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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

I would just go ahead and post your weapons and equipment, DJMoose. No need to wait for the others.
Will wait for another day before I post a GM response. Please remember, you CAN interact with each other as well. Play a game of kick the newbie or smack the sergeant's butt maybe.
As Luca is going to be unavailable to RP until the 23rd, due to his Master's degree, I will be auto'ing Henry when I make my GM post tonight.
I now open the floor for you lot to come up with a battle cry for the Marines. Winner gets an IC reward.

That one does have a certain classic charm to it; if someone doesn't come up with a better one I'll support that one quite happily.

I'll toss my hat into the ring and say something like "First in, last out!" or "Give 'em hell!"

...I'm not very good at this at all.
Oh now that I actually played the video (I expected Ranger's Ooorah for some reason) I am all for Litd's version as well. Although I would typed it as Uraaaaah rather. After in russian it is long shouted of hurá which would be in english the classical Hurray! So we could go with long shouting of Hurray!
I kind of thought NSMC marines would say "GET SOME!"
Right, expect a post tomorrow. Sorry all.


Writer's block is making things mighty challenging for me; it doesn't feel like there's an awful lot for Stan to do/react to right now.
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Right... as I forgot to remind everyone yesterday, and since our lovely new forum doesn't allow more than 5 recipients... I have to resort to this. We are moving the JP back to Sunday, Nov 31 @ 1pm PST. That way, we SHOULD be able to accommodate for everyone. If you cannot make that, please let me know. If we have a significant portion of people who have to wave off, we shall reschedule.

In the mean time, all main squad threads updated.
since our lovely new forum doesn't allow more than 5 recipients...
This was changed a while back due to a request by Fred and all users are now able to start conversations with up to 20 people.
If my conversions are right, that clocks in at about 9pm GMT. I think I should be able to make that quite comfortably.
I will try to post tomorrow, but I think I won't be able to until Monday; working retail during Thanksgiving weekend is nothing short of exhausting.

Also I cannot make the JP, regardless if it is on Nov 31st or Dec 1st.
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