysian Munitions Elysian Weapons...
  20. F

    Approved Submission Military Buildup Limitations Update

    Submission Type: Rules Update Template Used: N/A Submission WIP URL: Submission Destination URL: Original Article URL...