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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I don't wanna be contradictory but I just wonder why Akemi definitely wouldn't be able to see Arccos and if he also can't see her. I mean I get it if the visual is a strictly Polysentience thing but I imagine normal transmissions could be picked up. I mean if Arccos encodes hers or aims them only at certain people sure. I just mean Akemi has spoken to Jason's Mindware and Jason to Akemi using it and the same with Alex. Plus he's sent a message in the hopes of it reaching Arccos and some robot sent him one back which he could detect and understand. Really I just don't know how much overlap there is between Mindware and a Neko brain. I like to think my mewser would have downloaded Mindware style software so he could connect to the InterNep and not just PANTHEON as he runs a Nep centered business. I know I didn't write that on my character wiki entry but I just didn't see it as some really important thing as I thought Neko could talk to machines in general like looking for a wifi hotspot. I don't remember it being said they can only communicate with Yamataian machines.

Like I'm not trying to say things can't be the way you're saying they are Dumont, I'm just saying my perspective. It could always be said Arccos automatically sends her messages to be encoded so no Akemis can make sense of them or whatever.

Also, Akemi speaking Mishhu.
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The problem is format, really, not the transmission type. It would be like playing an Xbone game on a PS4, despite them both being outwardly similar, for instance.

Freespacers being freespacers have worked out how to emulate Neko brains and access the SYNC, so Arccos could technically show herself to Akemi if she wanted to, but I don't think it works the same in reverse. If a real Neko brain was attached to the polysentience it would probably be immediately hacked by dozens of syntelligences billions of miles away. If not Arccos herself.

So... Yeah, it's probably better off this way. >_>
My other thing would we've got the Polysentience, we've got SYNC but then we've also got InterNep so like Jason, Alex and Akemi can all talk with each other without being Neko or Freespacers and then you also have independent wireless connections. I'm not trying to complicate things. I swear. Just pointing that out.
I guess the basic fact of the matter is that it's a mess, and they were just never meant to interact, hah. It always gets convoluted when two factions meet, and that's basically 188604 in a nutshell, for better or worse.

Random note; Just rewrote Lyco's wiki page to proper character standards. So it's not like I'm powergaming an NPC which never got properly approved and all.
I'm not sure if it falls to you to approve it as the spacer GM or to me as the 188604 GM but co wider this your approval if anyone asks about it later.
They were just supposed to be a skeleton ensemble NPC originally, to be fair. Just thought I'd give you the opportunity to refuse them in 188604 if you really wanted, since they're now basically a PC here. ;I
Also, it was absolutely hilarious the way that both Alex and Lyco were panicking after she said she was making a dinner.
YEAH, post the link to your character here.

We can bring you in one the latest mission finishes.
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