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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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It is certainly a possibility. I nearly destroyed the necromancer earlier but the NMX have such an overwhelming combat advantage I decided to have them try and capture the ship instead.
Ok, 8-Ball your setup to do something stupid if you want.

The rest of yous can feel free to finish off the shredder and the remaining NMX advanced types on your own if you want.

Going to start wrapping things up here, and move onto our next adventure soon: The Beach Episode
Speak of Alex, here is how combat works:

I will try and make the enemy act reasonably as best I can. They'll run when scared, they'll attack the most reasonable target, and they'll have a decent level of proficiency at what they do.

You get bonus points for being clever, coming up from behind, sneak attacks, ect.

You also get bonus points for having a good post, reasonably sized, readable, spelling,e ct.

You're more likely to get damaged if you run right at the enemy, and trying to lone-wolf things.
I was really torn as to whether or not have 8-Ball go ape-crazy on the fleet or not. It was very, VERY tempting. But I turned to my avatar and thought 'What would Razor do?'....Sadly, Razor would survive to fight another day and atone for his sins the best he could. So that is what I am doing for now, keeping 8-Ball from being too selfish.
Are the shields down on that shredder? I might try to carve the remainder open and zap the crew with my antipersonell laser

OK, Beach Episode Time!

Uso is making it a point not to do anything vaguely work-related so please use this time to come to Uso with any problems or concerns you have.

This takes place after all of the currently running threads. The Necromancer has made it back to 188604 (but is heavily damaged, people are dead, ect).... but we'll deal with the fallout of that later. Right now it is time for the beach, drinks, and possibly some volleyball.
Please run it by zack first. I would like an explanation for how ace knows alex. Did ace know alex before alex had his memory wiped? How does ace still have his memories?​
Ace was one of the first successful experiments, He volunteered and he filled out a contract with them that he would perform task for them. They still ask him to do stuff but its more sparce as Ace is more skilled so they don't have him do grunt work. Ace would know Alex cause The chip would have the company's signature on it and Aries would have noticed it and informed Ace by now if he didn't put 2 and 2 together already. Also Ace would have a 50-50 chance of knowing that Alex was mind wiped depending on when Alex was augmented since he sees all of the ones who are augmented or are scheduled to augment when ever he visits the company.
But Alex was abducted before he was implanted and sold. Does ace know that those people are slavers?
He does not he believes that everyone volunteer and some ask for mind wipes cause they don't want to remember their past.
So he believes that he is working for a legitimate company. Perhaps he acts like a scout for sports teams, and looks for candidates who he believes are then offered the opportunity to join. When in actuality they are just kidnapped.
If he did that then Ace would get suspicious since he would ask them ahead of time if they want to join and whether they want a mind wipe or not they might have him find some but not the ones they kidnap since Ace would figure that they had other 'recruiters'
How well did he know Alex? Does he know anything about Alex's past? Why was Alex "recruited"?
He might know why Alex was recruited but that's a chance he would know who Alex is as the company would log everyone's past and what not and Ace would have access to those files as he is one of their oldest operatives. He would know who Alex was sold to since it would be logged in the 'mission' files. Also Ace would know why he had the mecha he does and how old he was what ever would be logged in someone personal data Ace would know aside from relatives other than other operatives which if you want Alex to have a sister or something who was abducted as well I'm fine with that as long as its cool with you and Zack.
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