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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sorry for not posting recently, I've just been up to my neck in studying for exams and that sort of thing.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Woah, just got done with a whirlwind of a week. 4 lengthy papers due within 3 days. Oh and someone from my high school literally just removed me as a FB friend after I commented on something they said.

Writing up a quick GM post now.

Why is everyone so quiet? I can't be quiet for a couple days and everyone goes away?

Also, I have the results from the recent poll I sent out. Apparently, we need more tits. However, since this isn't an 18+ plot, I can't exactly present more tits without breaking the rules. To rectify this, I am considering making an 18+ sub-plot for 4th Fleet. If you are interested in Co-GM and concept development, contact me via PM.

On the other hand, a number of you said it was kinda hard to understand what was going on so I will work on that with more maps.

Also, everyone voted for a certain mission type, which you'll find out soon enough when I post the next planning thread. And most of you voted for another one, which will also feature in the upcoming mission. It will be a two part mission which will probably last most of the summer months, unless people can make multiple posts per week and speed things up. I do hope your training pays off
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I blame work for a lack of activity during the week.

I've been putting together a post when I could and was just about happy with it when a certain GM posts :x

Didn't stop me from posting it though . If it breaks up the flow of things too much I can withdraw it, especially since Zyv doesn't have anything to say about the training now.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You guys have all weekend. I'm going to be at Fanime all weekend with CadetNewb and his friends. So no SARP at all
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Ok, I am approved for play, so if Sigma approve sme for the fleet i;'d need a good vector for an introduction.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Welcome! Sadly, due to Sigma's previous post, he won't be around this weekend. It would help if you could link your character sheet so we can get aquainted with your character.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yo, good to have you (hopefully) onboard!


In my case it's been because of gratuitous amounts of exams. I've managed to finish the last one today, though, so I might be around more often.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

With an unfortunate absence, I've returned to actually participate!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Post in the planning thread what kind of armor and weapons your character will be taking. I will get around to the GM updates soon. Hopefully.

I have multiple papers and presentations due within the next two weeks. And an essay I did two weeks ago, my professor is making me redo the topic because it didn't fit the prompt that she didn't give me.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey Moose do you want to JP the little chat between Alex and Wofl sometime?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
Oh my, Phaedra laying down the law!
It was originally going to be a week!
ShotJon said:
Hey Moose do you want to JP the little chat between Alex and Wolf sometime?
Certainly. Send me a PM with your availability and we'll see what we can work out.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

So, how much demo is available for me to make ship scale demo charges for breaching interior doors on the NMX ship?
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