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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

I did but I don't want it to be too easy

My apologies to everyone who was on the IRC waiting for me and then I had to abruptly cancel. As I said, Mom is visiting and when she's around, my sister and I defer to her running of the household.

Does Dec 14 work for everyone to continue the JP?

EDIT: For the Cavaliers, I leave you to move about or massacre the lightly armored enemies around you for this current turn. Things will start heating up after.
Ah, darn. Sorry for missing it; I must have misread the online table I used to calculate the time difference, and I wasn't able to get on until now due to being with a friend.


I logged off the SARPchat and only *just* saw the tabs for talking to Foxtrot and Sigma. Sorry! I was tired, it's late, and the tabs weren't particularly noticeable.

Not a very good track record, huh?
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Hello there members of the 4th Fleet, I am the new member of this little community and I wish you all the best as I hope to do the best I can around here.

Also, Merry Christmas.
If you can wait a day, I can make a thread for you and Michiko tomorrow (Tuesday).

Continuation of previous JP - 2pm PST, 10PM GMT. Hopefully, Luca can make it. This Saturday the 21st. Please confirm attendance.
Hello, Potato-chan!

As for the JP, well, I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to make it (not so much because of the date but because I won't be around for very long at that time). So while I might be able to make an appearance, it may not be long enough to be worth finding a way to work my character in. Apologies in advance if that turns out to be the case.
I'll be at work until the start of it, by the time I make it home and able to log on, I'm not sure I'll be able to join on. And that is assuming that I get out of work on time. I was not a part of the first JP, and as Michiko is new to the 4th, and the rest of the game for that matter, I assume that Michiko would not be involved in the subject of this JP anyways. I'll try to be there, but I can't make any promises that I'll be able to make it in time.
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